Man pages for jmw86069/colorjam
Jam Color manipulation functions

add_colorjam_presetAdd colorjam hue warp preset
add_colorjam_stepAdd colorjam chroma/luminance step
adjust_hue_warpAdjust the color hue warp effect
approx_degreesInterpolation for degree angles
blend_colorsBlend multiple colors
closest_named_colorClosest colorjam named_colors
closestRcolorFind the closest R color
col_div_xfDivergent color interpolation function with adjustable range...
col_linear_xfLinear color interpolation function with adjustable range,...
color_complementCreate color complement by rotating the color hue
colorjam_presetsColorjam hue warp presets
colorjamShinyServerColorjam R-shiny app server
colorjamShinyUIColorjam R-shiny app UI
colorjam_stepsColorjam chroma/luminance steps
color_pieShow colors spread around a pie chart
colors_to_dfConvert colors to data.frame of color attributes
display_degreesDisplay degree angles around a unit circle
group2colorsAssign colors to vector of group labels
h2hwConvert standard hue to warped virtual hue
h2hwOptionsGet hue color warp options
hcl_to_hsl_hueConvert HCL hue to HSL hue
hsl_to_hcl_hueConvert HSL hue to HCL hue
hw2hConvert warped virtual hue to standard hue
jam_divergentJam Divergent Color Gradients
jam_linearJam Linear Color Gradients
jam_palJam color palette for ggplot2
launchColorjamShinyColorjam R-shiny App
make_jam_divergentMake divergent color gradient
matrix2heatColorsConvert numeric matrix to heatmap colors
mean_angleCalculate the mean angle
named_colorsnamed_colors from meodai/color-names and R colors()
plot_colorjam_presetPlot colorjam preset
rainbowJamrainbow categorical colors using varied luminance and chroma
rainbowJamMultiRainbow categorical colors across multiple groups
rainbowJam_v1rainbow categorical colors using varied luminance and chroma
remap_colorjam_presetRemap colors to a new colorjam preset
scale_color_jamApply rainbowJam categorical colors to a ggplot2 object
scale_fill_jamApply rainbowJam categorical color fill to a ggplot2 object
showDichromatShow colors using dichromat color blindness adjustment
sort_colorsSort a vector of colors using one or more color attributes
subset_colorsSubset a vector of colors using one or more color attributes
theme_jamJam default theme for ggplot2
twostep_gradientCreate two-step linear gradient
validate_colorjam_presetValidate h1,h2 color hue warp data
vals2colorLevelsApply color gradient to numeric values
vibrant_color_by_hueGet vibrant reference color for a given HCL color hue
jmw86069/colorjam documentation built on March 18, 2024, 3:32 a.m.