
Defines functions ssm_plot_scores.data.frame ssm_plot_scores.circumplex_ssm ssm_plot_scores html_render ssm_append dcaption ssm_table circle_base ssm_plot_contrast ssm_plot_circle ssm_plot

Documented in html_render ssm_append ssm_plot ssm_plot_circle ssm_plot_contrast ssm_plot_scores ssm_table

#' Create a figure from SSM results
#' Take in the results of an SSM analysis function and create figure from it.
#' @param .ssm_object Required. The results output of \code{\link{ssm_analyze}}.
#' @param fontsize Optional. A single positive number indicating the font size
#'   of text in the figure, in points (default = 12).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass on to the plotting function.
#' @return A ggplot2 object representing the figure
#' @seealso ggsave Function for saving plots to image files.
#' @family ssm functions
#' @family visualization functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Load example data
#' data("jz2017")
#' # Plot profile results
#' res <- ssm_analyze(jz2017,
#'   scales = PA:NO, angles = octants(),
#'   measures = c(NARPD, ASPD)
#' )
#' p <- ssm_plot(res)
#' # Plot contrast results
#' res <- ssm_analyze(jz2017,
#'   scales = PA:NO, angles = octants(),
#'   measures = c(NARPD, ASPD), contrast = "test"
#' )
#' p <- ssm_plot(res)
#' }
ssm_plot <- function(.ssm_object, fontsize = 12, ...) {

  # Check for valid input arguments
  assert_that(is.number(fontsize), fontsize > 0)

  # Forward to the appropriate subfunction
  if (.ssm_object$details$contrast == "test") {
    ssm_plot_contrast(.ssm_object, fontsize = fontsize, ...)
  } else {
    ssm_plot_circle(.ssm_object, fontsize = fontsize, ...)

  # TODO: Add more explanation of the possible arguments in documentation.

#' Create a Circular Plot of SSM Results
#' Take in the results of a Structural Summary Method analysis and plot the
#' point and interval estimate for each row (e.g., group or measure) in a
#' circular space quantified by displacement and amplitude.
#' @param .ssm_object The output of \code{ssm_profiles()} or
#'   \code{ssm_measures()}.
#' @param amax A positive real number corresponding to the radius of the circle.
#'   It is used to scale the amplitude values and will determine which amplitude
#'   labels are drawn.
#' @param legend_font_size A positive real number corresponding to the size (in
#'   pt) of the text labels in the legend (default = 12).
#' @param scale_font_size A positive real number corresponding to the size (in
#'   pt) of the text labels for the amplitude and displacement scales (default =
#'   12).
#' @param lowfit A logical determining whether profiles with low model fit
#'   (<.70) should be plotted, with dashed borders (default = TRUE).
#' @param repel An experimental argument for plotting text labels instead of
#'   colors.
#' @param angle_labels A character vector specifying text labels to plot around
#'   the circle for each scale. Can also specify NULL to default to numerical
#'   angle labels or a vector of empty strings ("") to hide the labels. If not
#'   NULL, must have the same length and ordering as the \code{angles} argument
#'   to \code{ssm_analyze()}. (default = NULL)
#' @param legend.box.spacing A double corresponding to the distance (in inches)
#'   to add between the data plot and the legend (default = 0).
#' @param palette A string corresponding to the palette to be used from
#'   ColorBrewer for the color and fill aesthetics. If set to NULL, all points
#'   will appear blue and no legend will be there (useful for showing the
#'   coverage of a high number of variables).
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @return A ggplot variable containing a completed circular plot.

ssm_plot_circle <- function(.ssm_object, amax = NULL, 
                            legend_font_size = 12,
                            scale_font_size = 12,
                            lowfit = TRUE, repel = FALSE,
                            angle_labels = NULL,
                            legend.box.spacing = 0,
                            palette = "Set2",
                            ...) {
  df <- .ssm_object$results
    is.null(angle_labels) || 
      rlang::is_character(angle_labels, n = length(.ssm_object$details$angles))
  angles <- as.integer(round(.ssm_object$details$angles))

  assert_that(is.null(amax) || is.number(amax))

  if (is.null(amax)) {
    amax <- pretty_max(.ssm_object$results$a_uci)

