Man pages for jmw86069/venndir
Directional Venn diagrams

add_orientation_JamPolygonDefine orientation for each polygon, clockwise or...
area_JamPolygonArea for each polygon in JamPolygon
assemble_venndir_labelAssemble grid grobs into venndir labels
bbox_JamPolygonBounding box for JamPolygon
buffer_JamPolygonApply buffer outside or inside JamPolygon
check_JamPolygonCheck JamPolygon object
check_VenndirCheck Venndir object
counts2setlistvenndir conversion from overlap counts to setlist
curate_venn_labelsCurate Venn labels
degrees_to_adjDegrees to text adjustment
diff_degreesAngular difference in degrees
display_anglesDisplay degree angles around a unit circle
eulerr_to_JamPolygonConvert eulerr output to JamPolygon
expand_rangeExpand numeric range
farthest_point_JamPolygonGet the farthest polygon point from a reference point
find_venn_overlaps_JamPolygonFind Venn polygon overlaps
get_venn_polygon_shapesGet Venn shapes as polygon_list
has_point_in_JamPolygonDetermine if a point is inside any JamPolygon
im2listIncidence matrix to list
im_value2listValue incidence matrix to list
intersect_JamPolygonIntersect one or more JamPolygon objects
JamPolygon-classJamPolygon class
JamPolygon-methodsSubset JamPolygon object
label_fill_JamPolygonArrange text labels inside a polygon
label_outside_JamPolygonPosition labels outside JamPolygon
labelr_JamPolygonDefine label positions for JamPolygon using polylabelr::poi()
label_segment_JamPolygonDefine a label segment for JamPolygon
list2im_optOptimized list to incidence matrix
list2im_valueConvert list to a value incidence matrix
make_color_contrastMake color contrast
make_venn_combn_dfMake full Venn combination data.frame
make_venn_testGenerate test sets for venndir
match_listMatch list elements to another list
mean_degree_arcMean arc angle in degrees
mean_degreesMean angle in degrees
minus_JamPolygonSubtract one or more JamPolygon objects
modify_venndir_overlapModify Venndir by overlap
nearest_point_JamPolygonGet the nearest polygon point to a reference point
nudge_JamPolygonNudge JamPolygon coordinates
nudge_venndir_labelNudge venndir labels
overlaplist2setlistvenndir conversion from overlap list to setlist
plot.JamPolygonPlot JamPolygon object
point_in_JamPolygonDetermine if a point is inside a JamPolygon
polyclip_to_JamPolygonConvert polyclip polygon to JamPolygon
polygon_circlesMake polygon_list circles
polygon_ellipsesMake polygon_list ellipses
print_color_dfPrint colorized text table
render_venndirRender venndir output
rescale_coordinatesScale, rotate, and shift numeric coordinates
sample_JamPolygonSample points within JamPolygon
shrink_dfShrink data.frame by group
signed_counts2setlistvenndir conversion from signed overlap counts to setlist
signed_overlapsSigned overlaps
simple_ellipseSimple ellipse function
split_JamPolygonSplit JamPolygon multipart polygons
spread_degreesSpread angles to minimum degrees difference
textvennText Venn diagram
three_point_angleCalculate angle between three consecutive points
to_basic.GeomRichTextBasic function for GeomRichText compatibility with ggplotly
to_basic.GeomTextBoxBasic function for GeomTextBox compatibility with ggplotly
union_JamPolygonUnion one or more JamPolygon objects
update_JamPolygonUpdate attributes for a JamPolygon object
venndirDirectional Venn diagram
Venndir-classVenndir class
venndir_label_stylevenndir label style
venndir_legenderAdd optional legend to venndir figures (developmental)
Venndir-methodsPlot Venndir object
venndir_to_dfConvert venndir output to data.frame
venn_memeVenn Meme
jmw86069/venndir documentation built on Jan. 15, 2025, 8:29 a.m.