Man pages for jr-leary7/SCISSORS
Identify cell subpopulations in single cell RNA-seq data

AnnotateMarkerGenesAnnotate differentially expressed genes using 'biomaRt'.
ChoosePCsAutomatically choose the number of principal components.
ComputeSilhouetteScoresCalculate the silhouette score of a clustering.
ConvertGeneOrthologsConvert a vector of MGI symbols to their HGNC orthologs and...
CosineDistCompute the cosine distance matrix.
FindFilteredMarkersFind marker genes for a given set of cells, and filter out...
FindSpecificMarkersFind highly specific marker genes for all clusters in a...
FindSubpopulationMarkersIdentify marker genes for previously identified...
IntegrateSubclustersIntegrate estimated subcluster identities into the original...
PrepareDataPrepare scRNA-seq data for reclustering.
ReclusterCellsIdentify subpopulations in single cell clusters.
ReduceDimensionsRun PCA / t-SNE / UMAP / PHATE.
RunPHATEPerform nonlinear dimension reduction using PHATE.
theme_yehlabA clean 'ggplot2' theme for dimension reduction plots.
jr-leary7/SCISSORS documentation built on April 20, 2023, 8:21 p.m.