
bomDailyObs <- function(siteNumber, observation = "max_temp",...){
if (class(observation) != "character") 
    stop("observation must be; temp, rain or solar.")
  observation <- tolower(observation)
  if (is.na(match(observation, c("rain", "min_temp","max_temp", "solar")))) 
    stop("observation must be; min_temp, max_temp, rain or solar.")
  if (is.numeric(siteNumber)) {
    theurl <- paste("http://www.bom.gov.au/jsp/ncc/cdio/weatherData/av?p_nccObsCode=DATATYPE&p_display_type=dailyDataFile&p_startYear=&p_c=&p_stn_num=0", 
                    siteNumber, sep = "")
  }  else {
    theurl <- paste("http://www.bom.gov.au/jsp/ncc/cdio/weatherData/av?p_nccObsCode=DATATYPE&p_display_type=dailyDataFile&p_startYear=&p_c=&p_stn_num=", 
                    siteNumber, sep = "")
  if (observation == "rain") {
    theurl <- gsub("DATATYPE", "136", theurl)
    dataCode <- 136
  if (observation == "max_temp") {
    theurl <- gsub("DATATYPE", "122", theurl)
    dataCode <- 122
  if (observation == "min_temp") {
    theurl <- gsub("DATATYPE", "123", theurl)
    dataCode <- 123
  if (observation == "solar") {
    theurl <- gsub("DATATYPE", "193", theurl)
    dataCode <- 193
  raw <- getURLContent(theurl,...)
  if (grepl("Unfortunately there are no data available", raw[[1]])) {
    stop("Unfortunately there are no data available for the site number you have entered.\nThis may be because either the station number is invalid, or the station has\nnot observed the type of data requested.")
  split1 <- strsplit(raw[[1]], "1 year of data</a></li><li><a")
  split2 <- strsplit(split1[[1]][[2]], "title=\"Data file for daily rainfall data for all years")
  split3 <- strsplit(split2[[1]][[1]], "p_c=")
  split4 <- strsplit(split3[[1]][[2]], "&amp;p_ncc")
  uniqueID <- split4[[1]][[1]]
  start_year <- substr(strsplit(raw[[1]], "startYear=")[[1]][2],1,4)
  theurl <- paste("http://www.bom.gov.au/jsp/ncc/cdio/weatherData/av?p_display_type=dailyZippedDataFile&p_stn_num=0", 
                  siteNumber, "&p_c=", uniqueID, "&p_nccObsCode=", dataCode, 
                  "&p_startYear=", start_year, sep = "")

  tmpdir <- tempdir()
  download.file(theurl, paste0(tmpdir, "/tmp.zip"), mode="wb", quiet=TRUE)
  unzip(paste0(tmpdir, "/tmp.zip"), exdir = paste0(tmpdir, "/tmpdata"))

  fileName <- list.files(paste0(tmpdir, "/tmpdata"), pattern="_Data.csv")
  dat <- read.csv(paste0(tmpdir, "/tmpdata/", fileName), as.is = TRUE)

  unlink(paste0(tmpdir, "/tmpdata"), recursive = T)
  unlink(paste0(tmpdir, "/tmp.zip"), recursive = T)
  if (observation == "rain") {
    names(dat) <- c("productCode", "stationNumber", "year", 
                    "month", "day", "rainfall", "daysRainMeasuredOver", 
  if (observation == "max_temp") {
    names(dat) <- c("productCode", "stationNumber", "year", 
                    "month", "day", "maxTemp", "daysTempMeasuredOver", 
  if (observation == "min_temp") {
    names(dat) <- c("productCode", "stationNumber", "year", 
                    "month", "day", "minTemp", "daysTempMeasuredOver", 
  if (observation == "solar") {
    names(dat) <- c("productCode", "stationNumber", "year", 
                    "month", "day", "dailyExposure")
  dat$date <- dmy(paste(dat$day, dat$month, dat$year), quiet = TRUE)
johnDorian/BOMdataRipper documentation built on May 19, 2019, 3:02 p.m.