approx_degrees: Interpolation for degree angles

approx_degreesR Documentation

Interpolation for degree angles


Interpolation for degree angles


  h = NULL,
  preset = "custom",
  direction = 1,
  digits = 10,
  verbose = FALSE,



numeric vector of degree angles, which should represent the "degree angles from".


numeric vector of degree angles, which should represent the "degree angles to".


numeric or NULL, where a numeric vector is a vector of degree angles "from" that should be converted to the corresponding interpolated angle "to", When ⁠h is NULL⁠ then the object returned is a function to be called to convert a numeric vector "from" to degree angles "to".


integer value indicating the number of digits of precision to use for the input h1 and h2 degree angles, used when confining to 360 degrees with h1 %% 360, and this step sometimes produces slight variations for equivalent values. For example ((12.2 %% 360) == (372.2 %% 360)) is not TRUE without rounding to 13 or fewer digits.


additional arguments are ignored.


This function is analogous to stats::approx() except for the special case of degree angles. In this case, degrees are confined to the range ⁠[0, 360]⁠, and angle are smoothly interpolated around the degrees of a circle.

This function should work properly even when the degree angles in h2 are reversed, or offset. The only implicit requirement is that angles in "from" should be mapped to one and only one angle in "to".

See Also

Other colorjam hue warp: add_colorjam_preset(), add_colorjam_step(), adjust_hue_warp(), colorjam_presets(), colorjam_steps(), display_degrees(), h2hwOptions(), h2hw(), hcl_to_hsl_hue(), hsl_to_hcl_hue(), hw2h(), mean_angle(), plot_colorjam_preset(), remap_colorjam_preset(), validate_colorjam_preset()


h_colors <- jamba::getColorRamp(c("white", "firebrick"), n=35, trimRamp=c(1, 0));

h1 <- c(12.2, 27.3, 47.0, 66.5, 85.9, 106.3, 131.7,
   223.1, 263.2, 277.2, 307.7, 345.3, 372.2)
h2 <- seq(from=0, to=360, length.out=13)
h_from <- seq(from=0, to=360, length.out=36)[-36]
h_to <- approx_degrees(h1, h2, h_from)
par("mfrow"=c(2, 2))
display_degrees(h_from, col=h_colors)
display_degrees(h_to, col=h_colors)
plot(h_from, h_to, pch=20, col=h_colors)
par("mfrow"=c(1, 1))

h2 <- c(12.2, 27.3, 47.0, 66.5, 85.9, 106.3, 131.7,
   223.1, 263.2, 277.2, 307.7, 345.3, 372.2)
h1 <- seq(from=0, to=360, length.out=13)
h_from <- seq(from=0, to=360, length.out=36)[-36]
h_to2 <- approx_degrees(h2, h1, h_from)
par("mfrow"=c(2, 2))
display_degrees(h_from, col=h_colors)
display_degrees(h_to2, col=h_colors)
plot(h_from, h_to2, pch=20, col=h_colors)
par("mfrow"=c(1, 1))

h1 <- c(12.2, 27.3, 47.0, 66.5, 85.9, 106.3, 131.7,
   223.1, 263.2, 277.2, 307.7, 345.3, 372.2)
h2 <- rev((seq(from=0, to=360, length.out=13))[c(9:12,1:9)])
h_from <- seq(from=0, to=360, length.out=36)[-36]
h_to <- approx_degrees(h1, h2, h_from)
par("mfrow"=c(2, 2))
display_degrees(h_from, col=h_colors)
display_degrees(h_to, col=h_colors)
plot(h_from, h_to, pch=20, col=h_colors)
par("mfrow"=c(1, 1))

# apply no transform
approx_degrees(h1=0, h2=0, h=c(0, 90, 180, 270))

# apply 180 degree transform
approx_degrees(h1=0, h2=180, h=c(0, 90, 180, 270))
approx_degrees(h1=180, h2=0, h=c(0, 90, 180, 270))

# flip the direction
approx_degrees(h1=c(1, 360), h2=c(359, 0), h=c(0, 90, 180, 270))
approx_degrees(h1=c(1, 360), h2=c(359, 0)+90, h=c(0, 90, 180, 270))
approx_degrees(h1=c(1, 360)+90, h2=c(359, 0), h=c(0, 90, 180, 270))

# verify reverse h2 with break across 0-360
seq1 <- seq(from=0, to=330, by=30)
seq2 <- (rev(seq1) + 120) %% 360
seq_out <- seq(from=0, to=350, by=10);
approx_out <- approx_degrees(h1=seq1, h2=seq2, h=seq_out, verbose=TRUE)
plot(seq1, seq2, pch=20, col="blue", asp=1, ylim=c(0, 360))
points(seq_out, approx_out, col="red", add=TRUE, cex=2)

# verify forward h2 with break across 0-360
seq1 <- seq(from=0, to=330, by=30)
seq2 <- (seq1 + 120) %% 360
seq_out <- seq(from=0, to=350, by=10);
approx_out <- approx_degrees(h1=seq1, h2=seq2, h=seq_out, verbose=TRUE)
plot(seq1, seq2, pch=20, col="blue", asp=1, ylim=c(0, 360))
points(seq_out, approx_out, col="red", add=TRUE, cex=2)

new_h1h2 <- adjust_hue_warp(preset="dichromat", h2_shift=15, reverse_h2=TRUE)
hseq <- seq(from=0, to=350, by=15);
approx_degrees(h2=new_h1h2$h1, h1=new_h1h2$h2, h=hseq, verbose=FALSE)

jmw86069/colorjam documentation built on March 18, 2024, 3:32 a.m.