
#' Unexported Subfunction(s) of backtest
#' Takes a set of daily prices and daily weights
#' and returns a list of initialized data ready to be traded.
#' @param df_prices a data.frame containing the columns: symbol, date, price
#' @param df_weights a data.frame containing the columns: symbol, date, w
#' @param use_cash_long if TRUE use _CASH_LONG_ price within df_prices, else use 1 for all dates
#' @param use_cash_short if TRUE use _CASH_SHORT_ price within df_prices, else use 1 for all dates
#' @param name a string name for the backtest results
backtest_initialize <- function(df_prices, df_weights,
                                     use_cash_long, use_cash_short,
                                name) {
    df_prices <- as.data.frame(df_prices)
    df_weights <- as.data.frame(df_weights)
    validate_df_columns(df_prices, c("symbol", "date", "price"))
    validate_df_columns(df_weights, c("symbol", "date", "w"))

    # Initialize various objects
    initial_fund_value <- 1000000
    symbols <- sort(unique(df_weights$symbol))
    if (use_cash_long) { symbols <- c(symbols, "_CASH_LONG_") }
    if (use_cash_short) { symbols <- c(symbols, "_CASH_SHORT_") }
    symbols <- sort(unique(symbols))
    dates <- sort(unique(df_prices[df_prices$symbol == 'XLB', 'date']))
    if (!(length(dates) > 0)) {
        stop(paste("At least one row for sybmol XLB must exist within df_price.",
                   "XLB df_price dates are used as dates to trade (I know strange...)."))
    dates <- dates[dates >= min(df_weights$date) & dates <= max(df_weights$date)]
    min_date <- dates[1]

    # Convert input df to dt
    # Exclude extraneous data
    dt_prices <- as.data.table(as.data.frame(df_prices))[date %in% dates,.(symbol, date, price)]
    dt_weights <- as.data.table(as.data.frame(df_weights))[date %in% dates,.(symbol, date, w)]
    dt_prices <- dt_prices[symbol %in% symbols & date >= min_date]

    # Handle cash price series by either using 1.0 for all dates or
    # _CASH_LONG_ and/or _CASH_SHORT_ within df_prices input
    dt_prices[, is_cash:=FALSE]
    dt <- dt_prices
    if (use_cash_long) {
        dt[symbol == "_CASH_LONG_", is_cash:=TRUE]
    } else {
        dt <- rbind(dt,
                    data.table(symbol = '_CASH_LONG_',
                               date = dates,
                               price = 1.0,
                               is_cash = TRUE))
    if (use_cash_short) {
        dt[symbol == "_CASH_SHORT_", is_cash:=TRUE]
    } else {
        dt <- rbind(dt,
                    data.table(symbol = '_CASH_SHORT_',
                               date = dates,
                               price = 1.0,
                               is_cash = TRUE))

    # Multiply rows by 3 for value, trade and close times of days
    # Placeholder for more input price times used in future
    dt <- rbind(dt, dt, dt)
    dt[, time:=c(rep('value',.N/3),rep('trade',.N/3),rep('close',.N/3))]
    dt[, `:=`(shares=numeric(.N))]

    # Merge weights onto core dt
    setkey(dt, symbol, date, time, is_cash)
    setkey(dt_weights, symbol, date)
    dt <- dt_weights[dt]
    dt[is.na(w), w:=0]

    # Initialize holdings in cash
    initial_cash_price <-
        dt[symbol == '_CASH_LONG_' &
               date == min_date &
               time == 'value', price]
    dt[symbol == '_CASH_LONG_' &
           date == min_date &
           time == 'value',
       shares := initial_fund_value / initial_cash_price]

    # Cast core dt into a wide format for computation and readability ease
    dt <- data.table::dcast(dt[,.(is_cash, symbol, date, w, time, price, shares)],
                            is_cash+symbol+date+w~time, value.var=c('price', 'shares'))
    setkey(dt, is_cash, symbol, date)

    # Initialize dt_fund for fund level info
    dt_fund <- unique(dt[, .(date)])[, `:=`(
    setkey(dt_fund, date)

    return(list(dates=dates, dt=dt, dt_fund=dt_fund, name=name))
#' Unexported Subfunction(s) of backtest
#' Returns a date vector indicating which dates backtest_execute()
#' should performance a rebalance.
#' @param dates A vector of dates
#' @param ith_date Integer to determine which observation of each by group to return.
#'                 For Example ith_date = 2, week will return the second day of
#'                 each week.  Also, ith_date = 99, month will return last day of
#'                 each month.
#' @param by_group Character indicating by group to apply to ith_date.
#'                        Acceptable values are: date, week, month, qtr.
backtest_initialize_rebaldates <- function(dates, ith_date, by_group) {
    dates <- sort(dates)
    dt <- data.table(date = dates,
                     year = year(dates),
                     quarter = quarter(dates),
                     month = month(dates),
                     week = week(dates))
    if (by_group == "date") {
        dt[, .SD[min(c(ith_date,.N))], by=.(date)]$date
    } else if (by_group == "week") {
        dt[, .SD[min(c(ith_date,.N))], by=.(year, week)]$date
    } else if (by_group == "month") {
        dt[, .SD[min(c(ith_date,.N))], by=.(year, month)]$date
    } else if (by_group == "qtr") {
        dt[, .SD[min(c(ith_date,.N))], by=.(year, quarter)]$date
    } else {
        stop("by_group must be one of the following: date, week, month, qtr")
jmuhlenkamp/tidalbacktest documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:45 a.m.