
Defines functions ftvar

Documented in ftvar

#' @export
#' @title bayesian estimation of threshold VAR
#' @param mydata data
#' @param factordata data to extract the factors from
#' @param priorObj S3 object of the prior
#' @param thMax maximum delay of threshold variable
#' @param thVar the threshold variable
#' @param nreps total number of mcmc draws
#' @param burnin number of burn-in draws
#' @param nthin thinning parameter
#' @param stabletest test for stability
#' @param priorm Selects the prior on the measurement equation, 1=Normal-Gamma Prior and 2=SSVS prior.
#' @param alpha,beta prior on the variance of the measurement equation
#' @param tau2 variance of the coefficients in the measurement equation (only used if priorm=2)
#' @param c2 factor for the variance of the coefficients (only used if priorm=2)
#' @param li_prvar prior on variance of coefficients (only used if priorm = 1)
ftvar <- function(mydata,factordata,priorObj,thMax,thVar,nreps,burnin,nthin,stabletest,alpha,beta,tau2,c2,li_prvar,priorm){


    constant = 1


    constant = 0


  mydata     <- scale(mydata)
  factordata <- scale(factordata)

  intercept = priorObj$intercept

  nobs <- nrow(mydata)
  N <- ncol(factordata)
  K <- ncol(mydata)
  P <- K + priorObj$nofactors
  #  Declare variables for the thresholding

  thDelay  <- thMax # the delay
  tard     <- seq(1:thMax)
  startest <- max(thMax,priorObj$nolags)
  ytest    <- mydata[(startest + 1 - thDelay):(nobs - thDelay),thVar]
  tarmean  <- mean(ytest)
  tarstandard <- sqrt(stats::var(ytest))

  # Declar Variables for storage
  startest <- max(thMax,priorObj$nolags)

  # Draws for VAR-coefficient
  Alphadraws <- array(NA,dim = c(P * priorObj$nolags + intercept, P, 2, (nreps - burnin) / nthin))
  Sigmadraws <- array(NA, dim = c(P, P, 2, (nreps - burnin) / nthin))
  addInfo    <- array(list(),dim=c(2, (nreps - burnin) / nthin))

  # Measurement equation
  Ldraws     <- array(0,dim=c(ncol(mydata)+ncol(factordata),P,2,(nreps - burnin)/nthin))
  Sigma_m_draws <- array(0,dim=c(ncol(mydata)+ncol(factordata),ncol(mydata)+ncol(factordata),2,(nreps - burnin)/nthin))
  tardraws   <- array(NA,dim = c((nreps-burnin) / nthin))
  deldraws   <- array(NA,dim = c((nreps-burnin) / nthin))
  totRegimes <- nobs - (startest + 1)
  regimes    <- array(NA,dim = c(nobs - (startest + 1), (nreps - burnin) / nthin))
  gammamdraws <- array(NA,dim=c(P,N+K,2,(nreps - burnin) / nthin))

  # get factors and put the model in appropriate form
  # Also get initial values for mcmc algor
  factors <- get_factors(factordata,priorObj$nofactors)
  xy      <- cbind(mydata,factordata)
  fy      <- cbind(mydata,factors)
  Li      <- olssvd(xy,fy)

  res <- xy - fy %*% Li
  sse <- t(res) %*% res / nobs

  L             <- array(0,dim=c(ncol(xy),P,2))
  Sigma_measure <- array(0,dim=c(ncol(xy),ncol(xy),2))

  for(ii in 1:2){

    Sigma_measure[,,ii] <- sse
    L[,,ii] <- Li


  # Initialize mcmc algorithm
  tart <- tarmean

  xsplit <- splitVariables(y = fy, lags = priorObj$nolags, thDelay = thDelay, thresh = thVar, tart = tart, intercept = intercept)
  prev <- array(list(),dim=c(2))

  prev[[1]] <- initialize_mcmc(priorObj,xsplit$y1,xsplit$x1)
  prev[[2]] <- initialize_mcmc(priorObj,xsplit$y2,xsplit$x2)

  # Initial values for the measurement equation
  # Prior on the measurement equation
  gammam  <- array(0.5,dim=c(P,N+K))
  Liprvar <- li_prvar * diag(1,P)

  for(ireps in 1:nreps){

    # split variables and make fy and xy the same length for both regimes
    fy_split <- splitVariables(y = fy, lags = priorObj$nolags, thDelay = thDelay, thresh = thVar, tart = tart, intercept = intercept)
	xy_split <- splitVariables(y = xy, lags = priorObj$nolags, thDelay = thDelay, thresh = thVar, tart = tart, intercept = intercept)
    #nr  <- nrow(xy)
    #nr2 <- nrow(as.matrix(fy_split$ytest,ncol = 1))
    #rdiff <- nr - nr2 + 1
    #xyred <- xy[rdiff:nr,]

    # Draw posterior for measurement equation
    # first regime
    #xy_split <- xyred[fy_split$e1,]
    draw_measurement <- draw_posterior_normal(li_prvar = Liprvar, fy = fy_split$y1, xy = xy_split$y1,
                                              K = K,P = P,N = N,Sigma = Sigma_measure[,,1],L = L[,,1], alpha, beta)
    L[,,1] <- draw_measurement$L
    Sigma_measure[,,1] <- draw_measurement$Sigma

