
Defines functions get_all_a_calc compute_stda compute_vara compute_a calculate_arp_varx calculate_ar1_varx calculate_ts_mean_confidence_interval calculate_ts_var_of_mean calculate_ts_mean calculate_ts_gamma0 calculate_ts_rho calculate_ts_gamma

Documented in calculate_ar1_varx calculate_arp_varx calculate_ts_gamma calculate_ts_gamma0 calculate_ts_mean calculate_ts_mean_confidence_interval calculate_ts_rho calculate_ts_var_of_mean compute_a compute_stda compute_vara get_all_a_calc

#' Computes Gamma (Auto Covariance of a time series realization)
#' @param x time series realization
#' @param k lag for which ACV needs to be calculated (Default = 0 -> Variance of the Time Series)
#' @return Auto Covaraince at lag k
#' @export
calculate_ts_gamma = function(x, k = 0){
  lhs = stats::lag(x, k) - mean(x)
  rhs = x - mean(x)
  gamma_k = sum(lhs * rhs, na.rm = TRUE)/length(x)

#' Computes Rho (Auto Correlation of a time series realization)
#' @param x time series realization
#' @param k lag for which Auto Correlation needs to be calculated (Default = 1)
#' @return Auto Correlation at lag k
#' @export
calculate_ts_rho = function(x, k = 1){
  gamma_k = calculate_ts_gamma(x, k)
  gamma_0 = calculate_ts_gamma(x, 0)
  rho_k = gamma_k/gamma_0

#' Computes Gamma0 (Variance of a time series realization)
#' @param x time series realization
#' @return Gamma0 (Variance of the time series realization)
#' @export
calculate_ts_gamma0 = function(x){
  n = length(x)
  gamma0 = stats::var(x)*(n-1)/n

#' Computes the Mean of a Time Series realization
#' @param x time series realization
#' @return Mean of the Time Series realization
#' @export
calculate_ts_mean = function(x){

#' Computes the Variance of the Sampling distribution of the Mean of a Time Series
#' @param x time series realization
#' @return Variance of the Sampling distribution of the Mean of the Time Series
#' @export
calculate_ts_var_of_mean = function(x){
  v=stats::var(x,na.rm = TRUE)
  aut = stats::acf(x,lag.max=nlag) 
  for (k in 1:nlag) {
  vxbar=2*sum/n + gamma0/n 

#' Computes the Confidence Interval of the Mean of a Time Series
#' @param x time series realization
#' @param alpha alpha value to be used for calculating the Confidence Interval
#' @return Confidence Interval of the Mean of a Time Series
#' @export
calculate_ts_mean_confidence_interval = function(x, alpha = 0.05){
  xbar = calculate_ts_mean(x)
  vxbar = calculate_ts_var_of_mean(x)
  multiplier = stats::qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
  ci = c(xbar - multiplier * sqrt(vxbar), xbar +  multiplier * sqrt(vxbar))

#' Computes the Population Variance of an AR(1) Time Series
#' @param phi phi values of the time series (only 1 in this case)
#' @param vara variance of the noise term
#' @return True Population Variance of the Time Series
#' @export
calculate_ar1_varx = function(phi, vara=1){
  # Computes SigmaX^2 = vara/(1-phi^2)
  # actually, we can use calculate_arp_varx for this directly since rho1 = phi1^k where k = 1
  return (vara/(1 - phi^2))

#' Computes the Population Variance of an AR(p) Time Series
#' Note that this can also be used for AR(1) models instead of using calculate_ar1_varx
#' although, it will need an extra argument 'pt'
#' @param phi phi values of the time series
#' @param pt output of plotts.true.wge
#' @param vara variance of the noise term
#' @return True Population Variance of the Time Series
#' @export
calculate_arp_varx = function(phi, pt, vara = 1){
  # Computes SigmaX^2 = vara/(1-phi1*rho1 - phi2*rho2 - ...)
  sum = 0
  for (i in seq_along(phi)){
    sum = sum + phi[i] * pt$aut1[i+1]
  return (vara / (1 - sum))

#' Given an AR(p,q) realization, this function estimates the white 
#' noise estimates using equation 6.23 (from the text book)
#' @param x time series realization
#' @param phi phi values of the time series
#' @param theta theta values of the time series
#' @param index time value till which the white noise estimates are needed
#' @return All white noise estimates till the index
#' @export
compute_a = function(x, phi, theta, index){
  ## Limit 1
  get_a_i_lesseq_p = function(index){
    all_a = rep(0,index)  # Return all 0s till the index
  ## Limit 2
  get_a_i_lesseq_lenX = function(x, p, q, phi, theta, index){
    all_a = get_a_i_lesseq_p(p)  ## get all 0's till p
    ## Then compute the values one by one till needed
    limit = min(index, length(x))
    for (i in (p+1):limit){
      a = x[i] - sum(phi * x[(i-1):(i-p)]) + sum(theta * all_a[(i-1):(i-q)]) - (1 - sum(phi)) * mean(x)
      all_a = c(all_a, a)
  ## Limit 3
  get_a_i_more_lenX = function(x, p, q, phi, theta, index){
    n = length(x)
    all_a = get_a_i_lesseq_lenX(x, p, q, phi, theta, n)  ## Get all values till len(x)
    all_a = c(all_a, rep(0, (index-n)))  ## Then append 0s after that
  p = length(phi)
  q = length(theta)
  all_a = c()
  if (index <= p){
    all_a = get_a_i_lesseq_p(index)
  else if (index <= length(x)){
    all_a = get_a_i_lesseq_lenX(x, p, q, phi, theta, index)
    all_a = get_a_i_more_lenX(x, p, q, phi, theta, index)

#' Given the white noise estimates, this function computes 
#' the variance of the white noise. Note that non-zero terms 
#' are removed before calcualting the variance.
#' @param all_a White Noise Estimates
#' @return Variance of the White Noise terms
#' @export
compute_vara = function(all_a){
  subset = all_a[all_a != 0]
  len_subset = length(subset)
  vara = sum(subset^2)/length(subset)

#' Given the white noise estimates, this function computes 
#' the standard deviation of the white noise. Note that non-zero 
#' terms are removed before calcualting the variance.
#' @param all_a White Noise Estimates
#' @return Standard Deviation of the White Noise terms
#' @export
compute_stda = function(all_a){

#' Given an AR(p,q) realization, this function estimates the white 
#' noise estimates using equation 6.23 (from the text book), the 
#' variance and the standard deviation of the white noise
#' @param x time series realization
#' @param phi phi values of the time series
#' @param theta theta values of the time series
#' @return All white noise estimates, variance and standard deviation of these estimates
#' @export
get_all_a_calc = function(x, phi, theta){
  all_a = compute_a(x = x, phi = phi, theta = theta, index = length(x))
  vara = compute_vara(all_a)
  stda = compute_stda(all_a)
  return(list(all_a = all_a, vara = vara, stda = stda))
josephsdavid/tswgewrapped documentation built on July 31, 2020, 9:36 a.m.