
Defines functions get_wait_times

Documented in get_wait_times

#' Get wait times for emergencies, consultations, and surgeries in the Hospitals covered by the "tempos" API
#' This function provides a wrapper to the API endpoints for getting the live wait times for emergencies, consultations, and surgeries at the following domain: \link{http://tempos.min-saude.pt}.
#' \code{\link{get_wait_times_all}} runs this function on all existing ids.
#' @param hospital_id Integer containing the hospital id, get it through \code{\link{get_hospital_metadata}} under the collumn \code{id}
#' @param output_format defines the format of the final output resulting form the API call. Two options:
#' (1) \code{output_format = "data_frame"} returns a tibble object;
#' (2) \code{output_format = "json"} returns the data as a json file
#' @param request_headers named character vector with the HTTP headers to be added to \code{\link[httr]{GET}} via \code{\link[httr]{add_headers}}. Defaults to \code{NULL}
#' @param data_type Character string determining the type of data to request. Can be either (1) \code{"emergency"}, (2) \code{"consultation"}, or \code{"surgery"}
#' @return json string or tibble containing the relevant metadata. The relevant wait times for \code{"emergency"} are in both seconds as integer or \code{\link[lubridate]{ymd_hms}}. For \code{"consultation"} or \code{"surgery"} they unit of analysis is day as integer. All datasets also contain a variable measuring wait times by the number of people waiting.
#' @export
#' @importFrom httr RETRY content add_headers handle
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON flatten
#' @importFrom dplyr select as_tibble case_when progress_estimated mutate left_join mutate_all any_vars
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer pivot_wider separate
#' @importFrom lubridate seconds_to_period hour minute
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @examples
#'## extract emergency data as a data frame
#'wait_dta <- get_wait_times(hospital_id = 333,
#'                           output_format = "data_frame",
#'                           request_headers = NULL
#'                           data_type = "emergency")
#'wait_dta %>%
#'  ggplot(aes(triage_type, wait_time_secs)) +
#'  geom_boxplot()

#### Get wait times given a hospital id----------------------------------------
get_wait_times <- function(hospital_id = NULL,
                           output_format = c("json", "data_frame"),
                           request_headers = NULL,
                           data_type = c("emergency", "consultation", "surgery")) {

  # Get the metadata
  meta <- get_hospital_metadata(output_format = "data_frame")

  ## Prep the hospital_id -> coerces it to integer
  hospital_id <- prep_id(hospital_id = hospital_id, metadata = meta)

  # prep data type
  data_type <- prep_data_type(data_type = data_type)

  ## Check if the hospital shares data, if not throw an error
  # get the data available
  available <- hospital_data_availability(hospital_id = hospital_id,
                                          hospital_metadata = meta)

  if (available$availability[available$data_type == data_type] == FALSE) {

    ## prep the error message
    missing_msg <- paste0("It seems that '", data_type, "' data is not available for this Hospital.\n")

    available_msg <- paste("However, the following data is:",
                            paste(available$data_type[available$availability == TRUE], collapse = ", "),

    issue_msg <- "If you have any reason to believe that the requested data exists in the API, please file an issue at\nhttps://github.com/josemreis/esperaR/issues\n"

    stop(paste0(missing_msg, available_msg, issue_msg))


  ## API call
  # Prepare the endpoint
  endpoint <- dplyr::case_when(
    data_type == "emergency" ~ "api.php/standbyTime",
    data_type == "consultation" ~ "api.php/standbyTimeCTH",
    data_type == "surgery" ~ "api.php/standbyTimeSIGLIC"
    ) %>%
    paste(., hospital_id, sep = "/")

  # prep headers. Check if NULL, NA or not a named vector
  if (identical(request_headers, NULL) || is.na(request_headers) || (is.vector(request_headers, mode = "character") & any(is.na(names(t))))) {

    request_headers <- ""


  # start a new handle
  h <- handle('')

  # Send the HTTP GET request
  resp <- httr::RETRY(verb = "GET",
                      url = "http://tempos.min-saude.pt",
                      path = endpoint,
                      handle = h,
                      config = add_headers(request_headers),
                      pause_base = 20,
                      times = 5)

  # Check staus server response
  if (resp$status_code != "200") {

    error(paste0("Bad response form the server side\nerror code: ", resp$status_code))


  # check output format
  check_output_format(output_format = output_format)

  ## Parse the response
  if (output_format == "data_frame") {

    # extract the content as raw json
    content_raw <- content(resp, as = "text")

    # parse the json to df and clean variable names
    dta_raw <- try(jsonlite::fromJSON(content_raw, flatten = TRUE) %>%
                     .[["Result"]], silent = TRUE)
    # Test it
    if (class(dta_raw) == "try-error") {

      stop(paste0("Something went wrong when parsing the JSON file. Double check its format at: ", resp$url, "\nError message:\n", dta_raw))


    ## clean up var names
    colnames(dta_raw) <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "\\_", x = colnames(dta_raw))

    ## Wrangle - different wrangling procedure depending on data_type requested
    # logical condition: data type
    if (data_type == "emergency") {

      # wide to long format
      long_dta <- dta_raw %>% ## turn to wide format
                     cols = matches("Time|Length"),
                     names_to = "triage_colour",
                     values_to = "value_raw") %>% ## separate the triage from the metric type
                 col = "triage_colour",
                 sep = "_",
                 into = c("triage_colour", "metric_type")) %>%
        mutate(metric_type = dplyr::case_when(
          metric_type == "Length" ~ "people_n",
          metric_type == "Time" ~ "wait_time_secs"
        )) %>% # turn the time/people var into two different variables
                    names_from = metric_type,
                    values_from = value_raw)

