    echo = FALSE,
    message = FALSE,
    warning = FALSE,
    fig.align = "center",
    dev = "jpeg",
    fig.width = 6,
    fig.height = 6,
    results = "hide"
method1 = paste0(res1@top_value_method, ":", res1@partition_method)
method2 = paste0(res2@top_value_method, ":", res2@partition_method)
anno = res1@anno
anno_col = res1@anno_col

class_col = cola:::brewer_pal_set2_col

i_figure = 0
<% if(do_top_row) { %>
message(qq("* making heatmaps for top @{feature}s"))
top_n = min(c(1000, round(nrow(res1)*0.3)))

Top r top_n r features under the two top-value methods

i_figure = i_figure + 1

```r. Top @{top_n} @{feature}s with the highest @{res1@top_value_method} and @{res2@top_value_method} values.")} mat = get_matrix(res1) p1 = grid.grabExpr(top_rows_heatmap(mat, top_value_method = c(res1@top_value_method, res2@top_value_method), top_n = top_n)) p2 = grid.grabExpr(top_rows_overlap(mat, top_value_method = c(res1@top_value_method, res2@top_value_method), top_n = top_n)) plot_grid(p1, p2, rel_widths = c(2, 1))

<% } -%>

### Compare classifications

if(is.null(anno)) {
    n_anno = 0 
} else {
    n_anno = ncol(anno) + 2
i_figure = i_figure + 1

```r. Conseusus partitions from @{method1} and @{method2} methods.")} cl1 = get_classes(res1, k = k1)[, 1] cl2 = get_classes(res2, k = k2)[, 1] cl_mat = rbind(cl1, cl2) rownames(cl_mat) = c(method1, method2) cl_mat2 = cl_mat ht = Heatmap(cl_mat, name = "Class", col = class_col, show_row_dend = FALSE, show_column_dend = FALSE, column_order = order(cl1, cl2), top_annotation = if(is.null(anno)) NULL else HeatmapAnnotation(df = anno, col = anno_col) ) draw(ht, heatmap_legend_side = "bottom", merge_legends = TRUE)

### Dimension reduction by `r dimension_reduction_method`

message("* making dimension reduction plots")

r dimension_reduction_method plots with r k1-group classification for r method1 and r k2-group classification for r method2:

i_figure = i_figure + 1

```r. @{dimension_reduction_method} plots for visualizing the two classifications. Classification on the left plot is from @{method1} and on the right is from @{method2}.")} par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) dimension_reduction(res1, k = k1, method = dimension_reduction_method, top_n = top_n) dimension_reduction(res2, k = k2, method = dimension_reduction_method, top_n = top_n)

### Signature `r feature`s (FDR < 0.05) {.tabset}

message("* getting signatures")

Signature r features from two classifications:

i_figure = i_figure + 1

r method1 (r k1 groups)

```rA. Signature @{feature}s from @{method1} (@{k1}-group classification).")} tb1 = get_signatures(res1, k = k1, anno = anno, anno_col = anno_col)

#### `r method2` (`r k2` groups)

```rB. Signature @{feature}s from @{method2} (@{k2}-group classification).")}
tb2 = get_signatures(res2, k = k2, anno = anno, anno_col = anno_col)

Overlap of the two signature lists:

i_figure = i_figure + 1

```r. Overlap of signatures in @{method1} and @{method2}.")} lt = list(tb1$which, tb2$which); names(lt) = c(method1, method2) plot(euler(lt), quantities = TRUE)

The signature `r feature`s are put into three groups, termed as:

- A: `r length(setdiff(tb1$which_row, tb2$which_row))` `r feature`s specific in `r method1`.
- B: `r length(intersect(tb1$which_row, tb2$which_row))` `r feature`s common in `r method1` and `r method2`.
- C: `r length(setdiff(tb2$which_row, tb1$which_row))` `r feature`s specific in `r method2`.

