
## @script: RNASeq_QC_lib.R
## @author: Joseph Tran (Joseph.Tran@versailles.inra.fr)
## @version:
## @date: 2015-01-23
## @description: This R library contains functions for running RNASeq Quality Control (QC) on gene count dataset and mapping statistics (BBRIC). 
## @license: GPL (>= 2)

version <- ""

copyright <- "GPL (>= 2)"


### check for installed package
is.installed <- function(mypkg) is.element(mypkg, installed.packages()[,1])

### Capturing warnings/errors
tryCatch.W.E <- function(expr)
  W <- NULL
  w.handler <- function(w)
  { # warning handler
    W <<- w
  list(value = withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) e),
                                   warning = w.handler),
       warning = W)

### Load count data
loadCountData <- function(file)
  # load count data
  warn_err <- tryCatch.W.E(read.table(file, header=TRUE, sep="\t", check.names=FALSE))
  if (is.null(warn_err$warning) && is.null(warn_err$value$message))
    count.df <- warn_err$value
    #debug(logger, paste("input count data dimensions: ", dim(count.df)[1], " x ", dim(count.df)[2], sep=""))
    colNames <- names(count.df)
  } else {
    stop(paste(geterrmessage(), str(warn_err)))

### Switch/Case statement over vector
# BUG: not testing the case but perform all cases
# vswitch <- function(EXPR, ...) {
#   vars <- cbind(...)
#   vars[cbind(seq_along(EXPR), match(EXPR, names(list(...))))]
# }
# BUG: idem
# vswitch <- function(expr, ...) {
#   lookup <- list(...)
#   vec <- as.character(expr)
#   vec[is.na(vec)] <- "NA"
#   unname(do.call(c, lookup[vec]))
# }

### check BBRIC count data format
isCountDataBBRIC <- function(count.df)
  colNames <- names(count.df)
  # check for bbric format
  if (length(colNames)>=12) {
    #debug(logger, "Count input file have at least 12 columns, a minimum of 2 samples to compare")
    #debug(logger, "Will check for BBRIC count format: check -count and -rpkm name extension for 2 first columns pairs")
    # check for bbric format: check -count and -rpkm for odd and even columns pairs 
    is_count <- grepl("\\-count$", colNames[seq(9, length(colNames), by=2)])
    if (!all(is_count)) {
      warning("Missing -count column in any of the expected -count columns (odd columns from 9 to end)")
    is_rpkm <- grepl("\\-rpkm$", colNames[seq(10, length(colNames), by=2)])
    if (!all(is_rpkm)) { 
      warning("Missing -rpkm column in any of the expected -rpkm columns (even columns from 10 to end)")
    # check for bbric format: check -count and -rpkm columns have the same lib name
    is_idem <- gsub("-count", "", colNames[seq(9, length(colNames), by=2)]) == gsub("-rpkm", "", colNames[seq(10, length(colNames), by=2)])
    if (!all(is_idem) && all(is_rpkm, is_count)) { 
      warning("All the expected -count and -rpkm columns don't have the same lib name (respectively odd columns from 9 to end, and even columns from 10 to end)")
    # check for bbric format: check -count and -rpkm columns contain only numeric values  
    is_num <- c()
    for (i in 9:length(colNames)) { is_num <- append(is.numeric(count.df[,i]), is_num)}
    if (!all(is_num)) { 
      warning("Values not numeric are found in the expected -count and -rpkm columns (columns from 9 to end)")
    if (all(is_count, is_rpkm, is_idem, is_num)) {
      is_bbric_format = TRUE
      #       info(logger, "OK Count input file format is BBRIC")
    } else
      info("Count input file format is not BBRIC")
      is_bbric_format = FALSE
  } else
    warning("Count input file have less than 12 columns, need at least 2 samples to compare")
    #stop("Count input file have less than 12 columns, need at least 2 samples to compare")
    is_bbric_format = FALSE

### check generic count data format
isCountDataGeneric <- function(count.df)
  colNames <- names(count.df)
  #debug(logger, "Count input file have less than 8 columns, count format seems to be generic")
  # check for generic format: at least 3 columns, 2 samples to compare
  if (length(colNames)>=3) {
    #     debug(logger, "Count input file have at least 3 columns, a minimum of 2 samples to compare")
    #     debug(logger, "Will check for generic count format: check that 2nd and 3rd columns values are numric vectors")
    is_num <- c()
    for (i in 2:length(colNames)) { is_num <- append(is.numeric(count.df[,i]), is_num)}
    if (all(is_num)) {
      is_generic_format = TRUE
      #       debug(logger, "Generic format: 2nd and all following columns values are numeric vectors")
      #       info(logger, "OK Count input file format is generic")
    } else {
      warning ("Not a generic format: all or any of the 2nd and following columns values are not numeric vectors")
      is_generic_format = FALSE
  } else
    warning ("Count input file have less than 3 columns, need at least 2 samples to compare")
    is_generic_format = FALSE

