
Defines functions aiRtransform aiRlayer_trans.aiRhidden merge_multi

Documented in aiRlayer_trans.aiRhidden aiRtransform merge_multi

#' @import stringr
#' @import svMisc
#' @import tidyr

#' @name aiRtransform
#' @title aiRtransform
#' @param data data of input values
#' @param aiRnet aiRnet object
#' @param n Which layer to transform to.
#' @return returns aiRnet output of data
#' @export
aiRtransform <- function(data, aiRnet, n = NULL) {
    stop("aiRnet must be of class \"aiRnet\"")
  if(is.null(n)) {
    n <- length(aiRnet)
  for(i in 1:n) {   #Transform data through aiRnet
    data <- as.matrix(data)%*%aiRnet[[i]]$weights
    data <- mat.opperation(x = data, y = aiRnet[[i]]$bias, opperation = "+")
    data <- sigmoid(data)
  data <- apply(data,2,zero)

#maybe need aiRlayer_trans.aiRnet? ----

#' @name aiRlayer_trans.aiRhidden
#' @description aiRlayer_trans method for aiRhidden objects
#' @title aiRlayer_trans.aiRhidden
#' @param data data of input values
#' @param aiRlayer takes either an aiRlayer, aiRnet, or aiRhidden object
#' @return returns aiRnet output of data
#' @export
aiRlayer_trans.aiRhidden <- function(data, aiRlayer) {
  n <- length(aiRlayer)
  a <- lapply(aiRlayer,aiRtransform,data = data)
  a.data <- lapply(a,getlayer,layer=1)
  a.layers <- lapply(a,getlayer,layer=2)
  paste.v <- vector("character",length(a.data))
  for(i in 1:length(a.data)) {
    paste.v[i] <- paste("n",i," = a.data[[",i,"]]",sep = "")
    aiRlayer[[i]] <- a.layers[[i]]
  paste.v <- str_flatten(string = paste.v, collapse = ", ")

  hidden_return <- eval(parse(text = paste("data.frame(",paste.v,")",sep = "")))

#' @name merge_multi
#' @title merge_multi
#' @description extends merge function to 3 or more vectors
#' @param ... vectors to be merged. argument names become column names in returned value.
#' If no arguments specified, default column names set to LETTERS set.
#' @return data frame of combinded vectors.
#' @examples
#' merge_multi(x = c(1,2,3), y = c(4,5,6), z = c(7,8,9))
#' merge_multi(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6),c(7,8,9))
#' @export
merge_multi <- function(...) {
  z <- list(...)
  modes <- mode.type(z)
  if(is.null(names(z))) {
    name <- letters[seq(1,length(z))]
  } else {
    name <- names(z)
  z.new <- interaction(merge(z[[1]],z[[2]]),sep = ",")
  if(length(z)>2) {
    for(i in 3:(length(z))) {
      z.new <- interaction(merge(z.new,z[[i]]),sep = ",")
  z.new <- as.data.frame(z.new)
  colnames(z.new) <- "combind"
  new <- separate(z.new,col = "combind",into = name,sep = ",")
  new <- correct.mode(df = new,mode.vec = modes)

#' #' @name aiRdevelop
#' #'
#' #' @title aiRdevelop
#' #'
#' #' @param data Data frame that contains all named columns needed
#' #' @param var.classify index or column name of vector that contains classifying values
#' #' @param aiRnet aiRnet object
#' #' @param train.method Method to save internal subset of data as the training data. "Sample" to take
#' #'  a random sample of all rows in data as training set. "Factor" to indicate if you are training
#' #'  on rows containing a particular factor level.
#' #' @param sample.size Number between (0-1) that modifies how much of desired train.method data is used.
#' #' Default set to 0.5. Excluded rows will be used as test examples and not affect aiRaiRnet.
#' #' @param batch.size Number indicating how many rows to make batches from training sample. Default set to "all"
#' #' for no batches to be made.
#' #' @param train.Factor Necessary when train.method set to "Factor". Assign as vector of length 2 in the following form
#' #' c("column.index/name","factor.level"). Can assign only column name or index but first level is chosen in this case.
#' #' @param steps Number of classification captures desired to view
#' #' @param range.size total amount of data points used to visualize input space.
#' #' @param na.rm remove NAs, default set to TRUE. Function likely to fail with NAs
#' #'
#' #' @return tidy data frame of the classification and max.node at each step
#' #'
#' #' @export
#' aiRdevelop <- function(data,
#'                        var.classify,
#'                        aiRnet,
#'                        train.method = "Sample",
#'                        sample.size = .5,
#'                        batch.size,
#'                        train.Factor = NULL,
#'                        steps = 15,
#'                        range.size = 1000) {
#'   if(!is.aiRnet(aiRnet)){
#'     stop("aiRnet must be of class \"aiRnet\"")
#'   }
#'   n <- floor(floor(nrow(data)*sample.size)/batch.size)
#'   index <- index.o.coln(vec = var.classify, v.size = 1, v.name = "var.classify", name.col = colnames(data))
#'   data.n.class <- data[,-index]
#'   space.var <- aiRactivation(data = data.n.class, aiRnet = aiRnet)
#'   space.var <- space.var$data_model
#'   space.var.save <- space.var
#'   m.t <- mode.type(space.var)
#'   for(i in 1:steps) {
#'     if(i==1){
#'       step.loss <- aiRrun(data = data, var.classify = var.classify, train.method = train.method,aiRnet = aiRnet, cycles = n, sample.size = sample.size, batch.size = batch.size, train.Factor = train.Factor)
#'     } else {
#'       step.loss <- aiRrun(data = data, var.classify = var.classify, train.method = train.method,aiRnet = step.loss$aiRnet, cycles = n, sample.size = sample.size, batch.size = batch.size)
#'     }
#'     new <- aiRclassify(data = space.var.save, factor = levels(data[,index]),aiRnet = step.loss$aiRnet)
#'     step <- interaction(new$classify, new$node.max, sep = "_break_")
#'     eval(parse(text = paste("space.var$step",i," <- step", sep = "")))
#'   }
#'   space.var <- melt(space.var, id.vars = commoncol(space.var, data.n.class), variable.name = "step")
#'   space.var <- separate(data = as.data.frame(space.var), col = "value", into = c("classify","node.max"),sep = "_break_")
#'   space.var <- correct.mode(space.var, mode.vec = c(m.t,"Factor","Factor","num"))
#'   space.var$step <- factor(space.var$step, levels=c(paste("step",1:steps, sep = "")))
#'   # gg <- ggplot(data = space.var, aes(x = x, y = y, color = classify, alpha = node.max,frame = step)) +
#'   #   geom_point()
#'   #
#'   # gganimate(gg)
#'   return(space.var)
#' }
jtlandis/aiR documentation built on Dec. 26, 2019, 3:35 a.m.