
#' @export
create_edge <- function(src_id, tgt_id, rel_type, props, show_query = FALSE){
  src_id <- 204
  tgt_id <- 205
  rel_type <- "RELATION"
  props <- list(x = 23, txt = "weeeee")
  #ed <- list(from = 1, to = "la-estrategia", myreltype = "RELATED")
  props <- write_props_cypher(props)
  qtpl <- "MATCH (n1), (n2)
  WHERE ID(n1) = {src_id} AND ID(n2) = {tgt_id}
  CREATE (n1)-[r:{rel_type}{{props}}]->(n2)
  RETURN n1,r,n2"
  vals <- list(src_id = src_id, tgt_id = tgt_id, rel_type = rel_type, props = props)
  q <- str_tpl_format(qtpl,vals)
  if(show_query) message(q)
  call_neo4j(q, con)

#' @export
load_edges_csv <- function(csv_url = NULL,
                           rel_type = NULL,
                           src_col = NULL,
                           src_label = NULL,
                           src_uid_prop = NULL,
                           tgt_col = NULL,
                           tgt_label = NULL,
                           tgt_uid_prop = NULL,
                           rel_props = NULL,
                           con = NULL,
                           show_query = TRUE,
                           periodic_commit = 20
  d <- read_csv(csv_url, n_max = 5, col_types = cols(.default = "c"))
  on_load_query <- prep_edges_load_query(d = d,
                                         rel_type = rel_type,
                                         src_col = src_col,
                                         src_label = src_label,
                                         src_uid_prop = src_uid_prop,
                                         tgt_col = tgt_col,
                                         tgt_label = tgt_label,
                                         tgt_uid_prop = tgt_uid_prop,
                                         rel_props = rel_props,
                                         con = con,
                                         show_query = show_query)
  if(show_query) message(on_load_query)
  load_csv(url = csv_url,
           con = con, header = TRUE, periodic_commit = periodic_commit,
           as = "csvLine", on_load = on_load_query)

prep_edges_load_query <- function(d = NULL,
                                  rel_type = NULL,
                                  src_col = NULL,
                                  src_label = NULL,
                                  src_uid_prop = NULL,
                                  tgt_col = NULL,
                                  tgt_label = NULL,
                                  tgt_uid_prop = NULL,
                                  rel_props = NULL,
                                  con = NULL,
                                  show_query = TRUE){
  calc_rel_props <- names(d)[!names(d) %in% c(src_label, tgt_label,rel_type,src_col,tgt_col)]
    rel_props <- calc_rel_props
  if(!rel_props %in% names(d)) stop("Rel prop columns not found in csv")
  rel_type <- ifelse(is.null(rel_type),"",paste0(":",rel_type))
  src_label <- ifelse(is.null(src_label),"",paste0(":",src_label))
  tgt_label <- ifelse(is.null(tgt_label),"",paste0(":",tgt_label))
  props <- paste0("csvLine.",rel_props)
  names(props) <- rel_props
  props <- write_props_cypher(as.list(props), quote = FALSE)
  qtpl <- '
  MATCH (n1{src_label}{{src_uid_prop}:csvLine.{src_col}})
  MATCH (n2{tgt_label}{{tgt_uid_prop}:csvLine.{tgt_col}})
  CREATE UNIQUE (n1)-[r{rel_type}{{props}}]-(n2)
  RETURN n1,r,n2'
  vals <- list(src_label = src_label,
               src_col = src_col, src_uid_prop = src_uid_prop,
               tgt_label = tgt_label,
               tgt_col = tgt_col, tgt_uid_prop = tgt_uid_prop,
               rel_type = rel_type,
               props = props)
  # USING PERIODIC COMMIT 50 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jpmarindiaz/neo4rutils/master/inst/data/roles.csv' AS csvLine
  # MERGE (n1:Person{id:csvLine.personId})
  # MERGE (n2:Movie{id:csvLine.movieId})
  # MERGE (n1)-[r:TEST2333]->(n2)
  on_load_query <- str_tpl_format(qtpl, vals)

#' @export
get_edges_table <- function(rel_type = NULL, con = NULL, debug = FALSE){
    rel_types <- get_available_rel_types(con)
    edges <- map(rel_types, function(x){
      if(debug) message(x)
      }) %>%
    edges <- get_edges_rel_type_table(rel_type, con)

