
Defines functions mantaJob.launch

Documented in mantaJob.launch

# Roxygen Comments mantaJob.launch
#' The interface from which compute Jobs are launched. 
#' Submits R format Manta Job specification, runs Job, sends \code{inputs} if specified,
#' closes \code{inputs}, polls Job status, returns Job status JSON.
#' Job is created by \code{\link{mantaJob.setup}} and tasks as defined therein by
#' \code{\link{mantaMap}}, and/or \code{\link{mantaReduce}} functions. Note that Manta tasks
#' are UNIX shell commands, not native R commands. 
#' @param inputs vector of character optional. List of \code{inputs} 
#' as a vector of character, each containing 
#' valid paths to Manta objects as the intended job input files. You may use
#' output from \code{mantaFind} or \code{mantaLs.paths} here. If you have no inputs, your
#' initial Job task must be a \code{mantaReduce} step.
#' @param job required. The R job structure as created with \code{\link{mantaJob.setup}} and
#' Map and Reduce job tasks as defined therein by one or more \code{\link{mantaMap}} and/or
#' \code{\link{mantaReduce}} steps. 
#' More information and parameters are explained in the help for these three functions. 
#' @param batchsize numeric. Maximum number of input object paths to upload
#' in one batch to the running job. This function sends \code{inputs} in batches until
#' they are all sent. Default is \code{500}.
#' @param watch logical. When \code{TRUE} calls \code{mantaJob.done} in polling mode, 
#' after job is initiated, sleeping for for \code{sleep}
#' seconds up to the duration of the \code{watchtimeout} value in seconds. This causes
#' the function to wait until the job is done to return, or until timed out. Timeout
#' does not imply job success or failure.
#' @param sleep integer. Number of seconds to wait between status requests in polling mode
#' when \code{watch} is \code{TRUE}. Default is 15 seconds.
#' @param watchtimeout integer. Number of seconds after which polling ends. Passed
#' to \code{\link{mantaJob.done}} when \code{watch} is set to \code{TRUE}. 
#' Default is 10 minutes (600 seconds)..
#' If \code{watchtimeout} is exceeded, it means the job is still running or queued on
#' Manta. \code{mantaJob.done(poll = TRUE)} or \code{mantaJob.status} can be called 
#' afterward for more monitoring.
#' @param silent logical. Supress console messages, does not affect verbose setting. 
#' @param verbose logical optional. Passed to \code{RCURL} to reveal \code{HTTP} communication.
#' @return Returns a Manta \code{status} JSON structure. The Manta Job identifier is the "id":
#' field - like this \code{"70c30bab-873b-66da-ebc8-ced12bd35ac4"}. This value is the \code{jobid} 
#' parameter to be used used by other \code{mantaJob} functions
#' for inputs, status, errors and outputs as Job lookup key. This key can
#' also be used by Node.js Manta command-line \code{mjob} commands. 
#' @keywords Manta
#' @family mantaJobs
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Example - Map/Reduce Unix Word Count
#' ## Part 1. 
#' ## Job to download all of Shakespeare's plays to your account
#' plays <-
#' c("1kinghenryiv.txt", "1kinghenryvi.txt", "2kinghenryiv.txt",
#' "2kinghenryvi.txt", "3kinghenryvi.txt", "allswellthatendswell.txt",
#' "antonyandcleopatra.txt", "asyoulikeit.txt", "comedyoferrors.txt",
#' "coriolanus.txt", "cymbeline.txt", "hamlet.txt", "juliuscaesar.txt",
#' "kinghenryv.txt", "kinghenryviii.txt", "kingjohn.txt", "kinglear.txt",
#' "kingrichardii.txt", "kingrichardiii.txt", "loverscomplaint.txt",
#' "loveslabourslost.txt", "macbeth.txt", "measureforemeasure.txt",
#' "merchantofvenice.txt", "merrywivesofwindsor.txt", 
#' "midsummersnightsdream.txt",
#' "muchadoaboutnothing.txt", "othello.txt", "periclesprinceoftyre.txt",
#' "rapeoflucrece.txt", "romeoandjuliet.txt", "sonnets.txt", 
#' "tamingoftheshrew.txt",
#' "tempest.txt", "timonofathens.txt", "titusandronicus.txt", 
#' "troilusandcressida.txt",
#' "twelfthnight.txt", "twogentlemenofverona.txt", "various.txt",
#' "venusandadonis.txt", "winterstale.txt")
#' file <- file("plays_list.txt", "wb") 
#' # Important: This forces Windows to use /n instead of /r/n on write()
#' write(plays, file)
#' close(file)
#' rm(file)
#' mantaSetwd.stor()
#' mantaPut("plays_list.txt")
#' inputlist <- mantaLs.paths(grepfor = "plays_list.txt")
#' mantaMkdir("shakespeare")
#' mantaSetwd("shakespeare")
#' fileslocation <- 
#' "https://us-east.manta.joyent.com/cwvhogue/public/shakespeare/"
#' destination <- mantaGetwd()
#' mantaJob.setup("Get Plays", 
#'  mantaMap(paste("xargs -I {} sh -c 'curl -ksL ", 
#'                  fileslocation, 
#'                 "{} | mput ", 
#'                 destination, 
#'                 "/{}'", 
#'                 sep=""))) -> moveplays
#' ## Launch the first job to download the plays:
#' mantaJob.launch(inputlist, moveplays)
#' ## See if they arrived.
#' mantaLs()
#' mantaLs.n()
#' mantaLs.du()
#' ## Copy all the plays to your local drive?
#' # mantaGet(mantaFind())
#' ## Speedread all of Shakespeare?
#' # mantaCat(mantaFind())
#' ## Part 2.
#' ## Map/Reduce Count all the words with wc and awk
#' inputs <- mantaFind()
#' job <- mantaJob.setup(
#'             name = "Word Count",
#'             mantaMap("wc"),
#'             mantaReduce("awk '{ l += $1; w += $2; c += $3 } END { print l, w, c }'")
#'         )
#' mantaJob.launch(inputs, job) -> status
#' ## Getting Job Results:
#' ## These functions find the last Job run if no jobid provided.
#' # mantaJob.status()  ## check to see if job is complete, as JSON information
#' # mantaJob.done()    ## returns logical job done (TRUE/FALSE)
#' # mantaJob.inputs()  ## returns list of inputs
#' mantaJob.outputs() ## retrieve list of paths to Manta output objects
#' # mantaJob.errors()  ## retrieve JSON formatted job error information
#' mantaJob.outputs.cat()   ## Print job output (text files) to console
#' # mantaJob.errors.stderr() ## Print any stderr messages to console
#' @export
mantaJob.launch <-
function(inputs, job, batchsize = 500,  watch = TRUE, sleep = 15, watchtimeout = 600, silent = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {

