
#' Difference Age Vector
#' Get width of age groups from differenced age vector.
#' @param x Start of age interval.
#' @param last_open Is the last age group open (TRUE) or closed (FALSE,
#'   default).
#' @return The widths of the age groups as a numeric vector of \code{length(x)}.
#' @details
#' If the last age group is closed it is assumed to have the same width as the
#' preceeding age group. If the last age group is open, the width is set to
#' \code{NA}.
#' @keywords internal
DiffAge <- function (x, last_open = FALSE) {
  k  = length(x)
  nx = diff(x)
  if (identical(last_open, FALSE)) { nx = c(nx, nx[k-1]) }
  if (identical(last_open, TRUE)) { nx = c(nx, NA) }

# Various Validation Functions --------------------------------------------

#' Test if Object is Pace-Shape
#' @keywords internal
TestClass <- function (x) {
  if (!is.pash(x)) { stop("x is not a pace-shape object.", call. = FALSE) }

#' Set Last Value in Vector to NA
#' @keywords internal
SetLastToNA <- function (x) {
  x[length(x)] = NA

#' Test if Age Vector Matches nx Vector
#' @keywords internal
TestnxMatchx <- function (x, nx) {
  if(any(diff(x) != nx[-length(nx)])) { stop("Provided Age and nx vectors don't match.", call. = FALSE) }

#' Check Input for NA, NaN and Inf
#' @keywords internal
IsNANanInf <- function (x, name_x, test = 1:3) {
  if (any(is.na(x)) && !any(is.nan(x)) && 1 %in% test) { stop(paste(name_x, "must not contain NA."), call. = FALSE) }
  if (any(is.nan(x)) && 2 %in% test) { stop(paste(name_x, "must not contain NaN."), call. = FALSE) }
  if (any(is.infinite(x)) && 3 %in% test) { stop(paste(name_x, "must not contain (-)Inf."), call. = FALSE) }

# Validate Input Data -----------------------------------------------------

#' Validate lx
#' @keywords internal
Validatelx <- function (lx) {
  if (!is.numeric(lx)) { stop("lx must be numeric.", call. = FALSE) }
  if (any(lx < 0)) { stop("lx can't be negative.", call. = FALSE) }
  if (is.unsorted(rev(lx))) { stop("lx must be monotonically decreasing.", call. = FALSE) }

#' Validate / Modify lx Tail To Close the Life-table
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @keywords internal
ValidateTaillx <- function(x, lx, nax, nx, last_open) {
  # k: number of age-groups
  k = length(x)

  # delete tail of 0s in lx vector and remove corresponding
  # values of other life-table columns
  if (identical(lx[k], 0)) {
    zero_tail_length = tail(rle(lx)$length, 1)
    lx = head(lx, -zero_tail_length)
    x = head(x, -zero_tail_length)
    nx = head(nx, -zero_tail_length)
    nax = head(nax, -zero_tail_length)

    if (last_open == FALSE) {
      message("Ages where lx = 0 have been removed from life-table.")
    if (last_open == TRUE) {
      last_open = FALSE
      message("Ages where lx = 0 have been removed from life-table.\nThe last age group is now closed instead of open.")

  return(list(x = x, lx = lx, nax = nax, nx = nx, last_open = last_open))

#' Validate mx
#' @keywords internal
Validatemx <- function (mx) {
  if (!is.numeric(mx)) { stop("mx must be numeric.", call. = FALSE) }
  if (any(mx < 0)) { stop("mx must not be negative.", call. = FALSE) }

#' Validate nqx
#' @keywords internal
Validatenqx <- function (nqx) {
  if (!is.numeric(nqx)) { stop("nqx must be numeric.", call. = FALSE) }
  if (any(nqx < 0) || any(nqx > 1)) { stop("nqx can only take values in [0,1].", call. = FALSE) }

#' Validate / Modify Last nqx To Close The Life-table
#' @keywords internal
ValidateLastnqx <- function(x, nqx, nax, nx, last_open) {

  # k: number of age-groups
  k = length(x)

  # set last nqx to 1 if last age group is open and last nqx is not 1
  if (isTRUE(last_open) && nqx[k] != 1) {
    nqx[k] = 1
    warning("The last nqx has been overwritten and set to 1 to close the life-table.")