#' @export
get_edges_rel_type_table <- function(rel_type, con, src_cols = NULL, tgt_cols = NULL){
  if(!rel_type %in% get_available_rel_types(con))
    stop("Rel type not in db")
  q <- glue("MATCH (n1)-[r:`{rel_type}`]->(n2) RETURN r,n1,n2")
  res <- call_neo4j(q, con, type = "row", output = "json", include_meta = TRUE)
  y <- jsonlite::fromJSON(res, simplifyVector = TRUE, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)

  cols <- c()
    cols <- c(cols,paste0("src_", src_cols))
    cols <- c(cols, paste0("tgt_", tgt_cols))
  basic_cols <- c(".rel_id",".rel_type",".rel_deleted")
  y2 <- map(y[[1]], function(x){
    # x <- y[[1]][[1]]
    basic_cols <- c(basic_cols, names(x$row[[1]]))
    names(x$row[[2]]) <- paste0("src_",names(x$row[[2]]))
    names(x$row[[3]]) <- paste0("tgt_",names(x$row[[3]]))
    names(x$meta[[1]]) <- paste0(".rel_",names(x$meta[[2]]))
    names(x$meta[[2]]) <- paste0(".src_",names(x$meta[[2]]))
    names(x$meta[[3]]) <- paste0(".tgt_",names(x$meta[[3]]))
    l <- c(unlist(x$row, recursive = FALSE),unlist(x$meta, recursive = FALSE))
    idx <- grepl("src_|tgt_",names(l))
    src_tgt_cols <- names(l)[idx]
    if(length(cols) != 0){
      src_tgt_cols <- src_tgt_cols[src_tgt_cols %in% c(".src_id", ".tgt_id", cols)]
    as_tibble(l[names(l) %in% c(basic_cols, src_tgt_cols)])
  }) %>% bind_rows()
  y2 %>%
    mutate(rel_type = rel_type) %>%
    select(rel_type, .rel_id, .src_id, .tgt_id, everything())

#' @export
get_total_edge_count <- function(graph){
  q <- "MATCH (n)-[r]-(m)
  flatten_int(cypher(graph, q))

#' @export
get_edge_count <- function(rel_type= NULL, con = con){
    q <- "MATCH (n)-[r]->()\nRETURN COUNT(r)"
  }else if(is.na(rel_type)){
    q <- "MATCH (n) \nWHERE size(labels(n)) = 0\nRETURN COUNT(n)"
  }else {
    q <- "MATCH (n)-[r:`{rel_type}`]->()\nRETURN COUNT(r)"
    q <- str_tpl_format(q,list(rel_type = rel_type))
  unname(unlist(call_neo4j(q, con)))

#' @export
get_available_rel_types <- function(con){
  q <- "MATCH (n)-[r]-(m) RETURN DISTINCT type(r) AS type"
  res <- call_neo4j(q, con, output = "json")
  types <- unlist(jsonlite::fromJSON(res)[[1]]$row)

#' @export
get_edge_count_by_rel_type <- function(con = con){
  rel_types <- get_available_rel_types(con)
  rel_types <- c(rel_types)
  x <- map_int(rel_types, ~get_edge_count(rel_type = ., con))
  data_frame(rel_types = rel_types, edge_count = x)

#' @export
delete_edges <- function(con){
  q <- "MATCH ()-[r]-()\nDELETE r"
  res <- call_neo4j(q, con)
  get_edge_count(rel_type = NULL, con)

#' #' @export
#' load_edges_data_frame <- function(edges,
#'                                   sourceCol = NULL, targetCol = NULL,
#'                                   relType = NULL, relTypeCol = NULL,
#'                                   sourceProp = NULL, targetProp = NULL,
#'                                   sourceLabel = NULL, targetLabel = NULL,
#'                                   graph = NULL,createNodes = FALSE){
#'   ed <- transpose(edges)
#'   f <- function(e){
#'     #e <- ed[[1]]
#'     props <- e
#'     props[sourceCol] <- NULL
#'     props[targetCol] <- NULL
#'     src <- get_node_by_uid(e[[sourceCol]],prop = sourceProp, label = sourceLabel,
#'                            graph = graph)
#'     tgt <- get_node_by_uid(e[[targetCol]],prop = targetProp, label = targetLabel,
#'                            graph = graph)
#'     if(is.null(src) || is.null(tgt))
#'       return(paste0("ERROR in src:",e[[sourceCol]], ", tgt: ",e[[targetCol]]))
#'     if(!is.null(relTypeCol)){
#'       if(!relTypeCol %in% names(e)) stop("RelTypeCol not in node")
#'       relType <- e[[relTypeCol]]
#'     }
#'     props <- props[!is.na(props)]
#'     if(is.na(relType))
#'       return(paste0("ERROR: REL_TYPE is NA in src:",e[[sourceCol]], ", tgt: ",e[[targetCol]]))
#'     if(length(props) == 0)
#'       props <- NULL
#'     createRel(src, relType, tgt, props)
#'     "OK"
#'   }
#'   map(ed,f)
#' }
jpmarindiaz/neo4rutils documentation built on May 15, 2019, 12:45 p.m.