remap_colorjam_preset: Remap colors to a new colorjam preset

remap_colorjam_presetR Documentation

Remap colors to a new colorjam preset


Remap colors to a new colorjam preset, using existing preset when available.


  preset = NULL,
  preset_from = NULL,
  do_plot = FALSE,
  plot_debug = FALSE,


This function is experimental, and is intended to convert a set of categorical colors to a colorjam preset. When the existing colors have attribute "preset" it is used to inform the starting preset. The output of rainbowJam() includes the preset as attr(x, "preset").

The HCL and HSL color conversions are blended together to improve the imperfect result from either method alone. The end result is imperfect, but better than the alternatives.


character vector of hexadecimal colors

See Also

Other colorjam hue warp: add_colorjam_preset(), add_colorjam_step(), adjust_hue_warp(), approx_degrees(), colorjam_presets(), colorjam_steps(), display_degrees(), h2hwOptions(), h2hw(), hcl_to_hsl_hue(), hsl_to_hcl_hue(), hw2h(), mean_angle(), plot_colorjam_preset(), validate_colorjam_preset()


x <- rainbowJam(12)
x_new <- remap_colorjam_preset(x, preset="ryb2", do_plot=TRUE)

x <- rainbowJam(12, preset="ryb2")
x_new <- remap_colorjam_preset(x, preset="dichromat2", do_plot=TRUE)

x <- rainbowJam(12, preset="ryb")
x_new <- remap_colorjam_preset(x, preset="dichromat2", do_plot=TRUE)

x <- rainbowJam(12, preset="dichromat2")
x_new <- remap_colorjam_preset(x, preset="ryb", do_plot=TRUE)

x <- rainbowJam(12, preset="rgb")
x_new <- remap_colorjam_preset(x, preset="ryb", do_plot=TRUE)

jmw86069/colorjam documentation built on March 18, 2024, 3:32 a.m.