  # add an additional last open age group with nqx = 1 to a life table with
  # closed last age group where nqx is not 1
  if (!isTRUE(last_open) && nqx[k] != 1) {
    x = c(x, x[k]+nx[k])
    nqx = c(nqx, 1)
    nx = c(nx, NA)
    nax = c(nax, NA)
    last_open = TRUE
    warning("An additional last-open age group with nqx = 1 has been added to close the life-table.")

  return(list(x = x, nqx = nqx, nax = nax, nx = nx, last_open = last_open))

# Validate Parameters -----------------------------------------------------

#' Validate Age
#' @keywords internal
ValidateAge <- function (x) {
  IsNANanInf(x, "The age vector")
  if (!is.numeric(x)) { stop("Age must be numeric.", call. = FALSE) }
  if (!(length(x) > 2L)) { stop("The age vector must contain at least 3 age groups.", call. = FALSE) }
  if (any(x < 0L)) { stop("Age must not be negative.", call. = FALSE) }
  if (!all(diff(x) > 0L)) { stop("The age vector must be arranged in increasing order.", call. = FALSE) }

#' Validate last_open
#' @keywords internal
ValidateLastOpen <- function (last_open) {
  IsNANanInf(last_open, "last_open")
  if (!is.logical(last_open)) { stop("last_open must be logical.", call. = FALSE) }
  if (!identical(length(last_open), 1L)) { stop("last_open must be scalar.", call. = FALSE) }

#' Validate nx
#' @keywords internal
Validatenx <- function (nx, x, last_open) {
  IsNANanInf(nx, "nx", test = 2:3)
  # numeric nx
  if (is.numeric(nx)) {
    # numeric vector nx
    if (length(nx) > 1L) {
      if (!identical(length(nx), length(x))) { stop("nx vector must be of same length as x.", call. = FALSE) }
      if (identical(last_open, FALSE) && any(is.na(nx))) { stop("nx vector must not contain NA if last_open=FALSE.", call. = FALSE) }
      if (identical(last_open, TRUE) && any(is.na(nx[-length(nx)]))) { stop("nx vector must not contain NA unless its in last position and last_open=TRUE.", call. = FALSE) }
      nx_mode = "vector"
      nx_ = nx
      if (identical(last_open, TRUE)) { nx_ = SetLastToNA(nx_) }
    } else {
      # numeric scalar nx
      if (!identical(length(nx), 1L)) { stop("nx must be of same length as x or scalar.", call. = FALSE) }
      if (is.na(nx)) { stop("nx must not be NA if scalar.") }
      nx_mode = "scalar"
      nx_ = rep(nx, length(x))
      if (identical(last_open, TRUE)) { nx_ = SetLastToNA(nx_) }
    TestnxMatchx(x, nx_)
  } else { # character nx
    if (!is.character(nx)) {stop("nx must be numeric or character.") }
    if (!identical(length(nx), 1L)) { stop("nx must be scalar if character.") }
    if (!identical(nx, "auto")) { stop("nx must be 'auto' if character.") }
    nx_mode = "auto"
    nx_ = DiffAge(x, last_open = last_open)

  return(list(nx = nx_, nx_mode = nx_mode))


#' Validate nax
#' @keywords internal
Validatenax <- function (nax, x, nx, last_open) {
  IsNANanInf(nax, "nax")
  # numeric nax
  if (is.numeric(nax)) {
    # numeric vector nax
    if (length(nax) > 1L) {
      if (!identical(length(nax), length(x))) { stop("nax vector must be of same length as x.", call. = FALSE) }
      nax_mode = "vector"
      nax_ = nax
    } else {
      # numeric scalar nax
      if (!identical(length(nax), 1L)) { stop("nax must be of same length as x or scalar.", call. = FALSE) }
      nax_mode = "scalar"
      nax_ = rep(nax, length(x))
    # remove NA in nx for comparision because last nx may be NA
    if (any(nax_ > nx, na.rm = TRUE)) { stop("nax must not be larger than nx.", call. = FALSE) }
  } else { # character nax
    if (!is.character(nax)) { stop("nax must be numeric or character.") }
    if (!identical(length(nax), 1L)) { stop("nax must be scalar if character.") }
    if (!(nax %in% c("udd", "cfm"))) { stop("nax mode must be either 'udd' or 'cfm'.") }
    nax_mode = nax
    nax_ = nax

  return(list(nax = nax_, nax_mode = nax_mode))

jschoeley/pash documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:07 a.m.