
Defines functions dbSchema

Documented in dbSchema

# A function to upload a MySQL database schema 
# JEK, 21 Nov 2013
# Modified 2015 Sept 6

dbSchema <- function(
    schema,                                # File path to schema (.txt or .sql)
    name.on.host,                          # Database name on MySQL host
    tables = FALSE,                        # TRUE will return sqlTables()
    schema.name = 'NOH',                     # Name of schema to be replaced by name.on.host
    db.name = 'acoustics',                   # Connection name in ODBC data source
    uid,                                   # Database User ID, if not in ODBC
    pwd,                                   # Database Password, if not in ODBC
    ...                                    # Additional arguments to RODBC::odbcConnect()

    if (!requireNamespace("RODBC", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("The RODBC package is needed to use this function, but it is not installed. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)

    start.time <- Sys.time()
    # Read in the schema, break it up appropriately
    schema <- readLines(con = schema)
    schema <- paste(schema, collapse = "")
    schema <- gsub(pattern = schema.name, replacement = name.on.host, x = schema)
    schema <- gsub(pattern = "----DROP", replacement = '----DROPDROP', x = schema)
    schema <- gsub(pattern = "COMMENT", replacement = ' COMMENT', x = schema)
    schema <- gsub(pattern = ";", replacement = '; ;;', x = schema)
    schema <- strsplit(schema, '----DROP')
    schema <- unlist(schema)     
    schema <- lapply(schema, function(x) strsplit(x, ';;'))
    schema <- unlist(schema)    
    # Open the database connection
    if(missing(uid) && missing(pwd)) {dbCon <- RODBC::odbcConnect(db.name, ...)
    } else if(missing(uid)) {dbCon <- RODBC::odbcConnect(db.name, pwd, ...)
    } else dbCon <- RODBC::odbcConnect(db.name, uid, pwd, ...)
    # Establish a cleanup procedure
    # Push the intro through
    x <- RODBC::sqlQuery(dbCon, "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;")
#    x <- RODBC::sqlQuery(dbCon, intro)
    for(i in 1:length(schema)) {
        x <- RODBC::sqlQuery(dbCon, schema[i])
        if(all(length(x) != 0, x != "No Data")) warning('Error at:\n', schema[i], '\n', x, '\nVerify tables before continuing.\n')
    # Push the closure through    
    x <- RODBC::sqlQuery(dbCon, "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;")
    # Get a list of tables
    if(tables) {
        tables <- RODBC::sqlTables(dbCon)
        return(list(upload.time = paste("Upload time", round(Sys.time()-start.time, 3), units(Sys.time()-start.time)), tables = tables))
    } else return(paste("Upload time", round(Sys.time()-start.time, 3), units(Sys.time()-start.time)))
jonkatz2/monitoR documentation built on March 27, 2024, 4:39 p.m.