residence_index: Generate the residence index from a set of detections

View source: R/summ-residence_index.r

residence_indexR Documentation

Generate the residence index from a set of detections


This residence index tool will take condensed detection event data (from detection_events and caculate the residence index for each location. The information passed to the function is what is used to calculate the residence index, make sure you are only passing the data you want taken into consideration for the residence index (i.e. species, stations, tags, etc.).


residence_index(detections, calculation_method = "kessel",
  locations = NULL, group_col = "animal_id",
  time_interval_size = "1 day", groupwise_total = TRUE)



A data.frame from the detection_events function.


A character string with the calculation method using one of the following: kessel, time_interval, timedelta, aggregate_with_overlap, or aggregate_no_overlap.


An optional data frame that identifies all unique locations where RI will be calculated. Three columns required:


Character string with unique location identifier.


Location longitude (for mapping).


Location latitude (for mapping).

If locations = NULL (default value) then RI will only be calculated at locations present in detections$location.


Optional character string (can be multiple) that identifies additional grouping variables for RI calculations. The default value (group_col = "animal_id") will calculate and return RI for each animal at each location (i.e., for each unique combination of location and animal_id. If group_col = NULL then RI will be calculated by location only (will not account for animal or any other variable).


Character string with size of the time interval used when calculation_method = "time_interval". This is passed to seq.Date's by argument, so must meet the requirements of that argument for that function (e.g., "1 day", "4 hours", etc.). Default is "1 day".


Logical that determines how the denominator is calculated in RI. If FALSE (default) then the denominator represents the total number of time intervals or time (depending on calculation method) among all records. Otherwise (if FALSE), the denominator represents the total number of time intervals or time within each group level (e.g., for each animal if group_col = "animal_id".


The kessel method converts both the first_detection and last_detection columns into a date with no hours, minutes, or seconds. Next it creates a list of the unique days where a detection was seen. The size of the list is returned as the total number of days as an integer. This calculation is used to determine the total number of distinct days (T) and the total number of distinct days per location (S). Possible rounding error may occur as a detection on 2016-01-01 23:59:59 and a detection on 2016-01-02 00:00:01 would be counted as two days when it is really 2-3 seconds.

RI = S/T

RI = Residence Index

S = Distinct number of days detected at the location

T = Distinct number of days detected at any location

The time_interval calculation method determines the number of time intervals (size determined by time_interval_size argument) in which detections occurred at each location and as a fraction of the number of time intervals in which detections occurred among all sites. For each location, residency index (RI) is calculated:

RI = L/T

RI = Residence Index

L = Distinct number of time intervals in which detection observed at this location

T = Distinct number of time intervals in which detection observed at any location

For consistency with other calculation_methods, the L and T are not reported, but are converted cumulative time covered in days and reported in columns days_detected and total_days.

The timedelta calculation method determines the first detection and the last detection of all detections. The time difference is then taken as the values to be used in calculating the residence index. The timedelta for each station is divided by the timedelta of the array to determine the residence index.

RI = Delta S/Delta T

RI = Residence Index

Delta S = Last detection time at the location - First detection time at the location

Delta T = Last detection time at any location - First detection time at any location

The aggregate_with_overlap calculation method takes the length of time of each detection and sums them together. A total is returned. The sum for each location is then divided by the sum among all locations to determine the residence index.


RI = Residence Index

AwOS = Sum of length of time of each detection at the location

AwOT = Sum of length of time of each detection among all locations

The aggregate_no_overlap calculation method takes the length of time of each detection and sums them together. However, any overlap in time between one or more detections is excluded from the sum. For example, if the first detection is from 2016-01-01 01:02:43 to 2016-01-01 01:10:12 and the second detection is from 2016-01-01 01:09:01 to 2016-01-01 01:12:43, then the sum of those two detections would be 10 minutes. A total is returned once all detections of been added without overlap. The sum for each location is then divided by the sum among all locations to determine the residence index.


RI = Residence Index

AnOS = Sum of length of time of each detection at the location, excluding any overlap

AnOT = Sum of length of time of each detection among all locations, excluding any overlap


A data.frame of days_detected, residency_index, location, mean_latitude, mean_longitude


A. Nunes,


Kessel, S.T., Hussey, N.E., Crawford, R.E., Yurkowski, D.J., O'Neill, C.V. and Fisk, A.T., 2016. Distinct patterns of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) presence and absence in a shallow high Arctic embayment, revealed across open-water and ice-covered periods through acoustic telemetry. Polar Biology, 39(6), pp.1057-1068.


#get path to example detection file
det_file <- system.file("extdata", "walleye_detections.csv",
                         package = "glatos")
det <- read_glatos_detections(det_file)
detection_events <- glatos::detection_events(det)
rik_data <- glatos::residence_index(detection_events, 
                                    calculation_method = 'kessel')
rit_data <- glatos::residence_index(detection_events, 
                                    calculation_method = 'time_interval')
rit_data <- glatos::residence_index(detection_events, 
                                    calculation_method = 'timedelta')
riawo_data <- glatos::residence_index(detection_events, 
                             calculation_method = 'aggregate_with_overlap')
riano_data <- glatos::residence_index(detection_events, 
                             calculation_method = 'aggregate_no_overlap')

jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.