  # Convert results to numbers usable by ggplot and ggforce
  df_plot <- df %>%
    dplyr::rowwise() %>%
      d_uci = ifelse(d_uci < d_lci, ggrad(d_uci + 360), ggrad(d_uci)),
      d_lci = ggrad(d_lci),
      a_lci = a_lci * 10 / (2 * amax),
      a_uci = a_uci * 10 / (2 * amax),
      x_est = x_est * 10 / (2 * amax),
      y_est = y_est * 10 / (2 * amax)
    ) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(label = factor(label, levels = unique(as.character(label))))

  # Remove profiles with low model fit (unless overrided)
  n <- nrow(df_plot)
  if (lowfit == FALSE) {
    df_plot <- df_plot %>%
      dplyr::filter(fit_est >= .70)
    n2 <- nrow(df_plot)
    if (n2 < 1) {
      stop("After removing profiles, there were none left to plot.")
  df_plot <- df_plot %>%
    dplyr::mutate(lnty = dplyr::if_else(fit_est >= .70, "solid", "dashed"))

  p <- 
      angles = angles, 
      amax = amax, 
      fontsize = scale_font_size, 
      labels = angle_labels
    ) +
    ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = palette) +
    ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette)

  if (is.null(palette)) {
    p <- p +
        data = df_plot,
          x0 = 0, y0 = 0, 
          r0 = a_lci, r = a_uci, start = d_lci, end = d_uci,
          linetype = lnty
        fill = "cornflowerblue", 
        color = "cornflowerblue", 
        alpha = 0.4,
        linewidth = 1
      ) +
        data = df_plot,
        ggplot2::aes(x = x_est, y = y_est),
        shape = 21,
        size = 3,
        color = "black",
        fill = "cornflowerblue"
      ) +
      ggplot2::scale_linetype_identity() +
      ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
  } else {
    p <- p +
        data = df_plot,
          x0 = 0, y0 = 0, 
          r0 = a_lci, r = a_uci, start = d_lci, end = d_uci,
          fill = label, color = label, linetype = lnty
        alpha = 0.4,
        linewidth = 1
      ) +
        data = df_plot,
        ggplot2::aes(x = x_est, y = y_est, color = label, fill = label),
        shape = 21,
        size = 3,
        color = "black"
      ) +
        color = ggplot2::guide_legend(.ssm_object$details$results_type),
        fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(.ssm_object$details$results_type)
      ) +
        legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = legend_font_size),
        legend.box.spacing = ggplot2::unit(legend.box.spacing, "in")
      ) +

  if (repel == TRUE) {
    p <- p + 
        data = df_plot,
        ggplot2::aes(x = x_est, y = y_est, label = label),
        nudge_x = -25 - df_plot$x_est,
        direction = "y",
        hjust = 1,
        size = legend_font_size / 2.8346438836889
      ) + 
      ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")

#' Create a Difference Plot of SSM Contrast Results
#' Take in the results of a Structural Summary Method analysis with pairwise
#' contrasts and plot the point and interval estimates for each parameter's
#' contrast (e.g., between groups or measures).
#' @param .ssm_object Required. The results output of \code{ssm_analyze}.
#' @param axislabel Optional. A string to label the y-axis (default =
#'   "Difference").
#' @param xy A logical determining whether the X-Value and Y-Value parameters
#'   should be included in the plot (default = TRUE).
#' @param color Optional. A string corresponding to the color of the point range
#'   (default = "red").
#' @param linesize Optional. A positive number corresponding to the size of the
#'   point range elements in mm (default = 1.5).
#' @param fontsize Optional. A positive number corresponding to the size of the
#'   axis labels, numbers, and facet headings in pt (default = 12).
#' @return A ggplot variable containing difference point-ranges faceted by SSM
#'   parameter. An interval that does not contain the value of zero has p<.05.

ssm_plot_contrast <- function(.ssm_object, axislabel = "Difference",
                              xy = TRUE, color = "red", linesize = 1.25, fontsize = 12) {
  plabs <- c(
    e = expression(paste(Delta, " Elevation")),
    x = expression(paste(Delta, " X-Value")),
    y = expression(paste(Delta, " Y-Value")),
    a = expression(paste(Delta, " Amplitude")),
    d = expression(paste(Delta, " Displacement"))
  pvals <- c("e", "x", "y", "a", "d")

  res <- .ssm_object$results

  if (xy == FALSE) {
    res <- dplyr::select(
      -c(x_est, x_lci, x_uci, y_est, y_lci, y_uci)
    plabs <- plabs[-c(2, 3)]
    pvals <- pvals[-c(2, 3)]

