colorjam_steps: Colorjam chroma/luminance steps

colorjam_stepsR Documentation

Colorjam chroma/luminance steps


Colorjam chroma/luminance steps to adjust a series of color hues to visibly distinct categorical colors.


colorjam_steps(step = NULL, ...)



additional arguments are ignored.


NULL to return a character vector of all recognized steps, or character string to return specific data associated with a recognized steps name.


colorjam_steps(): list the names of available colorjam steps, or when a step name is provided, it returns a list with elements "C" and "L".


character vector of recognized colorjam step names when step is NULL, or when step is defined a list is returned with elements

  • C: numeric values indicating HCL Chroma

  • L: numeric values indicating HCL Chroma

See Also

Other colorjam hue warp: add_colorjam_preset(), add_colorjam_step(), adjust_hue_warp(), approx_degrees(), colorjam_presets(), display_degrees(), h2hw(), h2hwOptions(), hcl_to_hsl_hue(), hsl_to_hcl_hue(), hw2h(), mean_angle(), plot_colorjam_preset(), remap_colorjam_preset(), validate_colorjam_preset()

jmw86069/colorjam documentation built on Dec. 16, 2024, 8:02 a.m.