#' Make microbiome network (igraph)
#' A specialized function for creating a network representation of microbiomes,
#' sample-wise or taxa-wise,
#' based on a user-defined ecological distance and (potentially arbitrary) threshold.
#' The graph is ultimately represented using the
#' \code{igraph}-package.
#' @usage make_network(physeq, type="samples", distance="jaccard", max.dist = 0.4,
#' keep.isolates=FALSE, ...)
#' @param physeq (Required). Default \code{NULL}.
#' A \code{\link{phyloseq-class}} object,
#' or \code{\link{otu_table-class}} object,
#' on which \code{g} is based. \code{phyloseq-class} recommended.
#' @param type (Optional). Default \code{"samples"}.
#' Whether the network should be samples or taxa/OTUs.
#' Supported arguments are \code{"samples"}, \code{"taxa"},
#' where \code{"taxa"} indicates using the OTUs/taxaindices,
#' whether they actually represent species or some other taxonomic rank.
#' NOTE: not all distance methods are supported if \code{"taxa"}
#' selected for type. For example, the UniFrac distance and DPCoA
#' cannot be calculated for taxa-wise distances, because they use
#' a taxa-wise tree as part of their calculation between samples, and
#' there is no transpose-equivalent for this tree.
#' @param distance (Optional). Default \code{"jaccard"}.
#' Any supported argument to the \code{method} parameter of the
#' \code{\link{distance}} function is supported here.
#' Some distance methods, like \code{"unifrac"}, may take
#' a non-trivial amount of time to calculate, in which case
#' you probably want to calculate the distance matrix separately,
#' save, and then provide it as the argument to \code{distance} instead.
#' See below for alternatives).
#' Alternatively, if you have already calculated the sample-wise distance
#' object, the resulting \code{dist}-class object
#' can be provided as \code{distance} instead (see examples).
#' A third alternative is to provide a function that takes
#' a sample-by-taxa matrix (typical vegan orientation)
#' and returns a sample-wise distance
#' matrix.
#' @param max.dist (Optional). Default \code{0.4}.
#' The maximum ecological distance (as defined by \code{distance})
#' allowed between two samples to still consider them ``connected''
#' by an edge in the graphical model.
#' @param keep.isolates (Optional). Default \code{FALSE}. Logical.
#' Whether to keep isolates (un-connected samples, not microbial isolates)
#' in the graphical model that is returned. Default results in isolates
#' being removed from the object.
#' @param ... (Optional). Additional parameters passed on to \code{\link{distance}}.
#' @return A \code{igraph}-class object.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{plot_network}}
#' @importFrom igraph graph.adjacency
#' @importFrom igraph V
#' @importFrom igraph delete.vertices
#' @importFrom igraph degree
#' @importFrom igraph vcount
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # # Example plots with Enterotype Dataset
#' data(enterotype)
#' ig <- make_network(enterotype, max.dist=0.3)
#' plot_network(ig, enterotype, color="SeqTech", shape="Enterotype", line_weight=0.3, label=NULL)
#' #
#' ig1 <- make_network(enterotype, max.dist=0.2)
#' plot_network(ig1, enterotype, color="SeqTech", shape="Enterotype", line_weight=0.3, label=NULL)
#' #
#' # # Three methods of choosing/providing distance/distance-method
#' # Provide method name available to distance() function
#' ig <- make_network(enterotype, max.dist=0.3, distance="jaccard")
#' # Provide distance object, already computed
#' jaccdist <- distance(enterotype, "jaccard")
#' ih <- make_network(enterotype, max.dist=0.3, distance=jaccdist)
#' # Provide "custom" function.
#' ii <- make_network(enterotype, max.dist=0.3, distance=function(x){vegan::vegdist(x, "jaccard")})
#' # The have equal results:
#' all.equal(ig, ih)
#' all.equal(ig, ii)
#' #
#' # Try out making a trivial "network" of the 3-sample esophagus data,
#' # with weighted-UniFrac as distance
#' data(esophagus)
#' ij <- make_network(esophagus, "samples", "unifrac", weighted=TRUE)
make_network <- function(physeq, type="samples", distance="jaccard", max.dist = 0.4,
keep.isolates=FALSE, ...){
if( type %in% c("taxa", "species", "OTUs", "otus", "otu")){
# Calculate or asign taxa-wise distance matrix
if( class(distance) == "dist" ){
# If distance a distance object, use it rather than re-calculate
obj.dist <- distance
if( attributes(obj.dist)$Size != ntaxa(physeq) ){
stop("ntaxa(physeq) does not match size of dist object in distance")
if( !setequal(attributes(obj.dist)$Labels, taxa_names(physeq)) ){
stop("taxa_names does not exactly match dist-indices")
} else if( class(distance) == "character" ){
# If character string, pass on to distance(), assume supported
obj.dist <- distance(physeq, method=distance, type=type, ...)
# Else, assume a custom function and attempt to calculate.
} else {
# Enforce orientation for taxa-wise distances
if( !taxa_are_rows(physeq) ){ physeq <- t(physeq) }
# Calculate distances
obj.dist <- distance(as(otu_table(physeq), "matrix"))
# coerce distance-matrix back into vanilla matrix, Taxa Distance Matrix, TaDiMa
TaDiMa <- as.matrix(obj.dist)
# Add Inf to the diagonal to avoid self-connecting edges (inefficient)
TaDiMa <- TaDiMa + diag(Inf, ntaxa(physeq), ntaxa(physeq))
# Convert distance matrix to coincidence matrix, CoMa, using max.dist
CoMa <- TaDiMa < max.dist
} else if( type == "samples" ){
# Calculate or asign sample-wise distance matrix
if( class(distance) == "dist" ){ # If argument is already a distance matrix.
# If distance a distance object, use it rather than re-calculate
obj.dist <- distance
if( attributes(obj.dist)$Size != nsamples(physeq) ){
stop("nsamples(physeq) does not match size of dist object in distance")
if( !setequal(attributes(obj.dist)$Labels, sample_names(physeq)) ){
stop("sample_names does not exactly match dist-indices")
# If character string, pass on to distance(), assume supported
} else if( class(distance) == "character" ){
# Else, assume a custom function and attempt to calculate.
obj.dist <- distance(physeq, method=distance, type=type, ...)
} else {
# Enforce orientation for sample-wise distances
if(taxa_are_rows(physeq)){ physeq <- t(physeq) }
# Calculate distances
obj.dist <- distance(as(otu_table(physeq), "matrix"))
# coerce distance-matrix back into vanilla matrix, Sample Distance Matrix, SaDiMa
SaDiMa <- as.matrix(obj.dist)
# Add Inf to the diagonal to avoid self-connecting edges (inefficient)
SaDiMa <- SaDiMa + diag(Inf, nsamples(physeq), nsamples(physeq))
# Convert distance matrix to coincidence matrix, CoMa, using max.dist
CoMa <- SaDiMa < max.dist
} else {
stop("type argument must be one of \n (1) samples \n or \n (2) taxa")
# Calculate the igraph-formatted network
ig <- graph.adjacency(CoMa, mode="lower")
if( !keep.isolates ){
# If not-keeping isolates, remove them
isolates <- V(ig)[degree(ig) == 0]
ig = delete.vertices(ig, V(ig)[degree(ig) == 0])
if( vcount(ig) < 2 ){
# Report a warning if the graph is empty
warning("The graph you created has too few vertices. Consider changing `max.dist` argument, and check your data.")
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