
Defines functions confint.pbph print.summary.pbph summary.pbph vcov.pbph pbph

Documented in confint.pbph pbph vcov.pbph

pbph <- setClass("pbph", contains = "lm")

##' Peters-Belson with Prognostic Heterogeneity
##' Performs Peters-Belson with Prognostic Heterogeneity on the data.
##' @param mod1 First stage fitted model.
##' @param treatment A 0/1 variable in \code{data} indicating treatment
##'   assignment, or a vector of 0/1 treatment indicators.
##' @param data Data where variables in \code{form} live.
##' @param center Default \code{TRUE}. Should the predicted values be
##'   centered in the second stage?
##' @param cluster A variable in \code{data} indicating cluster
##'   membership, or a vector of cluster membership.
##' @return A \code{pbph} object which extends \code{lm}. Can be
##'   passed to \code{summary} or \code{confint}.
##'   The return contains an additional object, \code{pbph}, which \code{lm}
##'   doesn't include. \code{pbph} contains \code{mod1}, a copy of the first
##'   stage model, and \code{data}, which includes the \code{data} augmented
##'   with \code{treatment} and \code{predicted}.
##' @export
pbph <- function(mod1, treatment, data, center = TRUE, cluster = NULL) {
  arguments <- as.list(match.call())
  treatment <- eval(arguments$treatment, data, parent.frame())
  cluster <- eval(arguments$cluster, data, parent.frame())

  if (!all(treatment %in% 0:1)) {
    stop("treatment must be indicator (0/1) for treatment status")

  if (sum(1 - treatment) != length(resid(mod1))) {
    stop("It appears the first stage model is not fit only on control units.")

  # These might be hit if the treatment/cluster are not in the data
  # to begin with.
  if (length(treatment) != nrow(data)) {
    stop("treatment must be same length as number of observations in data.")
  if (!is.null(cluster) & length(cluster) != nrow(data)) {
    stop("cluster must be same length as number of observations in data.")

  mm <- makemod2(mod1, treatment, data, center = center)

  pred <- mm$pred
  mod2 <- mm$mod2

  data$treatment <- treatment
  data$pred <- pred

  mod2$pbph <- list(mod1   = mod1,
                   data    = data,
                   cluster = cluster)

  mod2 <- as(mod2, "pbph")


##' Returns covariance matrix calculated via sandwich estimation.
##' Returns a covariance \code{matrix}. Computed using PBPH
##' methods. The variance for pred should NOT be used directly in
##' confidence intervals.
##' @param object \code{pbph} object.
##' @return A covariance \code{matrix}.
vcov.pbph <- function(object) {
  return(corrVar(object$coef[2], object))

##' @export
summary.pbph <- function(object, ...) {
  ss <- summary(as(object, "lm"), ...)

  ss$cov.unscaled <- vcov(object)

  # Input corrected Std. Error
  ss$coefficients[,2] <- sqrt(diag(ss$cov.unscaled))

  # Correct test statistic & p-value.
  ss$coefficients[2,3] <- hypothesisTest(object)
  mod1 <- object$pbph$mod1
  df <- ifelse(is(mod1, "glm"), mod1$df.null, mod1$df)
  ss$coefficients[2,4] <- 2 * pt(abs(ss$coefficients[2,3]),
                                 lower.tail = FALSE)

  # Correct test statistic & p-value for intercept with
  # corrected Std. Error.
  ss$coefficients[1,3] <- ss$coef[1,1] / ss$coeff[1,2]
  ss$coefficients[1,4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(ss$coef[1,3]),
                                    lower.tail = FALSE)

  class(ss) <- "summary.pbph"


##' @export
print.summary.pbph <- function(x, ...) {
  class(x) <- "summary.lm"
  print(x, ...)

##' Confidence intervals for \code{pbph} object
##' Similar to \code{confint.lm}.
##' @param object An object of class \code{pbph}.
##' @param parm Parameters
##' @param level Confidence level.
##' @param ... Additional arguments to \code{confint.lm}.
##' @param wald.style Logical. Defaults to \code{FALSE} so the method
##'   performs test inversion to obtain proper coverage. If
##'   \code{TRUE}, generates wald-style CI's, which will likely suffer
##'   from undercoverage.
##' @param forceDisplayConfInt Logical. Defaults to \code{FALSE}. If a
##'   hypothesis test for the interaction term fails, a confidence
##'   interval is unreliable (and ultimately unnecessary) and thus not
##'   returned. Set this to \code{TRUE} to force computation of the
##'   interval regardless of the hypothesis test.
##' @param returnShape Logical. Defaults to \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE},
##'   adds an attribute to the output the defines the shape of the
##'   confidence region. If \code{TRUE}, \code{forceDisplayConfInt} is
##'   set to \code{TRUE} as well.
##' @return Confidence intervals
##' @export
confint.pbph <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...,
                         wald.style = FALSE, forceDisplayConfInt = FALSE,
                         returnShape = FALSE) {
  if (wald.style & forceDisplayConfInt) {
    warning("Argument 'forceDisplayConfInt' ignored when 'wald.style' is TRUE.")

  if (returnShape) forceDisplayConfInt <- TRUE

  # Do not use confint(as(object, "lm")). `confint.lm` includes a call to vcov;
  # doing it that way will return the originals rather than the corrected
  # versions.
  ci <- confint.lm(object, parm = parm, level = level,...)
  if ("pred" %in% rownames(ci) & !wald.style) {
    if (summary(object)$coef[2,4] > .05 & !forceDisplayConfInt) {
      cat("Interaction term not significant, suppressing associated confidence interval.\n")
      cat("Use 'forceDisplayConfInt = TRUE' to override.\n")
      ci["pred",] <- c(NA, NA)
    } else {
      ti <- testinverse(object, level = level)
      ci["pred",] <- ti
      # If disjoint and we're not either forcing display or returning
      # the shape, make it infinite. If we're either forcing display or
      # returning shape, don't do that. Ensure returnShape = TRUE
      # (probably redundant) just to ensure the shape is returned.
      if (attr(ti, "type") == "disjoint") {
        if (!forceDisplayConfInt & !returnShape) {
          ci["pred",] <- c(-Inf, Inf)
        } else {
          returnShape <- TRUE
      if (returnShape) attr(ci, "shape") <- attr(ti, "type")
josherrickson/epb documentation built on July 6, 2023, 9:12 p.m.