
Defines functions drawzeta rpg.devroye.1 a.coef rtigauss mass.texpon

Documented in drawzeta


TRUNC = 0.64

mass.texpon <- function(Z)
  x = TRUNC;
  fz = pi^2 / 8 + Z^2 / 2;
  b = sqrt(1.0 / x) * (x * Z - 1);
  a = -1.0 * sqrt(1.0 / x) * (x * Z + 1);
  x0 = log(fz) + fz * TRUNC;
  xb = x0 - Z + pnorm(b, log.p=TRUE);
  xa = x0 + Z + pnorm(a, log.p=TRUE);
  qdivp = 4 / pi * ( exp(xb) + exp(xa) );
  1.0 / (1.0 + qdivp);

rtigauss <- function(Z, R=TRUNC)
  Z = abs(Z);
  mu = 1/Z;
  X = R + 1;
  if (mu > R) {
    alpha = 0.0;
    while (runif(1) > alpha) {
      ## X = R + 1
      ## while (X > R) {
      ##     X = 1.0 / rgamma(1, 0.5, rate=0.5);
      ## }
      E = rexp(2)
      while ( E[1]^2 > 2 * E[2] / R) {
        E = rexp(2)
      X = R / (1 + R*E[1])^2
      alpha = exp(-0.5 * Z^2 * X);
  else {
    while (X > R) {
      lambda = 1.0;
      Y = rnorm(1)^2;
      X = mu + 0.5 * mu^2 / lambda * Y -
        0.5 * mu / lambda * sqrt(4 * mu * lambda * Y + (mu * Y)^2);
      if ( runif(1) > mu / (mu + X) ) {
        X = mu^2 / X;

a.coef <- function(n,x)
  if ( x>TRUNC )
    pi * (n+0.5) * exp( -(n+0.5)^2*pi^2*x/2 )
    (2/pi/x)^1.5 * pi * (n+0.5) * exp( -2*(n+0.5)^2/x )

rpg.devroye.1 <- function(Z)
  Z = abs(Z) * 0.5;
  ## PG(1,z) = 1/4 J*(1,Z/2)
  fz = pi^2 / 8 + Z^2 / 2;
  ## p = (0.5 * pi) * exp( -1.0 * fz * TRUNC) / fz;
  ## q = 2 * exp(-1.0 * Z) * pigauss(TRUNC, 1.0/Z, 1.0);
  num.trials = 0;
  total.iter = 0;
  while (TRUE)
    num.trials = num.trials + 1;
    if ( runif(1) < mass.texpon(Z) ) {
      ## Truncated Exponential
      X = TRUNC + rexp(1) / fz
    else {
      ## Truncated Inverse Normal
      X = rtigauss(Z)
    ## C = cosh(Z) * exp( -0.5 * Z^2 * X )
    ## Don't need to multiply everything by C, since it cancels in inequality.
    S = a.coef(0,X)
    Y = runif(1)*S
    n = 0
    while (TRUE)
      n = n + 1
      total.iter = total.iter + 1;
      if ( n %% 2 == 1 )
        S = S - a.coef(n,X)
        if ( Y<=S ) break
        S = S + a.coef(n,X)
        if ( Y>S ) break
    if ( Y<=S ) break
  ## 0.25 * X
  list("x"=0.25 * X, "n"=num.trials, "total.iter"=total.iter)

#' drawzeta
#' Draw group determination mnlogit parameters.
#' This is a slight modification of the BayesLogit mlogit.R function
#' @param c: Vector, group memberships
#' @param W: Matrix, design matrix
#' @param zeta: Matrix, previous draw of mnlogit parameters
#' @param N: Integer, number of units
#' @param P: Integer, number of covariates
#' @param J: Integer, number of groups
#' @export

drawzeta = function(c,W,zeta,N,P,J){
  Y = matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=J)
  Y[cbind(seq_along(c), c)] = 1
  y = as.matrix(Y[,1:J-1]);
  #this stuff could probably be precomputed
  m.0=array(0, dim=c(ncol(W), ncol(y)))
  P.0=array(0, dim=c(ncol(W), ncol(W), ncol(y)))
  b.0 = matrix(0, P, J-1);
  for (j in 1:(J-1)) 
    b.0[,j] = P.0[,,j] %*% m.0[,j];
  w = matrix(0, N, J);
  ## Precompute.
  kappa = (y - 0.5)*n;
  for (j in 1:(J-1)) {
    ## For now recompute at each iteration.  Try taking out later.
    A = rowSums( exp(W %*% zeta[,-j]) );
    c.j   = log(A);
    eta.j = W %*% zeta[,j] - c.j;
    ## omega.j
    for (q in 1:N)
      w[q,j] = rpg.devroye.1(eta.j[q])$x;
    ## beta.j
    PL.j = t(W) %*% (W * w[,j]);
    bL.j = t(W) %*% (kappa[,j] + c.j * w[,j]);
    P1.j = PL.j + P.0[,,j];
    ## Can speed up using Choleksy.
    V1.j = chol2inv(chol(P1.j));
    m1.j = V1.j %*% (bL.j + b.0[,j]);
    sqrtV1.j = t(chol(V1.j));
    zeta[,j] = m1.j + sqrtV1.j %*% rnorm(P);
jtm508/bayestraj documentation built on May 5, 2020, 12:48 p.m.