    # second regime
    #xy_split <- xyred[!fy_split$e1,]
    draw_measurement <- draw_posterior_normal(Liprvar,fy_split$y2,xy_split$y2,K,P,N,Sigma_measure[,,2],L[,,2],alpha,beta)
    L[,,2] <- draw_measurement$L
    Sigma_measure[,,2] <- draw_measurement$Sigma

    # Sample VAR-parameters

    prev[[1]] <- draw_posterior(priorObj,fy_split$y1,fy_split$x1,previous = prev[[1]], stabletest = stabletest)
    prev[[2]] <- draw_posterior(priorObj,fy_split$y2,fy_split$x2,previous = prev[[2]], stabletest = stabletest)

    # Sample new threshold
    tarnew <- tart + rnorm(1, sd = tarstandard) # new suggestion for threshold

    l1post <- tarpost(fy_split$xstar, fy_split$ystar, Ytest = fy_split$ytest,
                      prev[[1]]$Alpha, prev[[2]]$Alpha,
                      prev[[1]]$Sigma, prev[[2]]$Sigma,
                      tarnew, priorObj$nolags, intercept, tarmean, tarstandard)

    l2post <- tarpost(fy_split$xstar, fy_split$ystar, Ytest = fy_split$ytest,
                      prev[[1]]$Alpha, prev[[2]]$Alpha,
                      prev[[1]]$Sigma, prev[[2]]$Sigma,
                      tart, priorObj$nolags, intercept, tarmean, tarstandard)
    acc <- min(1, exp(l1post$post - l2post$post))

    if(is.na(acc)){acc = 0}

    u <- runif(1)
    if(u < acc) tart = tarnew

    # Sample new delay parameters

    prob <- matrix(0,nrow = thMax)
    # Loop over all potential threshold delays
    for(jj in 1:thMax){

      split1 <- splitVariables(y = fy, lags = priorObj$nolags, jj, thVar, tart, intercept)

      x <- exptarpost(split1$xstar,split1$ystar, split1$ytest,
                      prev[[1]]$Alpha, prev[[2]]$Alpha,
                      prev[[1]]$Sigma, prev[[2]]$Sigma,
                      tart, priorObj$nolags, intercept, tarmean,
                      tarstandard, ncrit = 0.05)

      prob[jj,1] <- exp(x$post)


    prob <- prob/sum(prob)


      prob <- matrix(1/thMax,nrow=thMax)


    thDelay <- sample(thMax,1,replace=FALSE,prob)

    # Store values

    if(ireps > burnin && (ireps - burnin) %% nthin == 0){

      for(ii in 1:2){

        Alphadraws[,,ii,( ireps - burnin ) / nthin] <- prev[[ii]]$Alpha
        Sigmadraws[,,ii,( ireps - burnin ) / nthin] <- prev[[ii]]$Sigma


          addInfo[[ii, (ireps - burnin) / nthin]]    <- prev[[ii]]$addInfo


        # Draws for measurement equation
        Ldraws[,,ii,(ireps - burnin) / nthin] <- L[,,ii]
        Sigma_m_draws[,,ii,(ireps - burnin) / nthin] <- Sigma_measure[ii]


      # Regimes
      nT <- length(xsplit$e1)
      a  <- nT-totRegimes
      regimes[ ,(ireps- burnin) / nthin] <- xsplit$e1[(1+a):nT]

      deldraws[(ireps - burnin) / nthin] <- thDelay
      tardraws[(ireps - burnin) / nthin] <- tart

    } # End Storing values
  } # End loop over mcmc

  general_information <- list(intercept = priorObj$intercept,
                              nolags    = priorObj$nolags,
                              nofactors = priorObj$nofactors,
                              nreps     = nreps,
                              burnin    = burnin,
                              nthin     = nthin,
                              thVar     = thVar,
                              thMax     = thMax)
  if(sum(class(mydata) == "xts") > 0){

    tstype = "xts"
    var_names = colnames(mydata)

  else if(sum(class(mydata) == "ts") > 0){

    tstype = "ts"
    var_names = colnames(mydata)

  else if(is.matrix(mydata)){

    tstype = "matrix"
    var_names = colnames(mydata)


  data_info <- list(type         = tstype,
                    var_names    = var_names,
                    data         = mydata,
                    no_variables = K)

  # Information about the data used to extract the factors

  if(sum(class(factordata) == "xts") > 0){

    tstype = "xts"
    var_names = colnames(factordata)

  else if(sum(class(factordata) == "ts") > 0){

    tstype = "ts"
    var_names = colnames(factordata)

  else if(is.matrix(factordata)){

    tstype = "matrix"
    var_names = colnames(factordata)


  factordata_info <- list(type         = tstype,
                          var_names    = var_names,
                          data         = factordata,
                          factors      = factors,
                          no_variables = K)

  draw_info <- list(Alpha = Alphadraws,
                    Sigma = Sigmadraws,
                    L     = Ldraws,
                    Sigmam = Sigma_measure,
                    additional_info = addInfo,
                    regimes = regimes,
                    deldraws = deldraws,
                    tardraws = tardraws)
  # Return information
  ret_object <- structure(list(general_info = general_information,
                               data_info    = data_info,
                               factordata_info = factordata_info,
                               mcmc_draws   = draw_info ),
                          class = "ftvar")


} # End function
joergrieger/bvar documentation built on July 3, 2020, 5:34 p.m.