knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, fig.width = 5, fig.height = 5)

First, lets simulate some data

# Set the seed so that all our maps are identical

# Simulate a 2-chromosome map with 25 markers on each 100cM linkage group
map< = c(100,100), n.mar = c(25,25), include.x=F)

# Simulate 1 QTL on each chromosome
# Here, we set the bigger one on Chr 1 to be purely additive
#       the second, smaller one is dominant
cross<-sim.cross(map, n.ind=200, type="f2", map.function="kosambi",
                 model = rbind(c(1,10,10,1),c(2,90,5,5)))

cross is an R object containing the genetic map, genotype and phenotype matrices

The genetic map is an array of genetic markers, where markers are ordered by their similarity. This should reflect a) the recombination rate and b) the physical position of the markers in the genome. A centimorgan (cM) is a measure of the distance between genetic markers, referring to the probability of a recombination event happening for 1/100 individuals between a pair of markers

This is a genetic map, where each horizontal bar represents a marker

Here, we have plotted the relationship among markers in the map:

Yellow indicates low recombination fractions (fewer cross-overs), which means that those markers should be closer to eachother on the genetic map. See the tutorial on improving genetic maps for more details.


Calculating conditional genotype probabilities

QTL mapping in experimental populations was traditionally limitted by the number of markers that could be feasibly genotyped. With NGS data, this is less of a problem; however, we still need to calculate conditional genotype probabilities to satisfy various statistical assumptions, and to fix genotyping errors. R/qtl has two functions, sim.geno and calc.genoprob that do this. Here, we only focus on calc.genoprob because it is better for complete genotype matrices with low error rate, and it is much faster.

                     step = 2, # This means that we want 
                               # pseudomarkers every 2cM
                     error.prob = 0.001)

QTL mapping is simply the correlation of the genotype and phenotype

In our simulated cross object, we placed two QTL, one on the top of Chr1 and another on the tail of Chr2. This is what the genotype means look like across the genome:

meanScan(cross, pheno.col = "phenotype")

Another way to think about the effects of QTL is to order the individuals in a cross by their phenotypic value - where structure exists in this ordered matrix, a QTL is likely present.

The randomly ordered Chr1 genotype matrix

geno.image(cross, chr = 1, reorder = FALSE)

The Chr1 genotype matrix, ordered by the phenotype. Note the structure on the top of Chr1.

geno.image(cross, chr = 1, reorder = TRUE)

Basic QTL Mapping

Now that we have the general idea of QTL mapping, lets simulate a more realistic cross with QTL that have smaller effect sizes.

map< = c(100,100), n.mar = c(25,25), include.x=F)
cross<-sim.cross(map, n.ind=200, type="f2", map.function="kosambi",
                 model = rbind(c(1,10,1,1),c(1,90,.5,0),c(2,90,.5,1)))
cross<-calc.genoprob(cross, step=2, error.prob = 0.001)

Scanone - the QTL package's simplest test for QTL

Scanone makes a statistical test at each point in the (pseudo)marker grid. The LOD statistic (log of the odds of the likelihood ratio) tests the hypothesis that there is no QTL versus the presence of a single qtl.

s1<-scanone(cross, method = "hk")
plot(s1, main = "one-way QTL scan")

Permutations allow inference of significance

By permuting (randomizing) the phenotype matrix, while keeping the phenotype matrix constant, we can define the null distribution of the LOD score. The number of times a permuted LOD excedes that of a QTL peak (out of 100) is the P-value.

perms<-scanone(cross, n.perm=100, verbose=F, method = "hk")
abline(v = quantile(perms,.95), col = "red", lty=2)
summary(s1, perms = perms, pvalues=T)

plot(s1, main = "one-way QTL scan with significance threshold")
add.threshold(out=s1, perms=perms, alpha = 0.05, col = "red", lty=2)

Scanone has its limitations

Note that we simulated this cross with 3 QTL, 2 on Chr1, 1 on Chr2. Yet summary(s1, perms = perms, pvalues=T) returns only the top peaks per chromosome. In fact, scanone can only define the best QTL on a chromosome.

