
#' Kernel multitask regression
#' Fits a kernel multitask regression (KMR) model.
#' @param x Input matrix of covariates, of dimension \code{nobs x nvars}; each 
#'   row is an observation vector. If a precomputed kernel is used, then 
#'   \code{x} is the square Gram matrix.
#' @param y Output matrix of responses. \code{y} should be an \code{nobs x 
#'   ntasks} matrix, where each row corresponds to an observation and each 
#'   column to a task.
#' @param kx_type Kernel for observations. \code{kx_type="linear"} is the
#'   linear kernel (default). \code{kx_type="gaussian"} is the Gaussian RBF
#'   kernel with bandwidth \code{sigma=1} by default, or any other valued is
#'   passed as an element of the \code{kx_option} list.
#'   \code{kx_type="precomputed"} assumes that the \code{x} matrix provided is
#'   the kernel Gram matrix.
#' @param kx_option An optional list of parameters for the observation kernel,
#'   including elements such as "\code{sigma}".
#' @param kt_type Kernel for tasks. \code{kt_type="multitask"} (default) is the 
#'   multitask kernel with parameter \eqn{0 \le \alpha \le 1}, which 
#'   interpolates between the Dirac kernel for \eqn{\alpha=1} (default) and the 
#'   constant kernel for \eqn{\alpha=0}. The parameter \eqn{alpha} can be passed
#'   to the \code{kt_option} list as a field \code{alpha}. 
#'   \code{kt_type="empirical"} takes the empirical correlation between outputs 
#'   as kernel between the tasks. \code{kt_type="precomputed"} allows to provide
#'   a precomputed kernel as a field \code{kt} in the \code{kt_type} list.
#' @param kt_option An optional list of parameters for the task kernel, 
#'   including elements such as "\code{alpha}" and "\code{kt}".
#' @return An object (list) of class \code{"kmr"}, which can then be used to make 
#'   predictions for the different tasks on new observations.
#' @export
#' @references 
#' Bernard, E., Jiao, Y., Scornet, E., Stoven, V., Walter, T., and Vert, J.-P. (2017). Kernel multitask regression for toxicogenetics. \href{https://doi.org/10.1101/171298}{bioRxiv-171298}.
#' @examples 
#' # Data
#' ntr <- 80
#' ntst <- 20
#' nt <- 50
#' p <- 20
#' xtrain <- matrix(rnorm(ntr*p),ntr,p)
#' xtest <- matrix(rnorm(ntst*p),ntst,p)
#' ytrain <- matrix(rnorm(ntr*nt),ntr,nt)
#' ytest <- matrix(rnorm(ntst*nt),ntst,nt)
#' # Case I: with linear kernel for x and empirical kernel for t
#' # Train
#' mo1 <- kmr(x=xtrain, y=ytrain, kx_type="linear", kt_type="empirical")
#' # Predict
#' pred1 <- predict(mo1, xtest)
#' # Evaluate
#' evalpred(pred1, ytest, "mse")
#' # Case II: with precomputed kernel matrices
#' # Kernel matrices
#' kxtrain <- tcrossprod(xtrain)
#' kxtest <- tcrossprod(xtest,xtrain)
#' kttrain <- cor(ytrain)
#' # Train
#' mo2 <- kmr(x=kxtrain, y=ytrain, kx_type="precomputed", 
#'            kt_type="precomputed", kt_option=list(kt=kttrain))
#' # Predict
#' pred2 <- predict(mo2, kxtest)
#' # Evaluate
#' evalpred(pred2, ytest, "mse")

kmr <- function(x, 
                kx_type = c("linear", "gaussian", "precomputed"), 
                kx_option = list(sigma = 1), 
                kt_type = c("multitask", "empirical", "precomputed"), 
                kt_option = list(alpha = 1, kt = NULL))
  this.fcall <- match.call()
  kx_type <- match.arg(kx_type)
  kt_type <- match.arg(kt_type)
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  # Eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariate kernel
  Kx = switch(kx_type, 
              "linear" = x %*% t(x),
              "gaussian" = gausskernel(x, kx_option[['sigma']]),
              "precomputed" = x)
  s <- eigen(Kx,symmetric=TRUE)
  Ux <- s$vectors
  Dx <- s$values
  # Eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the task kernel
  ntasks <- ncol(y)
  Kt = switch(kt_type,
  s <- eigen(Kt,symmetric = TRUE)
  Ut <- s$vectors
  Dt <- s$values
  # Useful computation: gamma
  gamma <- as.matrix(apply(Ux,2,sum))
  # Return
  res <- list(x=x,y=y,Ux=Ux,Dx=Dx,Ut=Ut,Dt=Dt,gamma=gamma,Kt=Kt,kx_type=kx_type,kx_option=kx_option,call=this.fcall)
  class(res) <- "kmr"
jpvert/kmr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:56 a.m.