### Check count data format
isCountDataFormat <- function(count.df, format)
  formats=c("BBRIC", "generic")
  stopifnot(format %in% formats)
  # BUG: not working, not testing the current case but performs all the cases  
  #   vswitch(format,
  #           BBRIC = isCountDataBBRIC(count.df),
  #           isCountDataGeneric(count.df)
  #           )
  if (format == "BBRIC")
  } else if (format == "generic")

### Load Stats data
loadStatsData <- function(file)
  # load Stats data
  warn_err <- tryCatch.W.E(read.table(file, header=TRUE, sep="\t", check.names=FALSE))
  if (is.null(warn_err$warning) && is.null(warn_err$value$message))
    stats.df <- warn_err$value
    #     debug(logger, paste("input stats data dimensions: ", dim(stats.df)[1], " x ", dim(stats.df)[2], sep=""))
    StatscolNames <- names(stats.df)
  } else {
    stop(paste(geterrmessage(), str(warn_err)))

### Check Stats data format

isStatsDataFormat <- function(stats.df)
  StatscolNames <- names(stats.df)
  if (length(StatscolNames) == 7) {
    #     debug(logger, "Stats input file has 7 columns as expected")
    # check for stats format: check the StatscolNames
    TrueStatscolNames <- c("lib", "specific_hits", "mapping_hits",	"raw_reads/pairs_count", "mapped_reads/pairs_count", "feature_overlapping_hits", "feature_overlapping_hits/specific_hits_percent" )
    if (identical(StatscolNames, TrueStatscolNames)) {
      #       debug(logger, "Stats input file has the expected column names")
      #       info(logger, "OK Stats input file format is OK")
      is_stats_format = TRUE
    } else
      warning("Stats input file doesnt' have the expected column names")
      is_stats_format = FALSE
  } else {
    warning ("Stats input file doesn't have 7 columns as expected")
    is_stats_format = FALSE

### Load Design data
loadDesignData <- function(file)
  # load Design data
  warn_err <- tryCatch.W.E(read.table(file, header=TRUE, sep="\t", check.names=FALSE))
  if (is.null(warn_err$warning) && is.null(warn_err$value$message))
    design.df <- warn_err$value
    #     debug(logger, paste("input design data dimensions: ", dim(design.df)[1], " x ", dim(design.df)[2], sep=""))
  } else {
    stop(paste(geterrmessage(), str(warn_err)))

### Check Design data format

isDesignDataFormat <- function(design.df)
  DesigncolNames <- names(design.df)
  if (length(DesigncolNames) == 2) {
    #     debug(logger, "Design input file has 2 columns as expected")
    # test for void string
    if (all(unlist(lapply(design.df[,2], function(x){length(x)>0})))) {
      is_design_format = TRUE
    } else
      warning ("The design input file has empty modalities")
      is_design_format = FALSE
  } else
    warning ("Design input file doesn't have 2 columns as expected")
    is_design_format = FALSE

## Check count data and design data consistency (same lib names)

isCountDesign <- function(count.df, design.df, format)
  colNames <- names(count.df)
  # Take the lib_names from count data
  if (format == "BBRIC") {
    countlibNames <- gsub("-count", "", colNames[seq(9, length(colNames), by=2)])
  } else if (format == "generic") {
    countlibNames <- colNames[2:length(colNames)]
  # Take the lib_names from design data
  designlibNames <- design.df[,1]
  # Compare both count and design lib names
  if (all(countlibNames == designlibNames)){
    #     debug(logger, "Count and design data have the same lib names")
    #     info(logger, "OK Count and design data have the same lib names")
    is_count_design = TRUE
  } else
    warning ("Count and design data don't have the same lib names")
    is_count_design = FALSE

## Check stats data and design data consistency (same lib names)

isStatsDesign <- function(stats.df, design.df)
  # Take the lib_names from stats data
  statslibNames <- stats.df[,1]
  # Take the lib_names from design data
  designlibNames <- design.df[,1]
  # Compare both stats and design lib names
  if (identical(statslibNames, designlibNames)) {
    # 		debug(logger, "Stats and design data have the same lib names")
    # 		info(logger, "OK Stats and design data have the same lib names")
    is_stats_design = TRUE
  } else
    warning ("Stats and design data don't have the same lib names")
    is_stats_design = FALSE
jos4uke/qc4rnaseq documentation built on May 19, 2019, 8:45 p.m.