i_figure = i_figure + 1

```r. Heatmaps of @{method1} specific signatures, @{method2} specific signatures and common signatures in the two classifcations.")} mat = get_matrix(res1) col_fun = colorRamp2(c(-2, 0, 2), c("green", "white", "red")) anno_col$class = class_col anno_col[[method1]] = anno_col[[method2]] = anno_col$class set.seed(123) set1 = setdiff(tb1$which_row, tb2$which_row) mat1 = mat[set1, ] mat1_scaled = t(scale(t(mat[set1, ]))) ht1 = Heatmap(mat1_scaled, name = "z-score", show_row_names = FALSE, col = col_fun, column_split = factor(paste(cl1, cl2, sep = ""), levels = c("11", "12", "21", "22")), show_column_names = FALSE, show_row_dend = FALSE, show_column_dend = FALSE, cluster_column_slices = FALSE, top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(df = cbind(t(cl_mat), anno), col = anno_col, show_legend = FALSE), row_km = row_km1, column_title = qq("@{method1} specific, @{length(set1)} signatures")) p1 = grid.grabExpr(ht1 <- draw(ht1, merge_legends = TRUE)) od1 = row_order(ht1) set1 = intersect(tb1$which_row, tb2$which_row) mat2 = mat[set1, ] mat2_scaled = t(scale(t(mat[set1, ]))) ht2 = Heatmap(mat2_scaled, name = "z-score", show_row_names = FALSE, col = col_fun, column_split = factor(paste(cl1, cl2, sep = ""), levels = c("11", "12", "21", "22")), show_column_names = FALSE, show_row_dend = FALSE, show_column_dend = FALSE, cluster_column_slices = FALSE, top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(df = cbind(t(cl_mat), anno), col = anno_col, show_legend = FALSE), row_km = row_km2, column_title = qq("common, @{length(set1)} signatures")) p2 = grid.grabExpr(ht2 <- draw(ht2, merge_legends = TRUE)) od2 = row_order(ht2) set1 = setdiff(tb2$which_row, tb1$which_row) mat3 = mat[set1, ] mat3_scaled = t(scale(t(mat[set1, ]))) ht3 = Heatmap(mat3_scaled, name = "z-score", show_row_names = FALSE, col = col_fun, column_split = factor(paste(cl1, cl2, sep = ""), levels = c("11", "21", "12", "22")), show_column_names = FALSE, show_row_dend = FALSE, show_column_dend = FALSE, cluster_column_slices = FALSE, top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(df = cbind(t(cl_mat), anno), col = anno_col, show_legend = FALSE), row_km = row_km3, column_title = qq("@{method2} specific, @{length(set1)} signatures")) p3 = grid.grabExpr(ht3 <- draw(ht3, merge_legends = TRUE)) od3 = row_order(ht3) plot_grid(p1, p2, p3, nrow = 1, labels = c("A", "B", "C"))

<% if(do_go_enrichment) { %>

### Gene Ontology enrichment {.tabset}

message("* applying GO enrichment")

Gene Ontology enrichment to the three set of genes are performed by hypergenometric test (with the clusterProfiler package). BP ontologies (Biological Process) is only applied and the significant GO terms are filtered by FDR < 0.01. The enriched GO terms are visualized as a heatmap by their similarities between GO terms (with GOSemSim package). GO terms are split and clustered with the simplifyEnrichment package. The keywords of the summaries of GO functions in each cluster are visualized by word clouds.

tb_list = list()
if(row_km1 == 1) {
    message(qq("  - on @{length(od1)} genes in group 'A'"))
    tb_list[[paste0("A_", length(od1), "_genes")]] = functional_enrichment(rownames(mat1)[od1], ontology = "BP", id_mapping = id_mapping)[[1]] 
} else {
    for(i in 1:row_km1) {
        message(qq("  - on @{length(od1[[as.character(i)]])} genes in group 'A@{i}'"))
        tb_list[[paste0("A", i, "_", length(od1[[as.character(i)]]), "_genes")]] = functional_enrichment(rownames(mat1)[od1[[as.character(i)]]], ontology = "BP", id_mapping = id_mapping)[[1]] 
if(row_km2 == 1) {
    message(qq("  - on @{length(od2)} genes in group 'B'"))
    tb_list[[paste0("B_", length(od2), "_genes")]] = functional_enrichment(rownames(mat2)[od2], ontology = "BP", id_mapping = id_mapping)[[1]] 
} else {
    for(i in 1:row_km2) {
        message(qq("  - on @{length(od2[[as.character(i)]])} genes in group 'B@{i}'"))
        tb_list[[paste0("B", i, "_", length(od2[[as.character(i)]]), "_genes")]] = functional_enrichment(rownames(mat2)[od2[[as.character(i)]]], ontology = "BP", id_mapping = id_mapping)[[1]] 
if(row_km3 == 1) {
    message(qq("  - on @{length(od3)} genes in group 'C'"))
    tb_list[[paste0("C_", length(od3), "_genes")]] = functional_enrichment(rownames(mat3)[od3], ontology = "BP", id_mapping = id_mapping)[[1]] 
} else {
    for(i in 1:row_km3) {
        message(qq("  - on @{length(od3[[as.character(i)]])} genes in group 'C@{i}'"))
        tb_list[[paste0("C", i, "_", length(od3[[as.character(i)]]), "_genes")]] = functional_enrichment(rownames(mat3)[od3[[as.character(i)]]], ontology = "BP", id_mapping = id_mapping)[[1]] 

The most left heatmap illustrates the FDR of GO terms for each gene list. Red basically means significant.

ago = unique(unlist(lapply(tb_list, rownames)))
pm = matrix(1, nrow = length(ago), ncol = length(tb_list))
rownames(pm) = ago
colnames(pm) = names(tb_list)

for(i in seq_along(tb_list)) {
    pm[tb_list[[i]]$ID, i] = tb_list[[i]]$p.adjust
fdr_cutoff = 0.001
l = apply(pm, 1, function(x) any(x < fdr_cutoff))
if(sum(l) < 100) {          
    fdr_cutoff = 0.01
    l = apply(pm, 1, function(x) any(x < fdr_cutoff))
    if(sum(l) < 100) {
        fdr_cutoff = 0.05
        l = apply(pm, 1, function(x) any(x < fdr_cutoff))
        if(sum(l) < 100) {
            fdr_cutoff = 0.1
            l = apply(pm, 1, function(x) any(x < fdr_cutoff))
pm = pm[l, ,drop = FALSE]
all_go_id = rownames(pm)
i_figure = i_figure + 1

