
#' Call the KNITRO C++ interface
#' This function passes user defined R functions on to the C++ interface
#' @param objFun is a scalar valued R function that returns the objective function
#' @param objGrad is a vector-valued R function with the gradient
#' @param c_inequality is a vector-valued R function with inequality constraints
#' @param c_equality is a vector-valued R function with equality constraints
#' @param jac is a vector with the content of the Jacobian (sparse)
#' @param jacIndexCons refers to each element of jac and contains the number 
#' of the constraint it refers to. Indexing is C++ compatible, i.e. the first 
#' constraint has index 0
#' @param jacIndexVars refers to each element of jac and contains the number 
#' of the variable it refers to. Indexing is C++ compatible, i.e. the first 
#' variable has index 0
#' @param x0 is a vector with starting values
#' @param lb is a vector of lower bounds
#' @param ub is a vector of upper bounds
#' @param optionsFile is the path and filename of the options file. 
#' If it does not exist, the function will create it
#' @return a list with the final estimates, the function value, and KNITRO's exit status
knitro = function( objFun, 
                   objGrad = NULL, 
                   c_equality = NULL, 
                   c_inequality = NULL, 
                   jac = NULL, 
                   jacIndexCons = NULL, 
                   jacIndexVars = NULL, 
                   x0 = NA, 
                   lb = NULL,
                   ub = NULL,
                   optionsFile = "options.opt" ) {
    if(!file.exists(optionsFile)) {
        cat("# KNITRO 9.1.0 Options file
algorithm   1
maxit       1000
outlev      iter
feastol     1e-06
opttol      1e-06
xtol        1e-15
gradopt     forward
hessopt     2
honorbnds   0
        warning("No options file found. Created default options file \"options.opt\"")
    # check if an objective function was provided as an argument
    if(!exists("objFun", mode = "function")) {
        stop("Need to provide objective function!")
    # check if start values were provided
    if(any(is.na(x0))) {
        stop("Need to provide starting values")
    # check if the objective function can be evaluated
    tryCatch({objFun(x0)}, error = function(err) 
    {print(paste("couldn't evaluate objective function at start values",  err)) })
    # assemble the list of functions fcts and begin with the objective function
    fcts = list("objFun" = objFun);
    # check if a objective gradient was provided
    if(!is.null(objGrad) && exists("objGrad", mode = "function")) {
        # check if the dimensions make sense
        if(length(objGrad(x0))!=length(x0)) {
            stop("objGrad has wrong length")
        # add the gradient to the list of functions
        fcts = c( fcts, list("objGrad" = objGrad))
    # check if any equality constraints were provided 
    num_equality_constraints = 0
    if(!is.null(c_equality) && exists("c_equality", mode = "function")) {
        # add them to the list of functions
        fcts = c( fcts, list("c" = c_equality))
        # find number of equality constraints
        num_equality_constraints = length(c_equality(x0))
    # check if any inequality constraints were provided 
    num_inequality_constraints = 0
    if(!is.null(c_inequality) && exists("c_inequality", mode = "function")) {
        # add them to fcts$c
        if("c" %in% names(fcts)) {
            fcts$c = function(x) c( c_equality(x), c_inequality(x) );
        } else {
            fcts = c( fcts, list("c" = c_inequality))
        # find number of inequality constraints
        num_inequality_constraints = length(c_inequality(x0))
    # if the number of constraints is positive, check if a jacobian was provided
    num_nonzeros_in_jacobian = 0
    if((num_inequality_constraints + num_equality_constraints)>0 
       && !is.null(jac) && exists("jac", mode = "function")) {
        fcts = c( fcts, list("jac" = jac))
