Man pages for jsigao/prioritree
A utility for improving phylodynamic analyses in BEAST

description_deltapriorGenerate the description for the prior specification on the...
description_mupriorGenerate the description for the prior specification on the...
draw_nevents_conditionalDraw the number of events conditioning on the start and end...
fill_DTMCmatsCompute the uniformized matrix (R) of Q and its...
historySimulator_teststatisticsComputerSimulate discrete-character histories using the inferred...
sim_historySimulate history of discrete-character changes over a...
sim_history_branch_conditionalSimulate history of discrete-character changes over a branch...
sim_history_conditionalSimulate history of discrete-character changes over a...
sim_history_piece_conditionalSimulate history of discrete-character changes over a...
sim_history_unconditionalSimulate history of discrete-character changes over a...
tex_analysisCombine the descriptions on different types of analyses to...
tex_bayesianinferenceGenerate the description (in the selected format) of the...
tex_dataGenerate the description (in the selected format) of the data...
tex_dcanalysisGenerate the description (in the selected format) of the MCMC...
tex_deltapriorGenerate the description (in the selected format) of the...
tex_modelGenerate the description (in the selected format) of the...
tex_mupriorGenerate the description (in the selected format) of the...
tex_posterioranalysisGenerate the description (in the selected format) of the MCMC...
tex_powerposteriorGenerate the description (in the selected format) of the...
tex_priorCombine the descriptions on the two priors to generate the...
tex_prioranalysisGenerate the description (in the selected format) of MCMC...
tex_summarystatsGenerate the description (in the selected format) of the...
xml_clockratemodelGenerate the average dispersal rate model block in a 'BEAST'...
xml_discretetraitdataGenerate the data block in a BEAST XML file.
xml_discretetraitmodelGenerate the discrete-geography model block in a BEAST XML...
xml_monitorsGenerate the monitor block in a 'BEAST' XML file.
xml_phyloctmcGenerate the treeLikelihood block in a 'BEAST' XML file.
xml_treemodelGenerate the tree-model block in a 'BEAST' XML file.
jsigao/prioritree documentation built on Jan. 9, 2023, 5:35 a.m.