  # TODO: Check that these ifelse() statements are correct

  res <- 
    res %>% 
      d_est = unclass(d_est),
      d_uci = unclass(ifelse(d_uci < d_lci && d_uci < 180, circ_dist(d_uci), d_uci)),
      d_lci = unclass(ifelse(d_lci > d_uci && d_lci > 180, circ_dist(d_lci), d_lci))
    ) %>%
    dplyr::select(-fit_est) %>% 
    tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = e_est:d_uci, names_to = "key", values_to = "value") %>% 
    tidyr::extract(col = key, into = c("Parameter", "Type"), "(.)_(...)") %>% 
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = Type, values_from = value) %>% 
    dplyr::rename(Difference = est, Contrast = label) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Parameter = factor(Parameter, levels = pvals, labels = plabs))
  p <- 
    res %>% 
    ggplot2::ggplot() +
    ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = fontsize) +
      legend.position = "top",
      axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      panel.grid.minor.y = ggplot2::element_line(linetype = "dashed")
    ) +
    ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linewidth = linesize, color = "darkgray") +
      ggplot2::aes(x = Contrast, y = Difference),
      size = linesize * 3, color = color
    ) +
      ggplot2::aes(x = Contrast, ymin = lci, ymax = uci),
      linewidth = linesize, color = color, width = 0.1
    ) +
    ggplot2::labs(y = axislabel) +
      nrow = 1, scales = "free",
      labeller = ggplot2::label_parsed


# Create an Empty Circular Plot
circle_base <- function(angles, labels = NULL, amin = 0,
                        amax = 0.5, fontsize = 12) {
  if (is.null(labels)) labels <- sprintf("%d\u00B0", angles)
  ggplot2::ggplot() +
    # Require plot to be square and remove default styling
    ggplot2::coord_fixed(clip = "off") +
    ggplot2::theme_void(base_size = fontsize) +
    # Expand the axes multiplicatively to fit labels
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.25, 0)) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0.10, 0)) +
    # Draw lowest circle
      ggplot2::aes(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, r = 5),
      color = "gray50",
      fill = "white",
      linewidth = 1.5
    ) +
    # Draw segments corresponding to displacement scale
        x = 0,
        y = 0,
        xend = 5 * cos(angles * pi / 180),
        yend = 5 * sin(angles * pi / 180)
      color = "gray60",
      linewidth = 0.5
    ) +
    # Draw circles corresponding to amplitude scale
      ggplot2::aes(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, r = 1:4),
      color = "gray60",
      linewidth = 0.5
    ) +
    # Draw labels for amplitude scale
        x = c(2, 4),
        y = 0,
        label = sprintf(
          seq(from = amin, to = amax, length.out = 6)[c(3, 5)]
      color = "gray20",
      label.size = NA,
      size = fontsize / 2.8346438836889
    ) +
    # Draw labels for displacement scale
        x = 5.1 * cos(angles * pi / 180),
        y = 5.1 * sin(angles * pi / 180),
        label = labels
      color = "gray20",
      fill = "transparent",
      label.size = NA,
      hjust = "outward",
      vjust = "outward",
      size = fontsize / 2.8346438836889

#' Create HTML table from SSM results or contrasts
#' Take in the results of an SSM analysis and return an HTML table with the
#' desired formatting.
#' @param .ssm_object The output of \code{ssm_profiles()} or
#'   \code{ssm_measures()}
#' @param caption A string to be displayed above the table (default = NULL).
#' @param xy A logical indicating whether the x-value and y-value parameters
#'   should be included in the table as columns (default = TRUE).
#' @param render A logical indicating whether the table should be displayed in
#'   the RStudio viewer or web browser (default = TRUE).
#' @return A tibble containing the information for the HTML table. As a
#'  side-effect, may also output the HTML table to the web viewer.
#' @family ssm functions
#' @family table functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Load example data
#' data("jz2017")
#' # Create table of profile results
#' res <- ssm_analyze(jz2017,
#'   scales = PA:NO, angles = octants(),
#'   measures = c(NARPD, ASPD)
#' )
#' ssm_table(res)
#' # Create table of contrast results
#' res <- ssm_analyze(jz2017,
#'   scales = PA:NO, angles = octants(),
#'   measures = c(NARPD, ASPD), contrast = "test"
#' )
#' ssm_table(res)
#' }
ssm_table <- function(.ssm_object, caption = NULL, xy = TRUE, render = TRUE) {
  assert_that(is.null(caption) || is.string(caption))
  assert_that(is.flag(xy), is.flag(render))