      # Parse dates
      times_parsed <- long_dta %>%
        mutate(sec_p = lubridate::seconds_to_period(wait_time_secs),
               wait_time_hours = lubridate::hour(sec_p),
               wait_time_minutes = lubridate::minute(sec_p)) %>%

      # Add the last updated variable, remove some vars, and turn into final object
      dta_cleaned <- times_parsed %>%
        mutate(triage_colour = dplyr::case_when(
                 triage_colour == "Blue" ~ "Not urgent\n(blue)",
                 triage_colour == "Green" ~ "Less urgent\n(green)",
                 triage_colour == "Yellow" ~ "Urgent\n(yellow)",
                 triage_colour == "Orange" ~ "Very urgent\n(orange)",
                 triage_colour == "Red" ~ "Emergency\n(red)"
               id = hospital_id) %>%
               last_update = LastUpdate,
               emergency_code = Emergency_Code,
               emergency_description = Emergency_Description,
               triage_type = triage_colour,

    } else if (data_type == "consultation") {

      # add last update, renaming and dropping one var
      dta_cleaned <- dta_raw %>%
        mutate(id = hospital_id,
               last_update = as.character(jsonlite::fromJSON(content_raw, flatten = TRUE)[[3]])) %>%
               specialty = Speciality,
               priority = Priority,
               days = Time,
               people = Length)

    } else {

      dta_cleaned <- dta_raw %>%
        mutate(id = hospital_id,
               last_update = as.character(jsonlite::fromJSON(content_raw, flatten = TRUE)[[3]])) %>%
               specialty = Speciality,
               priority = Priority,
               days = Time,
               people = Length,
               is_surgery = Surgery)


    ### finally, we add the metadata, and standardize missing obs to NA
    to_return <- suppressMessages(left_join(dta_cleaned, meta)) %>%
      as_tibble()  %>%
      mutate_all(any_vars(ifelse(grepl(pattern = "^N(\\.)?(A|D)(\\.)?$", ignore.case = TRUE, x = .),

  } else {

    ## as json
    to_return <- content(resp, as = "text")



#' Get wait times for emergencies, consultations, and surgeries for all Hospitals covered by the "tempos" API
#' This function loops across all hospital IDs and runs \code{\link{get_wait_times}} in order to extract all wait times
#' @inheritParams get_wait_times
#' @param sleep_time Integer defining the number of seconds to wait between API calls. Strongly recomend setting a sleeper time so as to not overloading the server. Defaults to 3 seconds.
#' @return list with json strings or tibble. The relevant wait times for \code{"emergency"} are in both seconds as integer or \code{\link[lubridate]{ymd_hms}}. For \code{"consultation"} or \code{"surgery"} they unit of analysis is day as integer. All datasets also contain a variable measuring wait times by the number of people waiting.
#' @export
#' @importFrom httr RETRY content
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON flatten
#' @importFrom dplyr select as_tibble case_when bind_rows progress_estimated mutate mutate_all
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer pivot_wider separate
#' @importFrom lubridate seconds_to_period hour minute ymd_hms
#' @importFrom purrr map possibly
#' @examples
#'## extract emergency data as a data frame
#'wait_dta <- get_wait_times_all(output_format = "data_frame", data_type = "consultation")
#'wait_dta %>%
#'  group_by(priority) %>%
#'  summarise(mean_wait_time = mean(as.integer(days), na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
#'  ungroup() %>%
#'  top_n(mean_wait_time, 10) %>%
#'  ggplot(aes(priority, mean_wait_time)) +
#'  geom_boxplot() +
#'  coord_flip()

### get_wait_times_all()
get_wait_times_all <- function(output_format = c("json", "data_frame"),
                               request_headers = "",
                               data_type = c("emergency", "consultation", "surgery"),
                               sleep_time = 1) {

  ## get all the hospital ids
  if (data_type == "emergency") {

    hospital_metadata <- get_hospital_metadata(output_format = "data_frame") %>%
      filter(shares_emergency_dta == TRUE)

  } else if (data_type == "consultation") {

    hospital_metadata <- get_hospital_metadata(output_format = "data_frame") %>%
      filter(shares_consultation_dta == TRUE)

  } else {

    hospital_metadata <- get_hospital_metadata(output_format = "data_frame") %>%
      filter(shares_surgery_dta == TRUE)


  # prep data type
  data_type <- prep_data_type(data_type = data_type)

  # check output format
  check_output_format(output_format = output_format)

  ## Check sleep time
  to_sleep <- prep_sleep_time(sleep_time = sleep_time)

  # be nice
  if (to_sleep == 0) {

    base::message("\nI have seen you have added no sleep time.\nWhile there are no stated rate limits, this might lead to some server refusals as well as overload the server with requests.\nStrongly recommend adding some sleep_time.\n")


  # set up the progress bar
  prog <- dplyr::progress_estimated(n = nrow(hospital_metadata))

  ## loop across the hospitals which share data, extract, and join
  output_list <- purrr::map(hospital_metadata$id, function(cur_id) {


    ret <- try(get_wait_times(hospital_id = cur_id,
                              output_format = output_format,
                              request_headers = "",
                              data_type = data_type), silent = TRUE)

    if (any(class(ret) == "try-error")) {

      warning(paste0("No data retrieved for hospital (id): ", cur_id))
      ret <- data.frame()




  ## final tidying
  if (output_format == "data_frame") {

    ## bind cols and turn to tibble
    to_return <- output_list %>%
      do.call(rbind, .) %>%

  } else {

    ## as list
    to_return <- output_list




### END
josemreis/esperaR documentation built on March 31, 2020, 1:50 a.m.