
Defines functions validateParameters

# Validate that input parameters conforms to required standards of the Task class
# More detailed explaination here
# @param parameters A data.frame with columns \code{parameter}, \code{class}, and \code{label}
# @return TRUE if no errors are detected in \code{parameters}
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# parameters <- data.frame(
#  parameter = c("x","y"),
#  class = c("logical","numeric"),
#  label = c("myX","myY"),
#  stringsAsFactors=FALSE
#  )
# validateParameters(parameters)
# }
# @keywords internal

# validate the input parameters slot for an object of class Task
validateParameters = function(parameters=NULL){
  # check that parameters is not null
    # check that parameters is a data.frame
      stop("The parameters argument must be of class data.frame")
    # check if parameters data.frame has colnames = c("parameter", "class", "label")
      stop("The parameters argument must only contain named columns 'parameter', 'class', and 'label'")
    # check that all values in the 'parameter' column are characters
      stop("All 'parameter' values must be of class character. Try setting stringsAsFactors=F when defining your data.frame.")
    # make sure that every parameter is unique, if not, stop()
      stop("All 'parameter' values must be unique")
    # check that all values in the 'label' column are characters
      stop("All 'label' values must be of class character")
    # make sure that every parameter has a unique label, if not, stop()
      stop("All parameters must have a unique label")
    # check that all values in the 'class' column are characters
      stop("All 'class' values must be of class character")
    # check that all values provided in the class column exist
    for(i in 1:nrow(parameters)){
        stop(paste(parameters$class[i],"is not a valid class"))
jperezrogers/rabbit documentation built on Feb. 9, 2020, 4:59 p.m.