  df <- .ssm_object$results

  # Create default caption
  if (is.null(caption)) {
    caption <- dcaption(.ssm_object)

  # Format output data
  df <- dplyr::transmute(df,
    Label = label,
    Elevation = sprintf("%.2f (%.2f, %.2f)", e_est, e_lci, e_uci),
    `X-Value` = sprintf("%.2f (%.2f, %.2f)", x_est, x_lci, x_uci),
    `Y-Value` = sprintf("%.2f (%.2f, %.2f)", y_est, y_lci, y_uci),
    Amplitude = sprintf("%.2f (%.2f, %.2f)", a_est, a_lci, a_uci),
    Displacement = sprintf("%.1f (%.1f, %.1f)", d_est, d_lci, d_uci),
    Fit = sprintf("%.3f", fit_est)

  # Rename first column
  colnames(df)[[1]] <- .ssm_object$details$results_type

  # Add delta symbol to column names if results are contrasts
  if (.ssm_object$details$contrast == "test") {
    colnames(df)[[2]] <- "&Delta; Elevation"
    colnames(df)[[3]] <- "&Delta; X-Value"
    colnames(df)[[4]] <- "&Delta; Y-Value"
    colnames(df)[[5]] <- "&Delta; Amplitude"
    colnames(df)[[6]] <- "&Delta; Displacement"
    colnames(df)[[7]] <- "&Delta; Fit"

  # Drop the x and y columns if requested
  if (xy == FALSE) df <- df[, -c(3, 4)]

  # Format and render HTML table if requested
  if (render == TRUE) {
    html_render(df, caption)


# Build the default caption for the ssm_table function
dcaption <- function(.ssm_object) {
  if (.ssm_object$details$results_type == "Profile") {
      "%s-based Structural Summary Statistics with %s CIs",
  } else if (.ssm_object$details$results_type == "Contrast") {
      "%s-based Structural Summary Statistic Contrasts with %s CIs",

#' Combine SSM tables
#' Combine SSM tables by appending them as rows.
#' @param .ssm_table A data frame from the \code{ssm_table()} function to be the
#'   first row(s) of the combined table.
#' @param ... One or more additional data frames from the \code{ssm_table()}
#'   function to be appended to \code{.ssm_table} in the order of input.
#' @param caption A string to be displayed above the table if rendered.
#' @param render A logical indicating whether the table should be displayed in
#'   the RStudio viewer or web browser (default = TRUE).
#' @return A tibble containing the information for the HTML table. As a
#'  side-effect, may also output the HTML table to the web viewer.
#' @family ssm functions
#' @family table functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("jz2017")
#' res1 <- ssm_analyze(jz2017, PA:NO, octants())
#' res2 <- ssm_analyze(jz2017, PA:NO, octants(), grouping = Gender)
#' tab1 <- ssm_table(res1, render = FALSE)
#' tab2 <- ssm_table(res2, render = FALSE)
#' ssm_append(tab1, tab2)
ssm_append <- function(.ssm_table, ..., caption = NULL, render = TRUE) {

  # TODO: Add more assertions

  # Bind the tibbles together by row
  df <- dplyr::bind_rows(.ssm_table, ...)

  # Format and render HTML table if requested
  if (render == TRUE) {
    html_render(df, caption)


#' Format and render data frame as HTML table
#' Format a data frame as an HTML table and render it to the web viewer.
#' @param df A data frame to be rendered as an HTML table.
#' @param caption A string to be displayed above the table.
#' @param align A string indicating the alignment of the cells (default = "l").
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass to \code{htmlTable}.
#' @return HTML syntax for the \code{df} table.
#' @family table functions
#' @export
html_render <- function(df, caption = NULL, align = "l", ...) {

  # TODO: Add assertions

  t <- htmlTable::htmlTable(df,
    caption = caption,
    align = align,
    align.header = align,
    rnames = FALSE,
    css.cell = "padding-right: 1em; min-width: 3em; white-space: nowrap;",
  print(t, type = "html")

