named_colors: named_colors from meodai/color-names and R colors()

named_colorsR Documentation

named_colors from meodai/color-names and R colors()


named_colors including 4447 entries from meodai/color-names, and 436 entries from R colors().




a character vector with length 4883, containing hexadecimal colors named with human-assigned color names.


Named colors were obtained from the amazing Github repository meodai/color-names. This resource provided 30200 total named colors. A subset of 4447 color names were denoted "good names" and were included here.

R colors from grDevices::colors() whose hex values were not already included in the Meodai resource were added, after removing identical hex colors such as "darkred" and "red4". These R colors were named with prefix "R" so labels such as "darkred" became "Rdarkred". The "R" prefix was used to avoid name clashes, and to permit the Meodai color names to take precedence whenever the same name was used in both resources. The Meodai resource seemed visually preferable to similarly-named R grDevices::colors() such as "brown", and "chartreuse", however there could be benefit in using R color names since they appear to match the W3C color name standard used by HTML and CSS.


See Also

Other colorjam data: jam_divergent, jam_linear



# subset for color chroma at least 30
   colorjam::subset_colors(colorjam::named_colors, C >= 30)))

jmw86069/colorjam documentation built on March 18, 2024, 3:32 a.m.