
Defines functions make_valid_geom_s2 is_lake_gage get_intersects get_within key_state usa_sf point_in_poly dd2dms dms2dd

Documented in dd2dms dms2dd get_intersects get_within is_lake_gage key_state make_valid_geom_s2 point_in_poly usa_sf

#' Convert numeric coordinate vectors in degrees, minutes, and seconds to decimal degrees
#' @param x numeric vector of length 3 corresponding to degrees, minutes, and seconds
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dt <- rbind(c(25, 12, 53.66), c(-80, 32, 00.61))
#' apply(dt, 1, function(x) dms2dd(x))
dms2dd <- function(x) {
  if (x[1] > 0) {
    x[1] + x[2] / 60 + x[3] / 60 / 60
  } else {
    x[1] - x[2] / 60 - x[3] / 60 / 60

#' Convert decimal degree coordinates to degrees, minutes, and seconds.
#' @param x numeric vector of length 1 corresponding to decimal degrees
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dd <- 25.31015
#' dd2dms(dd)
#' dd <- -80.37198
#' dd2dms(dd)
dd2dms <- function(x) {
  degrees <- trunc(x)
  minutes <- abs((x - degrees)) * 60
  seconds <- (minutes - trunc(minutes)) * 60
  minutes <- trunc(minutes)

  c(degrees, minutes, seconds)

#' Return points in spatial (sp package) polygons
#' @description spatial join modified from spatialEco::point.in.poly
#' @param dt SpatialPointsDataFrame
#' @param poly_shape SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @export
point_in_poly <- function(dt, poly_shape) {
  dt_pp <- dt[!is.na(sp::over(dt, sp::geometry(poly_shape))), ]
  dt_pp@data <- data.frame(dt_pp@data, sp::over(dt_pp, poly_shape))
  dt_pp@proj4string <- dt@proj4string

#' United States basemap
#' @param crs projection string
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sf
#' @importFrom maps map
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @import datasets
#' @import maptools
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' usa_sf()
usa_sf <- function(crs) {
  res <- sf::st_as_sf(maps::map("state", plot = FALSE, fill = TRUE))
  state_key <- data.frame(state = datasets::state.abb,
    ID = tolower(datasets::state.name),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  res <- dplyr::left_join(res, state_key, by = "ID")
  dplyr::filter(res, !is.na(.data$state))

#' Join US state abbreviations to a data frame
#' @param x object with an unabbreviated state column
#' @export
#' @examples
#' key_state(data.frame(state.name = datasets::state.name, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
key_state <- function(x) {
  key <- data.frame(state.abb = datasets::state.abb,
    state.name = datasets::state.name,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  dplyr::left_join(x, key,
    by = c("state.name"))

#' Get sf objects within a source object
#' @param dt source sf object
#' @param bb bounding object
#' @importFrom sf st_within
#' @export
get_within <- function(dt, bb) {
  dt[sapply(st_within(dt, bb),
    function(x) length(x) > 0), ]

#' Get intersecting sf subset
#' @param target target sf object
#' @param src source sf object
#' @param threshold the number of intersects required to be selected
#' @importFrom sf st_intersects
#' @export
get_intersects <- function(target, src, threshold = 0) {
  target[unlist(lapply(st_intersects(target, src),
    function(x) length(x) > threshold)), ]

#' Detect if a USGS gage is upstream of a lake
#' @param site_no character to preserve leading zeros
#' @param distance_threshold numeric in units of km
#' @importFrom nhdplusTools get_nldi_feature navigate_nldi
#' @importFrom nhdR nhd_plus_query
#' @importFrom sf st_coordinates st_transform st_crs st_intersection st_distance st_area st_cast
#' @importFrom units set_units as_units
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' site_no <- "040871473"
#' is_lake_gage(site_no)$is_lake_gage # FALSE
#' site_no <- "05427718"
#' is_lake_gage(site_no)$is_lake_gage # TRUE
#' site_no <- "03208950"
#' is_lake_gage(site_no)
#' site_no <- "07130500"
#' is_lake_gage(site_no)
#' }
is_lake_gage  <- function(site_no, distance_threshold = 20) {
  # distance_threshold <- 20
  nldi_feature    <- list(featureSource = "nwissite",
    featureID = paste0("USGS-", site_no))
  site            <- nhdplusTools::get_nldi_feature(nldi_feature)
  stream_down     <- suppressMessages(tryCatch(
      mode = "DM", distance_km = distance_threshold),
    error = function(e) NA))

  if (length(stream_down) == 2 &
    suppressWarnings(tryCatch(!is.null(stream_down$DM_flowlines), error = function(e) FALSE))) {
    # get lake polygons in buffer
    poly_buffer <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(nhd_plus_query(
      lon = st_coordinates(site)[1], lat = st_coordinates(site)[2],
      dsn = c("NHDWaterbody", "NHDFlowLine"), buffer_dist = 0.1,
      quiet = TRUE)))

    # only proceed if there are *any* lakes within the distance_threshold
    real_lakes <- dplyr::filter(poly_buffer$sp$NHDWaterbody,
      !(.data$GNIS_NAME %in%
        c("Lake Michigan", "Lake Superior", "Lake Erie",
          "Lake Ontario")) |
    real_lakes <- dplyr::filter(real_lakes,
      !(.data$FTYPE %in% c("SwampMarsh")),
      !(.data$FCODE %in% c(39001))) # intermittent lakes
    real_lakes <- real_lakes[st_area(real_lakes) > units::as_units(4, "ha"), ]
    if (any(
        st_transform(site, nhdR:::albers_conic()),
        st_transform(real_lakes, nhdR:::albers_conic())
      ), "km") <
        units::as_units(distance_threshold, "km"))
    ) {
      # get downstream lakes
      stream_down         <- st_transform(stream_down$DM_flowlines,
      waterbodies_down    <- suppressMessages(real_lakes[
          st_intersects(real_lakes, stream_down),
          function(x) length(x) > 0)), ])
      waterbodies_largest <- waterbodies_down[which.max(st_area(waterbodies_down)), ]

      pour_point <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(
        st_intersection(stream_down, st_cast(waterbodies_largest,
          "MULTILINESTRING", group_or_split = FALSE))
      pour_point <- pour_point[
          st_transform(site, st_crs(pour_point)), pour_point)), ]
    } else {
      pour_point <- NA
      waterbodies_down <- NA
  } else {
    pour_point <- NA
    waterbodies_down <- NA

  is_lake_gage <- ifelse(!is.null(nrow(pour_point)), nrow(waterbodies_down) > 0, FALSE)

  list(pour_point = pour_point, waterbodies_down = waterbodies_down,
    site = site, is_lake_gage = is_lake_gage)

#' Rebuild an sf object geometry to fix cross edges
#' @param sf_object An sf object to fix
#' @importFrom s2 s2_rebuild as_s2_geography s2_options
#' @export
# https://github.com/r-spatial/s2/issues/99#issuecomment-827776431
make_valid_geom_s2 <- function(sf_object) {
  sf_s2 <- s2::s2_rebuild(
    s2::as_s2_geography(sf_object, check = FALSE),
    options = s2::s2_options(
      edge_type = "undirected", split_crossing_edges = TRUE, validate = TRUE
  # all(s2::s2_is_valid(vpu_s2))

  sf::st_geometry(sf_object) <- sf::st_as_sfc(sf_s2)
jsta/rjsta documentation built on June 7, 2022, 8:39 p.m.