
#' Drop Constants
#' Drop constant columns in a dataframe.  Optional parameter to return 2nd dataframe of counts.
#' @param dataset Dataframe
#' @param return_n_distinct_tbl  return a 2nd dataframe just showing counts of n_distincts in each column
#' @param exclude_cols Exclude this column...use if want to keep a constant
#' @param remove_NAs if TRUE, NAs are not counted.  If FALSE, NAs are counted as a unique value
#' @return Returns the corrected dataframe or corrected_dataframe + a n_distinct table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mtcars$constant = 'constant_value'
#' ezr.drop_constant(mtcars, return_n_distinct_tbl = FALSE)
ezr.drop_constant = function(dataset, return_n_distinct_tbl=FALSE, exclude_cols=NULL, include_NAs=TRUE){

  print(paste0('Considering NAs with determining:', include_NAs))

  if (isTRUE(include_NAs)==TRUE){
  n_distinct_values =dataset %>% dplyr::select(use_these_cols) %>%  summarise_all(.funs = funs(n_distinct(., na.rm = TRUE))) %>% gather(variable, n_distinct)
  } else {
    n_distinct_values =dataset %>% dplyr::select(use_these_cols) %>%  summarise_all(.funs = funs(n_distinct(., na.rm = FALSE))) %>% gather(variable, n_distinct)

  constants = n_distinct_values %>% filter(n_distinct==1)
  constants = c(constants$variable)
  print('Dropping these columns ---------------')

  keep_these = setdiff(names(dataset), constants)
  dataset = dataset %>% dplyr::select(keep_these)

    result = list(dataset = dataset, n_distinct_tbl = n_distinct_values)
  } else {
    result = dataset
jmp1989/easyr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:25 a.m.