
# Test the file GeneticAlgorithm.R

############# unit test ############
fake_data <- function(c, n, beta_0, beta, sigma){
  # c: number of variables c = 10
  # n: total number of observations
  X <- matrix(rep(round(runif(c, min = 1, max = 10)),n) +
                rnorm(c*n, mean = 0, sd = 0.2), nrow = n, byrow = T)
  Xnames <- paste0("X", 1:c)
  Xdata <- as.data.frame(X)
  colnames(Xdata) <- Xnames
  Y <- rowSums(t(beta*t(X))) + beta_0 + rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = sigma)
  return(cbind(Xdata, Y))

test_data <- fake_data(10, 50, 1,
                       sample(c(round(runif(10/2, min = 2, max = 10)), rep(0,5)), replace = F), 1)

####### unit test for init() #############
context("Test Init() function")

# something wrong with this one(input)
test_that("Input <df> is a matrix",{
#  expect_failure(init(matrix(1:55,5,11),15,10),"input data is matrix")

test_that("Repeated initialization does not return the same chromosomes",{
  init1 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)
  init2 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)

test_that("Output is a data.frame", {
  init3 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)

############ unit test for training() ################
context("Test training() function")

test_that("Input errors", {
  init4 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)
  shabi <- 8
#  expect_error(training(init4,gaussian,test_data,AIC), "input <method> is not a lm/glm")
#  expect_error(training(init4,lm,matrix(1:55,5,11),AIC), "input <X> is not a data.frame")
#  expect_error(training(init4,lm,test_data,shabi), "input <fitness_function> is not a function")

test_that("output is a vector of fitness values", {
  init5 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)
  train1 <- training(init5, lm, test_data,AIC)
  expect_equal(class(train1), "numeric")
  expect_gt(length(train1), 0)

test_that("Algorithm works for both lm/glm",{
  init5 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)
  train1 <- training(init5, lm, test_data,AIC)
  train2 <- training(init5, glm,family= gaussian, test_data,AIC)
  expect_equal(class(train1), "numeric")
  expect_equal(class(train2), "numeric")

test_that("Algorithm works for both AIC/BIC",{
  init5 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)
  train1 <- training(init5, lm, test_data,AIC)
  train2 <- training(init5, lm, test_data,BIC)
  expect_equal(class(train1), "numeric")
  expect_equal(class(train2), "numeric")

############ unit test for select_parents() ###########
context("Test select_parents() function")

test_that("Input errors", {
  init6 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)
  train6 <- training(init6, lm, test_data,AIC)
#  expect_error(select_parents( mechanism="rank", random=T, 15, 10),
#               'argument "c" is missing, with no default')
#  expect_error(select_parents(train6, mechanism= 12, random=T, 15, 10),
#               "mechanism is not 'rank' or 'tournament' ")
#  expect_error(select_parents(train6, mechanism="rank", random="lol", 15, 10),
#               "random is not a logical")
#  expect_error(select_parents(train6, mechanism="rank", random=T, "", 10),
#               "non-numeric argument to binary operator")
#  expect_error(select_parents(train6, mechanism="rank", random=T, 15, "axiba"),
#               "c is not a numeric")

test_that("number of pairs of parents is ceiling(P/2)", {
  init6 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)
  train6 <- training(init6, lm, test_data,AIC)
  parent6 <- select_parents(train6, mechanism="rank", random=T, 15, 10)
  expect_equal(nrow(parent6), ceiling(15/2))

test_that("everytime select_parents() will produce different parent pairs", {
  init6 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)
  train6 <- training(init6, lm, test_data,AIC)
  parent60 <- select_parents(train6, mechanism="rank", random=T, 15, 10)
  parent61 <- select_parents(train6, mechanism="rank", random=T, 15, 10)
  expect_false(identical(parent60, parent61))

test_that("difference in mechanism result in same size of parents", {
  init6 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)
  train6 <- training(init6, lm, test_data,AIC)
  parent60 <- select_parents(train6, mechanism="rank", random=T, 15, 10)
  parent61 <- select_parents(train6, mechanism="mechanism", random=T, 15, 10)
  expect_true(identical(dim(parent60), dim(parent61)))

########### unit test for breed() function ##########
context("Test breed() function")

test_that("Input Errors", {
  init7 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)
  train7 <- training(init7, lm, test_data,AIC)
  parent7 <- select_parents(train7, mechanism="rank", random=T, 15, 10)
#  expect_error(breed(P=15, c=10, parent7, mu=0.5,
#                     crossover_points=3, train7, Gap=1/2),"invalid 'times' argument")
  expect_error(breed(init7,P=15, c=10 , mu=0.5,
                     crossover_points=3, train7, Gap=1/2), "invalid 'times' argument")
#  expect_error(breed(init7,P=15, c=10, parent7, mu=0.5,
#                     crossover_points=3, train7, Gap=TRUE), "input should be data.frame or numeric")

test_that("output is a data.frame with dimension(P,c)", {
  init7 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)
  train7 <- training(init7, lm, test_data,AIC)
  parent7 <- select_parents(train7, mechanism="rank", random=T, 15, 10)
  next_gen7 <- breed(init7,P=15, c=10, parent7, mu=0.5, crossover_points=3,
                     train7, Gap=1/2)
  expect_equal(class(next_gen7), "data.frame")
  expect_equal(nrow(next_gen7), 15)
  expect_equal(ncol(next_gen7), 10)