  if (missing(job)) 
    stop("mantaJob.launch - no job specified")

  noinput <- FALSE
  if (missing(inputs)) 
    noinput <- TRUE  

  #Syntactic NaCl
  if (is.null(job$token)) {
    stop("mantaJob.launch - Token missing error:  Job values passed in via job paramater must be output from mantaJob.setup")
  } else {
     if (job$token != "FEEDB0B0") {
       stop("mantaJob.launch - Token mismatch error:  Job values passed in via job paramater must be output from mantaJob.setup")

  job <- job$job

  info <- !silent

  if (isValidJSON(toJSON(job), asText = TRUE) == FALSE) 
    stop("mantaJob.launch - Job specified is not valid as JSON.")

  # If this is the first export function called in the library
  if (manta_globals$manta_initialized == FALSE) {
    mantaInitialize(useEnv = TRUE)

  manta_call <- paste(manta_globals$manta_url,"/",manta_globals$manta_user,"/jobs", sep="")
  httpheader <- mantaGenHeaders()
  httpheader <- c(httpheader, "content-type" = "application/json")
  req <- list(url = manta_call, method = "POST", headers = httpheader)
  bunyanLog.debug(msg ="curlPerform POST", req = req, version = manta_globals$RSDK_version)
  body <- toJSON(job)
  curl <- getCurlHandle()

  curlpost <- 
  function(url, curl, httpheader, body, verbose) 
    h = basicTextGatherer()
    tryCatch(curlPerform(url = url,
                         curl = curl,
                         httpheader = httpheader,
                         postfields = body,
                         writefunction = h$update,
                         header = TRUE,
                         post = 1L,
                         verbose = verbose,    
                         .encoding = 'UTF-8'),
                    COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST = function(e) {
                         msg <- paste("mantaJob.launch Cannot Resolve Manta Host at\n ",
                         manta_globals$manta_url ,"\n",sep="")
                         bunyanLog.error(msg = msg, version = manta_globals$RSDK_version)
                    error = function(e) {
                         msg <- paste("mantaJob.launch POST HTTP or RCURL error: ", e$message, "\n", sep="")
                         bunyanLog.error(msg = msg, version = manta_globals$RSDK_version)
    reply <- h$value()

  replysplit <- 
  function(reply, returncode, code) {
    split_reply <- strsplit(reply, split = "\r\n\r\n")
    header <- split_reply[[1]][1]
    body <- split_reply[[1]][-1] # in R this removes the first element in the array
    header_lines <- strsplit(header, split= "\r\n")
    no_body <- FALSE
    if (!length(body)==0) {
     body_lines <- strsplit(body[[1]], split = "\n")
    } else {
     body_lines <- c("")
     no_body <- TRUE
    returned_code = ""
    returned_string <- header_lines[[1]][ charmatch("HTTP", header_lines[[1]]) ] 
    returned_code <- strsplit(returned_string, split=" ")[[1]][2]
    res <- list(statusCode = returned_code, headers = header_lines)
    bunyanLog.debug(msg ="mantaJob.launch server return", res = res, version = manta_globals$version) 
    # Server Error Responses
    if (as.integer(returned_code) >= 400) {
      if (isValidJSON(body_lines[[1]], asText = TRUE)) {
        values <- fromJSON(body_lines[[1]])
        # this checks the error strings to see if it is on the list...
        if (sum(charmatch(values, manta_globals$manta_error_classes, nomatch = 0)) > 0) {
          msg <- "mantaJob.launch Manta Service Error: "
        } else {
          msg <- "mantaJob.launch Unknown Error Class: "
        # It was valid JSON, so show it as the return error message
        msg <- paste(msg, returned_code, values,"\n",sep="")
      } else {  
        # not valid JSON returned, just return the error code...
        msg <- paste("mantaJob.launch Unrecognized - Server Error Code: ", returned_string, "\n", sep=" ")         
      bunyanLog.error(msg = msg, version = manta_globals$version) 
    if (code == FALSE) {
      location_string <- ""
      location_string <- header_lines[[1]][grepl("Location", header_lines[[1]], ignore.case = TRUE) ]
      job_string <- strsplit(location_string, split=" ")[[1]][2]
      job_split <- strsplit(job_string, "/")
      jobid <- job_split[[1]][length(job_split[[1]])]
    } else {