        # how many non-zeros do we have in the jacobian?
        num_nonzeros_in_jacobian = length(fcts$jac(x0));
        # check if jacIndexCons and jacIndexVars exist
        if(!is.null(jacIndexCons) && !is.null(jacIndexVars)) {
            if(length(jacIndexCons)!=length(fcts$jac(x0)) || length(jacIndexVars)!=length(fcts$jac(x0))) {
                stop("number of elements in jacIndexCons and jac are not equal")
            if(length(jacIndexVars)!=length(fcts$jac(x0))) {
                stop("number of elements in jacIndexVars and jac are not equal")
        }  else {
            # check if the jacobian is dense
            if(length(fcts$jac(x0)) == (num_inequality_constraints + num_equality_constraints)*length(x0)) {
                jac = c( jac )
                jacIndexCons = rep( (1:(num_inequality_constraints + num_equality_constraints)), length(x0) )-1
                jacIndexVars = kronecker(1:length(x0), 
                                         seq(from=1, to=1, length.out = (num_inequality_constraints + num_equality_constraints)))-1
            } else {
                stop("jac is not dense, but no sparsity pattern was provided")
    if(num_nonzeros_in_jacobian==0) {
        if((num_inequality_constraints + num_equality_constraints)>0) {
            num_nonzeros_in_jacobian = (num_inequality_constraints + num_equality_constraints) * length(x0)
            jacIndexCons = rep( (1:(num_inequality_constraints + num_equality_constraints)), length(x0) )-1
            jacIndexVars = kronecker(1:length(x0), 
                                     seq(from=1, to=1, length.out = (num_inequality_constraints + num_equality_constraints)))-1
        } else {
            jacIndexVars = vector(mode="numeric", length=1)
            jacIndexCons = vector(mode="numeric", length=1)
    if( !is.null(ub) ) {
        if(length(ub) != length(x0)) {
            stop("ub has wrong length")
    } else {
        ub = rep(1e20, length(x0))
    if( !is.null(lb) ) {
        if(length(lb) != length(x0)) {
            stop("lb has wrong length")
    } else {
        lb = rep(-1e20, length(x0))
    # call knitro cpp interface
    results = knitroCpp(fcts          = fcts, 
                        startValues   = x0, 
                        num_equality_constraints = num_equality_constraints, 
                        num_inequality_constraints = num_inequality_constraints, 
                        nnzJ          = num_nonzeros_in_jacobian, 
                        RjacIndexCons = jacIndexCons, 
                        RjacIndexVars = jacIndexVars, 
                        lb            = lb,
                        ub            = ub, 
                        optionsFile   = optionsFile)

#' Call the KNITRO C++ interface using multiple start values
#' This is a multi start version of knitro(). Uses a matrix as startvalues where
#' each row corresponds to one set of startvalues to be used. This version of 
#' multi-start gives the user more control over the start values than KNITRO's
#' built-in version of multi-start. If you want to use the built-in version of
#' multi-start instead, you can do so via the options file.
#' @param objFun is a scalar valued R function that returns the objective function
#' @param objGrad is a vector-valued R function with the gradient
#' @param c_inequality is a vector-valued R function with inequality constraints
#' @param c_equality is a vector-valued R function with equality constraints
#' @param jac is a vector with the content of the Jacobian (sparse)
#' @param jacIndexCons refers to each element of jac and contains the number 
#' of the constraint it refers to. Indexing is C++ compatible, i.e. the first 
#' constraint has index 0
#' @param jacIndexVars refers to each element of jac and contains the number 
#' of the variable it refers to. Indexing is C++ compatible, i.e. the first 
#' variable has index 0
#' @param x0 is a matrix with starting values
#' @param lb is a vector of lower bounds
#' @param ub is a vector of upper bounds
#' @param optionsFile is the path and filename of the options file. 
#' If it does not exist, the function will create it
#' @return a list with the final estimates, the function value, and KNITRO's exit status
knitro_ms = function( objFun, 
                      objGrad = NULL, 
                      c_equality = NULL, 
                      c_inequality = NULL, 
                      jac = NULL, 
                      jacIndexCons = NULL, 
                      jacIndexVars = NULL, 
                      x0 = NA, 
                      lb = NULL,
                      ub = NULL,
                      optionsFile = "options.opt" ) {
    if(NROW(x0)==1 || NCOL(x0) ==1 ) {
        x0 = matrix(x0, nrow=1, ncol=length(x0));
    countSuccesses = 0
    for( jX in 1:NROW(x0)) {
        # do the optimization at the current start values
        current = knitro(objFun, objGrad, c_equality, c_inequality, jac, jacIndexCons,  jacIndexVars, x0[jX,], lb, ub, optionsFile)
        # count whther the knitro finished with a "good" exit flag
        if(current$status == 0 || current$status==-100) {
            countSuccesses = countSuccesses + 1
        # store the best optimization outcome
        if(jX==1) {
            best = current
        else {
            if(best$fval > current$fval && (current$status==0 || current$status==-100)) {
                best = current
    best = c(best, list( converged = countSuccesses ))
jtilly/knitroR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:13 a.m.