Man pages for jsta/glatos
A package for the Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observation System

abacus_plotPlot detection locations of acoustic transmitters over time
adjust_playback_timeModify playback time of video
aggregate_total_no_overlapThe function below aggregates timedelta of first_detection...
aggregate_total_with_overlapThe function below aggregates timedelta of first_detection...
calc_collision_probEstimate probability of collision for telemetry transmitters
check_dependenciesCheck system dependencies necessary for package 'glatos'
convert_glatos_to_attConvert detections and receiver metadata to a format that ATT...
convert_otn_erddap_to_attConvert detections, transmitter, receiver, and animal...
crwSimulate a correlated random walk
crw_in_polygonSimulate a correlated random walk inside a polygon
detection_bubble_plotPlot number of tagged animals or detections on a map
detection_eventsClassify discrete events in detection data
detect_transmissionsSimulate detection of transmitter signals in a receiver...
false_detectionsFalse detection filter
get_daysDetermines which calculation method to use for the residency...
glatosAn R package for the Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry...
glatos_animalsConstructor function for the class glatos_animals
glatos_detectionsConstructor function for the class glatos_detections
glatos_receiversConstructor function for the class glatos_receivers
glatos_workbookConstructor function for the class glatos_workbook
greatLakesPolyA SpatialPolygonDataFrame with Great Lakes coastline and some...
greatLakesTrLayerA TransitionLayer object that only allows transitions to...
install_ffmpegInstall external FFmpeg software into 'glatos' package
interpolate_pathInterpolate new positions within a spatiotemporal path data
interval_countThe function below takes a detection events data frame and...
kml_to_csvKML To CSV Conversion
kml_workbookMake a KML or KMZ file of receiver and animal release...
lamprey_tracksSea Lamprey positions from Lake George, St. Marys River, 2012
make_framesCreate an animated video of spatiotemporal path data
make_transitionCreate transition layer from polygon shapefile
make_transition2Create transition layer from a spatial polygon
make_transition3Create transition layer from polygon shapefile
make_videoCreate video from sequence of still images
min_lagCalculate 'min_lag' for identifying potential false positive...
otn_aat_animalsExample animal data from the OTN ERDDAP
otn_aat_receiversExample station data from the OTN ERDDAP
otn_aat_tag_releasesExample tag release data from the OTN ERDDAP
point_offsetIdentify new location based on distance and bearing from...
position_heat_mapPosition Heat Maps
range_detectionDetection range data set
raw_lamprey_workbookRaw GLATOS Workbook from St. Marys River Sea Lamprey project
raw_walleye_detectionsZipped GLATOS detection file from Huron Erie Corridor Walleye...
read_glatos_detectionsRead data from a GLATOS detection file
read_glatos_receiversRead data from a GLATOS receiver location file
read_glatos_workbookRead data from a GLATOS project workbook
read_otn_deploymentsRead data from a OTN detection file
read_otn_detectionsRead data from a OTN detection file
read_vemco_tag_specsRead telemetry transmitter (tag) specification data from a...
real_sensor_valuesAdd 'real'-scale sensor values to glatos detetections
receiver_line_det_simSimulate detection of acoustic-tagged fish crossing a...
REICalculates a returns a list of each station and the REI...
residence_indexGenerate the residence index from a set of detections
rotate_pointsRotate points in a 2-d plane
shorelinezipped polygon shapefile of Great Lakes
summarize_detectionsSummarize detections by animal, location, or both
total_diff_daysThe function below determines the total days difference.
transmit_along_pathSimulate telemetry transmitter signals along a path
vector_headingCalculate direction (heading) of a vector (in degrees)
video-imagesVideo frames of walleye movements in Lake Huron
vrl2csvConvert Vemco VRL file(s) to CSV format (detection data only)
jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.