
Defines functions get_lake_wiki lake_wiki

Documented in get_lake_wiki lake_wiki

#' lake_wiki
#' @param lake_name character
#' @param map logical produce map of lake location?
#' @param clean logical enforce standardized units following wikilake::unit_key_()?
#' @param ... arguments passed to maps::map
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate matches
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' lake_wiki("Lake Peipsi")
#' lake_wiki("Flagstaff Lake (Maine)")
#' lake_wiki("Lake George (Michigan-Ontario)")
#' lake_wiki("Lake Michigan", map = TRUE, "usa")
#' lake_wiki("Lac La Belle, Michigan")
#' lake_wiki("Lake Antoine")
#' lake_wiki("Lake Baikal")
#' lake_wiki("Dockery Lake (Michigan)")
#' lake_wiki("Coldwater Lake")
#' lake_wiki("Bankson Lake")
#' lake_wiki("Fisher Lake (Michigan)")
#' lake_wiki("Beals Lake")
#' lake_wiki("Devils Lake (Michigan)")
#' lake_wiki("Lake Michigan")
#' lake_wiki("Fletcher Pond")
#' lake_wiki("Lake Bella Vista (Michigan)")
#' lake_wiki("Lake Mendota")
#' lake_wiki("Lake Mendota", map = TRUE, "usa")
#' lake_wiki("Lake Nipigon", map = TRUE, regions = "Canada")
#' lake_wiki("Trout Lake (Wisconsin)")
#' # a vector of lake names
#' lake_wiki(c("Lake Mendota", "Trout Lake (Wisconsin)"))
#' lake_wiki(c("Lake Mendota", "Trout Lake (Wisconsin)"), map = TRUE)
#' # throws warning on redirects
#' lake_wiki("Beals Lake")
#' # ignore notability box
#' lake_wiki("Rainbow Lake (Waterford Township, Michigan)")
#' }
lake_wiki <- function(lake_name, map = FALSE, clean = TRUE, ...) {

  .lake_wiki <- function(lake_name, ...) {
    res <- get_lake_wiki(lake_name)
    if (!is.null(res)) {
      res <- tidy_lake_df(res)


  res <- lapply(lake_name, function(x) .lake_wiki(x, map = map))
  res <- res[sapply(res, function(x) !is.null(x))]

  res <- data.frame(dplyr::bind_rows(
    lapply(res, function(x) {
          field = names(x),
          values = t(x)),
        names_from = "field", values_from = "values")
  ), check.names = FALSE)

  res <- dplyr::mutate(res, dplyr::across(dplyr::matches("Lon|Lat"), as.numeric))

  if (map) {
    map_lake_wiki(res, ...)

  if (clean) {
    res <- lake_clean(res)


#' get_lake_wiki
#' @import WikipediR
#' @import rvest
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html
#' @param lake_name character
#' @param cond character stopping condition
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' lake_name <- "Lake Nipigon"
#' get_lake_wiki(lake_name)
#' }
get_lake_wiki <- function(lake_name, cond = NA) {
  # display page link
  page_metadata <- page_info("en", "wikipedia", page = lake_name)$query$pages

  page_link <- page_metadata[[1]][["fullurl"]]
  message(paste0("Retrieving data from: ", page_link))

  res <- get_content(lake_name)

  if (is_redirect(res)) {
    lake_name <- page_redirect(res)
    message(paste0("Attempting redirect to '", lake_name, "'"))
    res <- get_content(lake_name)

  res <- tryCatch(
      res        <- rvest::html_nodes(res, "table")
      meta_index <- grep("infobox vcard", rvest::html_attr(res, "class"))

      if (is_not_lake_page(res, meta_index)) stop(cond)

      if (length(meta_index) == 0) meta_index <- 1
      res <- rvest::html_table(res[max(meta_index)])[[1]]

      # create missing names
      if (all(nchar(names(res)) <  3)) {
        names(res) <- res[1, ]
      # rm rows that are just repeating the lake name
      res <- res[!apply(res, 1, function(x) all(x == names(res)[1])), ]

      res <- suppressWarnings(apply(res, 2,
        function(x) stri_encode(stri_trans_general(x,"Latin-ASCII"), "", "UTF-8")))
    error = function(cond) {
      message("'", paste0(lake_name,
        "' is missing a metadata table, does not have its own page, or is not a lake"))

  if (any(!is.na(res))) {
    # format coordinates ####
    has_multiple_rows <- !is.null(nrow(res))
    if (has_multiple_rows) {
      coords_raw <- res[which(res[, 1] == "Coordinates"), 2]
    } else {
      coords <- res[2]

    is_tidy_coords <- nchar(coords_raw) < 33

    if (!is_tidy_coords) {
      coords <- strsplit(coords_raw, "\\/")[[1]]
      coords <- sapply(coords, trimws)
      coords <- coords[stringr::str_starts(coords, "\\d")]

      coords <- sapply(coords, function(x) strsplit(x, "Coordinates: "))
      coords <- sapply(coords, function(x) strsplit(x, " "))
      coords <- paste(unlist(coords), collapse = ",")
      coords <- strsplit(coords, ",")[[1]]

      coords <- coords[!(seq_len(length(coords)) %in%
        c(which(nchar(coords) == 0),
          grep("W", coords),
          grep("E", coords),
          grep("S", coords),
          grep("N", coords)))][1:2]

      coords <- gsub("\\[.\\]", "", coords)

      if (any(nchar(coords) > 5)) {
        coords <- sapply(gsub(";", "", coords),
          function(x) substring(x, 1, nchar(x) - 1))
        coords <- suppressWarnings(paste(as.numeric(coords), collapse = ","))
      } else {
        coords <- paste(as.numeric(gsub(";", "", coords)), collapse = ",")
    } else {
      is_west <- length(grep("W", coords)) > 0
      coords <- strsplit(coords, ", ")[[1]]
      coords <- strsplit(coords, "[^0-9]+")
      coords <- lapply(coords, as.numeric)
      coords <- lapply(coords, function(x) x[1:3])
      coords <- unlist(lapply(coords, dms2dd))
      if (is_west) {
        coords[2] <- coords[2] * -1
      coords <- paste(coords, collapse = ",")

    if (has_multiple_rows) {
      res[which(res[, 1] == "Coordinates"), 2] <- coords
    } else {
      res[2] <- coords

    # rm junk rows
    if (has_multiple_rows) {
      if (any(res[, 1] == "")) {
        res <- res[-which(res[, 1] == ""), ]
      if (any(nchar(res[, 1]) > 20)) {
        res <- res[-which(nchar(res[, 1]) > 20), ]
      if (length(grep("well-defined", res[, 1])) != 0) {
        res <- res[!(1:nrow(res) %in% grep("well-defined", res[, 1])), ]
        message("Shore length is not a well-defined measure.")
      if (length(grep("Islands", res[, 1])) != 0) {
        res <- res[!(1:nrow(res) %in% grep("Islands", res[, 1])), ]
      if (length(grep("Settlements", res[, 1])) != 0) {
        res <- res[!(1:nrow(res) %in% grep("Settlements", res[, 1])), ]
      if (length(grep("Sign", res[, 1])) != 0) {
        res <- res[!(1:nrow(res) %in% grep("Sign", res[, 1])), ]

jsta/wikilake documentation built on Jan. 10, 2023, 8:35 p.m.