test_that("everytime repeated crossover and mutation will produce different new generations", {
  init7 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)
  train7 <- training(init7, lm, test_data,AIC)
  parent7 <- select_parents(train7, mechanism="rank", random=T, 15, 10)
  next_gen70 <- breed(init7,P=15, c=10, parent7, mu=0.5, crossover_points=3,
                      train7, Gap=1/2)
  next_gen71 <- breed(init7,P=15, c=10, parent7, mu=0.5, crossover_points=3,
                      train7, Gap=1/2)
  expect_false(identical(next_gen70, next_gen71))

test_that("generation gap must follow '0< Gap <=1' ", {
  init7 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)
  train7 <- training(init7, lm, test_data,AIC)
  parent7 <- select_parents(train7, mechanism="rank", random=T, 15, 10)
#  g.gap <- 0
#  next_gen70 <- breed(init7,P=15, c=10, parent7, mu=0.5, crossover_points=3,
#                      train7, Gap=g.gap)
  next_gen71 <- breed(init7,P=15, c=10, parent7, mu=0.5, crossover_points=3,
                      train7, Gap=1/2)
#  g.gap <- 1.5
#  next_gen72 <- breed(init7,P=15, c=10, parent7, mu=0.5, crossover_points=3,
#                      train7, Gap=g.gap)
#  expect_gt(g.gap, 0)
  expect_equal(nrow(next_gen71), 15)
  expect_equal(ncol(next_gen71), 10)
#  expect_lte(g.gap, 1)

########### unit test for get_model() function ##########
context("Test get_model() function")
test_that("output is of the same class as the training method", {
  init8 <- init(test_data, 15, 10)
  train8 <- training(init8, lm, test_data,AIC)
  parent8 <- select_parents(train8, mechanism="rank", random=T, 15, 10)
  next_gen8 <- breed(init8,P=15, c=10, parent8, mu=0.5, crossover_points=3,
                     train8, Gap=1/2)
  new_candidate8 <- get_model(next_gen8, train8, lm, test_data)
  expect_identical(class(new_candidate8), "lm")

######### integration test for select() function ###########
context("Integration test for select() function")
test_that("Input errors", {
  expect_error(select(P=5, max_iter=100, method_text="lm", fitness_function_text="AIC", mu=0.1,
                      crossover_points=3, mechanism="rank" , random = TRUE, Gap = 1/4, plot.return = FALSE),
               'argument "df" is missing, with no default')
  expect_error(select(test_data, max_iter=100, method_text="lm", fitness_function_text="AIC", mu=0.1,
                      crossover_points=3, mechanism="rank" , random = TRUE, Gap = 1/4, plot.return = FALSE),
               'argument "P" is missing, with no default')
  expect_error(select(test_data, P=5,  method_text="lm", fitness_function_text="AIC", mu=0.1,
                      crossover_points=3, mechanism="rank" , random = TRUE, Gap = 1/4, plot.return = FALSE),
               'argument "max_iter" is missing, with no default')
  expect_error(select(test_data, P=5,  max_iter=100,  fitness_function_text="AIC", mu=0.1,
                      crossover_points=3, mechanism="rank" , random = TRUE, Gap = 1/4, plot.return = FALSE),
               'argument "method_text" is missing, with no default')
  expect_error(select(test_data, P=5,  max_iter=100,  method_text="lm", mu=0.1,
                      crossover_points=3, mechanism="rank" , random = TRUE, Gap = 1/4, plot.return = FALSE),
               'argument "fitness_function_text" is missing, with no default')
  expect_error(select(test_data, P=5,  max_iter=100,  method_text="lm", fitness_function_text="AIC",
                      crossover_points=3, mechanism="rank" , random = TRUE, Gap = 1/4, plot.return = FALSE),
               'argument "mu" is missing, with no default')
  expect_error(select(test_data, P=5,  max_iter=100,  method_text="lm", fitness_function_text="AIC",
                      mu=0.1, mechanism="rank" , random = TRUE, Gap = 1/4, plot.return = FALSE),
               'argument "crossover_points" is missing, with no default')
  expect_error(select(test_data, P=5,  max_iter=100,  method_text="lm", fitness_function_text="AIC",
                      mu=0.1, crossover_points=3, random = TRUE, Gap = 1/4, plot.return = FALSE),
               'argument "mechanism" is missing, with no default')

test_that("Check Output object is a list", {
  result1 <- select(test_data, 5, 300, "lm", "AIC", 0.1, 3, mechanism = "rank",
                    random = FALSE, Gap = 1/4, plot.return = F)
  expect_true(class(result1) == "list")

test_that("Check that in some case, maximum number of iterations is useful",{
  result1 <- select(test_data, 15, 100, "lm", "AIC", 0.1, 3, mechanism = "rank",
                    random = FALSE, Gap = 1/4, plot.return = F)
  expect_true(result1$count ==100)

test_that("With different mechanism, out algorithm converge to same result with different number of iterations",{
  result11 <- select(test_data, 5, 300, "lm", "BIC", 0.1, 3, mechanism = "rank",
                     random = FALSE, Gap = 1/4, plot.return = F)
  result12 <- select(test_data, 5, 300, "lm", "AIC", 0.1, 3, mechanism = "rank",
                     random = FALSE, Gap = 1/4, plot.return = F)

  expect_false(result12$count == result11$count)

test_that("when mechanism is 'rank', set 'random=FALSE' may make the convergence faster ", {
#  result11 <-  select(test_data, 15, 300, "lm", "AIC", 0.1, 3, mechanism = "rank",
#                      random = FALSE, Gap = 1/4, plot.return = F)
#  result12 <-  select(test_data, 15, 300, "lm", "AIC", 0.1, 3, mechanism = "rank",
#                      random = TRUE, Gap = 1/4, plot.return = F)
#  expect_lte(result11$count, result12$count)
jtkwar/GA documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:36 a.m.