# S3 Generic

#' Create a spider/radar plot of circumplex scores
#' Create a spider/radar plot of circumplex scores, either from a data frame
#' containing scale scores or the result of \code{ssm_analyze()}.
#' @param x A dataframe or ssm result object.
#' @param amin An optional number to set as the minimum amplitude (center of
#'   circle). If set to `NULL`, will try to detect a reasonable value.
#' @param amax An optional number to set as the maximum amplitude (outer ring of
#'   circle). If set set to `NULL`, will try to detect a reasonable value.
#' @param angle_labels An optional character vector to display outside the
#'   circle at each angle. Must be the same length as the number of angles.
#' @param linewidth An optional width for the lines of the profile polygons.
#' @param pointsize An optional size for the points at the scale scores.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the S3 methods
#' @return A spider/radar plot object
#' @export
ssm_plot_scores <- function(x, 
                            amin = NULL, amax = NULL, angle_labels = NULL, 
                            linewidth = 1, pointsize = 3, ...) {

#' @method ssm_plot_scores circumplex_ssm
#' @export
ssm_plot_scores.circumplex_ssm <- function(x,
                                           amin = NULL, 
                                           amax = NULL,
                                           angle_labels = NULL,
                                           linewidth = 1,
                                           pointsize = 3,
                                           ...) {
  # Get scores from SSM object
  scores <- x$scores
  # Reshape scores for plotting
  scores_long <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
    cols = dplyr::where(is.numeric),
    names_to = "Scale",
    values_to = "Score"
  # Get angles from SSM object
  angles <- x$details$angles
  if (is.null(amin)) amin <- pretty_min(scores_long$Score)
  if (is.null(amax)) amax <- pretty_max(scores_long$Score)
  scores_long$Angle <- rep(angles, times = nrow(scores_long) / length(angles))
  scores_long$Radian <- as_radian(as_degree(scores_long$Angle))
  scores_long$pr <- scales::rescale(
    to = c(0, 5), 
    from = c(amin, amax)
  scores_long$px <- scores_long$pr * cos(scores_long$Radian)
  scores_long$py <- scores_long$pr * sin(scores_long$Radian)
  p <- circle_base(
    angles = angles, 
    amin = amin,
    amax = amax,
    labels = angle_labels
  p +
      data = scores_long,
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = px, y = py, color = label, linetype = label),
      fill = NA,
      linewidth = linewidth
    ) +
      data = scores_long,
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = px, y = py, color = label),
      size = pointsize

#' @method ssm_plot_scores data.frame
#' @export
ssm_plot_scores.data.frame <- function(x, 
                                       amin = NULL, 
                                       amax = NULL,
                                       angle_labels = NULL,
                                       linewidth = 1,
                                       pointsize = 3,
                                       angles = octants(),
                                       group = NULL,
                                       ...) {
  if (!is_provided(group)) {
    x$Group <- as.character(1:nrow(x))
    group <- rlang::quo(Group)
  # Get scores from SSM object
  scores <- dplyr::select(x, {{group}}, {{scales}})
  # Reshape scores for plotting
  scores_long <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
    cols = {{scales}},
    names_to = "Scale",
    values_to = "Score"
  if (is.null(amin)) amin <- pretty_min(scores_long$Score)
  if (is.null(amax)) amax <- pretty_max(scores_long$Score)
  scores_long$Angle <- rep(angles, times = nrow(scores_long) / length(angles))
  scores_long$Radian <- as_radian(as_degree(scores_long$Angle))
  scores_long$pr <- scales::rescale(
    to = c(0, 5), 
    from = c(amin, amax)
  scores_long$px <- scores_long$pr * cos(scores_long$Radian)
  scores_long$py <- scores_long$pr * sin(scores_long$Radian)
  p <- circle_base(
    angles = angles, 
    amin = amin, 
    amax = amax,
    labels = angle_labels
  p +
      data = scores_long,
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = px, y = py, color = {{group}}, linetype = {{group}}),
      fill = NA,
      linewidth = linewidth
    ) +
      data = scores_long,
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = px, y = py, color = {{group}}),
      size = pointsize
jmgirard/circumplex documentation built on Aug. 31, 2023, 8:03 a.m.