```r. Gene ontology enrichment (FDR < @{fdr_cutoff}) on the three sets of genes illustrated in the previous Figure.")} message(qq("* clustering @{nrow(pm)} significant GO terms"))

suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(simplifyEnrichment)) sim_mat = GO_similarity(all_go_id, ont = "BP") col_fun_p = colorRamp2(c(0, -log10(fdr_cutoff), 4), c("green", "white", "red")) ht_fdr = Heatmap(-log10(pm), col = col_fun_p, name = "FDR", show_row_names = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE, border = "black", column_title = "FDR", heatmap_legend_param = list(at = c(0, -log10(fdr_cutoff), 4), labels = c("1", fdr_cutoff, "<0.0001")), width = unit(3, "cm")) invisible(simplifyGO(sim_mat, ht_list = ht_fdr, word_cloud_grob_param = list(max_width = 120), control = list(try_all_partition_fun = TRUE, partial = TRUE), verbose = FALSE))

for(nm in names(tb_list)) {
    tb = tb_list[[nm]]

    qqcat("#### @{gsub('_\\\\d+_genes$', '', nm)} (@{sum(tb$p.adjust <= fdr_cutoff)} terms)\n")
    tb$qvalue = NULL
    tb$geneID = NULL
    print(knitr::kable(tb[tb$p.adjust <= fdr_cutoff, , drop = FALSE], digits = 4, row.names = FALSE))

<% } else { -%>

Gene Ontology enrichment

Functional enrichment was not applied because the matrix rows cannot be mapped to genes (Entrez ID).

<% } -%>

jokergoo/cola documentation built on Feb. 29, 2024, 1:41 a.m.