name.balance: Name a balance (coordinate) based on taxonomy

View source: R/name_balances.R

name.balanceR Documentation

Name a balance (coordinate) based on taxonomy


For a given ILR balance (coordinate) assigns a name to the balance based on a provided taxonomy table. This is useful for interpretation of the balances.


  method = "voting",
  thresh = 0.95,
  return.votes = NULL



an object of class 'phylo'


a matrix/data.frame of taxonomy, rownames should correspond to tr$tip.labels columns should be taxonomic levels (named) with increasing taxonomic resolution from left to right (e.g., Phylum to the left of Genus).


the name of a balance/internal node on the tree (given as a string)


currently only 'voting' implemented. See Details.


threshold for assignment of taxonomy to a given part of a balance (must be greater than 0.5 if method='voting'; see details).


whether voting results by taxonomic level should be shown for coord. Note: this is helpful when name.balance does not return a clear winner, as may be the case when a given coord represents more than one taxonomic lineage. votes are returned as a list indexed by colnames(tax) Options include:


(default) only returns the combined consensus name of the balance


adds tallied votes for the 'up' node to the output list


adds tallied votes for the 'down' node to the output list


adds tallied votes for coord to the output list


A bit of terminology:


this is the same as the names of the balances which should be the same as the names of the internal nodes of tr


this is the child node of coord that is represented in the numerator of the coord balance.


this is the child node of coord that is represented in the denominator of the coord balance

The method 'voting' assigns the name of the each part of a balance (e.g., numerator and denominator / each child of coord) as follows:

  1. First Subset tax to contain only descendent tips of the given child of coord

  2. Second At the finest taxonomic (farthest right of tax) see if any one taxonomic label is present at or above thresh. If yes output that taxonomic label (at that taxonomic level) as the label for that child of coord. If no then move to coarser taxonomic level (leftward) and repeat.


If return.votes=NULL returns a string of the form (ex. 'Genus_Bacteroides/Phylum_Firmicutes'). Otherwise returns a list with the above string as 'name', see Arguments for show.votes for other optional returned items.


Justin Silverman

See Also



tr <- named_rtree(40)
tax <- data.frame(Kingdom=rep('A', 40),
               Phylum=rep(c('B','C'), each=20),
               Genus=c(sample(c('D','F'),20, replace=TRUE),
                       sample(c('G','H'), 20, replace=TRUE)))
rownames(tax) <- tr$tip.label
name.balance(tr, tax, 'n1')
name.balance(tr, tax, 'n34')
name.balance(tr,tax, 'n34', return.votes = c('up', 'down'))

jsilve24/philr documentation built on April 20, 2023, 12:43 p.m.