
Defines functions importPandaMatlab

Documented in importPandaMatlab

#' Panda Matlab importer
#' Imports the files from the \code{exportPanda.m} file.
#' @param dir Working directory to search for the numeric files.
#' @param celldata Name of the 'celldata.dat' file.
#' @return Two column vector of "regulator" and "target"
#' @importFrom plyr ddply
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # determine gene degree
#'  pandaFiles = importPandaMatlab()
#'  indegree <- ddply(pandaFiles[,2:ncol(pandaFiles)], .(targer), numcolwise(sum))
#'  row.names(indegree) <- indegree[,1]
#'  indegree <- indegree[,-1]
#'  # to export the file
#'  networkfiles = list.files(pattern="numeric")
#'  write.table(indegree,paste("indegree_",networkfiles,sep=""),
#'              sep="\t",quote=F,row.names=T,col.names=T)
#' }
  # read in network output from "exportPANDA.m"
  networkfile <- list.files(dir,pattern="numeric")
  pandaFiles <- read.delim(networkfile, header=F)
  # this is output from "exportPANDA.m"
  edgelist <- read.delim(celldata, sep=" ", header=F)
  pandaFiles <- cbind(edgelist, pandaFiles)
  colnames(pandaFiles)[1:2] <- c("regulator", "target") # regulator and target columns
jnpaulson/pandaR documentation built on May 13, 2024, 11:30 a.m.