Multiple QTL modeling - basics

To get a better picture of what is actually going on, esspecially where multiple QTL exist on a chromosome, we have to build multiple QTL models. This can be done manually... See: addqtl, addtoqtl, refineqtl

To begin, we start with the best QTL peak

maxS1 <- max(s1)
s1chr <- as.numeric(as.character(maxS1$chr))
s1pos <- as.numeric(as.character(maxS1$pos))

We use makeqtl to generate a qtl model containing the genotype probabilities at the chosen QTL position

qtl1 <- makeqtl(cross, chr=s1chr, pos=s1pos, what="prob")

Given the presence of this first QTL, we look for a second and add it to the model using addqtl and addtoqtl.

form1 <- "y ~ Q1"
s2 <- addqtl(cross, qtl=qtl1, formula=form1, method="hk")
s2chr <- max(s2)$chr
s2pos <- max(s2)$pos
qtl2 <- addtoqtl(cross, qtl=qtl1, chr=s2chr, pos=s2pos)

Now, with two qtl, it is important to make sure out positions are correct, conditional on the previously defined QTL.

form2 <- "y ~ Q1 + Q2"
qtl2 <- refineqtl(cross, formula=form2, qtl=qtl2, method="hk", verbose=F)

Lets finally repeat this process looking for that minor QTL on chr1

plot(s3 <- addqtl(cross, qtl=qtl2, formula=form2, method="hk"))
plot(qtl3 <- addtoqtl(cross, qtl=qtl2, chr=max(s3)$chr, pos=max(s3)$pos))
form3 <- "y ~ Q1 + Q2 + Q3"
plotLodProfile(qtl.model <- refineqtl(cross, formula=form3, qtl=qtl3, method="hk", verbose=F))

Automated stepwise QTL model selection

Here, we can do all of the steps described above, in one line. Follow the output to see how it works.

step.model<-stepwiseqtl(cross, max.qtl = 3, method = "hk", additive.only = T)

Fitting a multiple QTL model.

The most important function is fitqtl which fits an analysis of variance to the conditional genotype probabilities in the qtl model.

print(fit<-summary(fitqtl(cross, qtl = step.model, formula = formula(step.model), 
                    dropone = T, get.ests = T, method = "hk")))

Getting confidence intervals.

It is also useful to understand the size of the interval that contains the QTL. There are two methods to get confidence intervals: lodint assesses the interval by the relative drop in LOD score from the QTL peak; bayesint uses the area under the peak to determine confidence intervals

lodint(step.model, qtl.index = 1, drop = 1.5) # LOD drop of 1.5
lodint(step.model, qtl.index = 1, drop = 4) # LOD drop of 4
bayesint(step.model, qtl.index = 1, prob = .80)
bayesint(step.model, qtl.index = 1, prob = .99)

Since we have multiple QTL, we would have to do this calculation for each QTL peak. However, we can use qtlTools::calcCis, which loops through the QTL and puts the output into a dataframe.

print(cis<-calcCis(cross, mod = step.model, lodint = TRUE, drop = 1.5))

Plotting confidence intervals

For publication, reviewers often want to see the position of QTL intervals on a genetic map. qtlTools::segmentsOnMap provides one method to do this.

              l = cis$lowposition, 
              h = cis$highposition, 
              lwd = 5, legendPosition = "right", leg.inset=.1,
              palette = rainbow)

Or more simply:

              legendPosition = "right", leg.inset=.1, 
              palette = rainbow)

Compiling statistics

While R/qtl provides many functions to conduct qtl mapping, it is often difficult to extract and manipulate statical outputs. qtlTools::qtlStats provides a simple method to get statistics from a qtl model.

qtlStats(cross,  pheno.col = "phenotype",
         form = formula(step.model), 
         mod = step.model)

Extracting and Plotting qtl effects

`lsmeans4qtl produces a dataframe with SAS-style LSMeans, and also includes standard means, and se.

                     pheno.col = "phenotype",
                     form = "y ~ Q1 + Q2 + Q3", 
                     mod = step.model, 

Often we may be interested in some interaction among QTL (epistasis) or with a covariate. Lets add in one arbitrarily, then cull to the LSmeans of Q1 and Q3, averaging across values at Q2.

                     pheno.col = "phenotype",
                     form = "y ~ Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q1*Q3", 
                     mod = step.model, 
lsms<-alllsms[!$Q1) & 

ggplot(lsms, aes(x = Q1, y = lsmean, shape = Q3,
   color = Q3, group = Q3))+
   geom_point(position = pos)+
   geom_line(position = pos)+
   geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lsmean - SE, ymax = lsmean+SE), width = .1,position = pos)+
   ggtitle("sas-style LSMeans")


Here, we went over QTL mapping basics, including: - the effects of QTL - one-way QTL scans - building multiple QTL models - Fitting statistics to multiple QTL models

We have ignored many complexities in QTL mapping, including: - Epistasis - QTL*covariate interactions - Multiple phenotypes - Generating genetic maps

For more information on complex parts of QTL mapping, see R/qtl's website.

jtlovell/qtlTools documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:14 a.m.