  reply <- curlpost(url = manta_call, curl = curl, httpheader = httpheader, body = body, verbose = verbose)
  jobid <- replysplit(reply, returncode = "201", code = FALSE)
  msg <- paste("Job ID: ", jobid, "\n", sep="")
  if (info == TRUE) {

  input_sent <- 0
  batches <- 0
  if (noinput == FALSE) {
    ## Process the supplied inputs
    manta_call <- paste(manta_globals$manta_url,"/",manta_globals$manta_user,"/jobs/", jobid, "/live/in",  sep="")

    input_num <- length(inputs)
    batches <- ceiling(input_num / batchsize)
    for (i in 1:batches) {
      b <- 1 + (i - 1)*batchsize
      e <- i * batchsize
      input_batch <- inputs[b:e]
      input_batch <- input_batch[!is.na(input_batch)]
      httpheader <- mantaGenHeaders()
      httpheader <- c(httpheader, "content-type" = "text/plain")
      req <- list(url = manta_call, method = "POST", headers = httpheader)
      bunyanLog.debug(msg ="curlPerform POST", req = req, version = manta_globals$RSDK_version)
      body <- paste(input_batch, "\n", collapse = "", sep="")
      body <- substring(body, 1, nchar(body) - 1) # remove trailing newline 
      reply <- curlpost(url = manta_call, curl = curl, httpheader = httpheader, body = body,  verbose = verbose)
      ## 204 return code - is sometimes #202 
      returned_code <- replysplit(reply, returncode = "204", code = TRUE)
      # cat(paste("Input code: ",returned_code, "\n", sep=""))
      if ((returned_code == "204") || (returned_code == "202")) {
        msg <- paste(length(input_batch), " inputs added to job ", jobid, "\n",sep="")
        input_sent <- input_sent + length(input_batch)
        if (info == TRUE) {
      }  else {
         # Something bad happened. Try to cancel the job and stop.
         ## Perhaps this could be a retry, but let the user relaunch the job. 
         msg <- paste("mantaJob.launch Error: ", length(input_batch), " inputs - were NOT added to job, Trying to cancel job", jobid, "\n",sep="")
         if (mantaJob.cancel(jobid) == FALSE) {
           msg <- paste("mantaJob.launch failed to send all inputs, could not cancel jobid: ", jobid, "\n", 
                        "Use mantaJob.cancel(", jobid, ") to manually cancel failed job." , sep="")
         } else {
           msg <- paste("mantaJob.launch error sending inputs. Job ", jobid,  "was cancelled.", sep = "")

  ## End the inputs

  manta_call <- paste(manta_globals$manta_url,"/",manta_globals$manta_user,"/jobs/", jobid, "/live/in/end",  sep="")
  httpheader <- mantaGenHeaders()
  httpheader <- c(httpheader, "content-type" = "text/plain")
  req <- list(url = manta_call, method = "POST", headers = httpheader)
  bunyanLog.debug(msg ="curlPerform POST", req = req, version = manta_globals$RSDK_version)
  body <- "\n"

  reply <- curlpost(url = manta_call, curl = curl, httpheader = httpheader, body = body,  verbose = verbose)
  ## 204 return code.  OR #202
  returned_code <- replysplit(reply, returncode = "204", code = TRUE)
  if ((returned_code == "204") || (returned_code == "202")) {
      if (batches > 1) {
        msg <- paste("Total of ", input_sent, " inputs added to job ", jobid, "\n\n",sep="")
        if (info == TRUE) { 
  } else { # If we ever get to this code path.
        msg <- paste("Unexpected Service Error on Sending inputs. Returned:\n", returned_code, sep="")
  ## Poll till done or timeout..

  if (watch == TRUE) {
    done <- mantaJob.done(jobid, poll = TRUE, sleep = sleep, timeout = watchtimeout, silent = silent)

  ## return the status / pretty print JSON

  status <- mantaJob.status(jobid, readable = FALSE)
  if (info == TRUE) {
    cat(paste(toJSON(fromJSON(status), pretty=TRUE), "\n", sep=""))

joyent/mantaRSDK documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:43 p.m.