
Defines functions find_contigsGapsTelos

#' @title get coordinates aggregated across kmers
#' @description
#' \code{make_grFromKmers} find all positions with an exact match to any kmers
#' and join them
#' @param dnass DNAStringSet containg the assembly fata
#' @param kmers DNAStringSet containing the kmers to find
#' @param nCores Integer, the number of parallel threads
#' @details finds kmers and reduces overlapping intervals
#' @return a granges object containing any sequences masked by the kmers
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # coming soon.
#' }
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom Biostrings PDict matchPDict
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges reduce
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics start end
#' @export
find_contigsGapsTelos <- function(dnass,
                                  minContigGapSize = 100,
                                  maxDistBtwTelo = 20,
                                  minTeloSize = 200,
                                  minTeloDens = 0.75,
                                  minChrSize = 0,
                                  maxDist2end = 1e4,
                                  verbose = TRUE){

  # 1. prep the data.
  # -- 1.1 read in the fasta as a DNAStringSet
  ss <- dnass

  # -- 1.2 subset to chromosomes bigger than minChrSize
  nchr <- length(ss)
  ss <- ss[width(ss) > minChrSize]
  if(verbose & minChrSize > 0)
      "Dropping %s of %s chromosomes that are smaller than %sMb\n",
      nchr - length(ss), nchr, round(minChrSize/1e6, 2)))

  # -- 1.3 re-name chromosomes if necessary
  ss <- rename_chrs(ss)

  # -- 1.4 get chromosome lengths in the order they are in the fasta
  chrv <- width(ss); names(chrv) <- names(ss)

  # -- 1.5 print initial scaffold stats
      "\tN. scaffolds = %s (N50 = %sMb); total length = %sMb\n",
      round(N50(chrv / 1e6), 2),
      round(sum(chrv / 1e6, na.rm = T), 2)),
      indent = 8, exdent = 16), sep = "\n")

  # 2. Get the gaps and report contig-level stats
  gapGr <- find_runsOfNs(
    dnass = ss,
    minRunLength = minContigGapSize)
  contigGr <- find_gaps(gapGr)

    "\tN. contigs = %s (N50 = %sMb); total length = %sMb\n",
    round(N50(width(contigGr) / 1e6), 2),
    round(sum(width(contigGr) / 1e6, na.rm = T), 2)),
    indent = 8, exdent = 16), sep = "\n")

  # 3. Get the telomere kmer positions and cluster
  teloKmers <- c(
  teloGr <- find_telomeres(
    dnass = ss, kmers = teloKmers, maxDistBtwTelo = maxDistBtwTelo,
    minTeloSize = minTeloSize, minTeloDens = minTeloDens,
    maxDist2end = maxDist2end)
    cat("\tCould not find any telomeres\n")
    teloMd <- data.table(
      chr = as.character(seqnames(teloGr)),
      pos = toupper(substr(teloGr@elementMetadata$position, 1, 1)))
    teloMd <- teloMd[,list(pos = paste(pos, collapse = "")), by = "chr"]
      "\tN. telomeres = %s (%skb) on chrs: %s\n",
      round(N50(width(teloGr) / 1e3), 2),
      paste(sprintf("%s%s", teloMd$chr, teloMd$pos), collapse = ", ")),
      indent = 8, exdent = 16), sep = "\n")

  # 4. Return the results
  return(list(gaps = gapGr, contigs = contigGr, telomeres = teloGr))
jtlovell/gscTools documentation built on March 16, 2023, 10:24 p.m.