Defines functions runMSPC

Documented in runMSPC

#' Assess overlapping enriched regions across multiple sample
#' We assess the presence of overlapping enriched regions
#' (A.K.A peaks) across multiple sample simultaneously,
#' repeated evidence over multiple replicates can compensate
#' for lower significance in a single sample, using Fisher method
#' to increase the statistical significance of weak evidence which
#' might get involved in TF or gene regulation.
#' @param peakset the output of \link{denoise_ERs}.
#' set of Chip-seq replicate imported and all peaks are stored in
#' GRanges object, where all background signal were excluded.
#' @param whichType user has options to keep most stringent(with loest p-value)
#' or least stringent(highest p-value) peak if multiple overlapping peaks
#' were detected. By default, keep most stringent one.
#' @param replicate.type A charcter vector used to select type of input
#' Chip-seq replicate ( Biological / Technical replicate).
#' @param cmbStrgThreshold combined stringency threshold
#' against all enriched regions p-value, so we could identify
#' whether ERs fulfill combined stringency test, and result can be
#' set of confirmed/discarded peaks respectively.
#' @param isConfirmed logical vector that check whether ERs
#' comply combined stringency test.
#' @return
#' \code{isConfirmed} is \code{True}:
#' return set of peaks that  both passed from minimum overlapping
#' peak criteria and combined stringency test (Fisher method)
#' \code{isConfirmed} is \code{False} :
#' return set of peaks either  failed from Fisher method or
#' minimum overlapping requirement.
#' @export
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits
#' @importFrom S4Vectors subjectHits
#' @importFrom IRanges splitAsList
#' @importFrom IRanges relist
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
#' @importFrom rtracklayer mcols
#' @author Jurat Shahidin
#' @note Special thanks to Martin Morgan's contribution on this revision
#' @examples
#' # set up
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' library(rtracklayer)
#' # load peak files
#' files <- getPeakFile()[1:3]
#' grs <- readPeakFiles(files, pvalueBase=1L)
#' ## Exclude background noise
#' total.ERs <- denoise_ERs(peakGRs = grs, tau.w = 1.0E-04,
#'                         overwrite = TRUE)
#' ## explore set of confirmed, discarde peaks
#' confirmedERs <- runMSPC(peakset = total.ERs, whichType = "max",
#'                         cmbStrgThreshold = 1.0E-08, isConfirmed = TRUE)
#' discardedERs <- runMSPC(peakset = total.ERs, whichType = "max",
#'                         cmbStrgThreshold = 1.0E-08, isConfirmed = FALSE)

runMSPC <- function(peakset,
                    replicate.type=c("Biological", "Technical"),
                    isConfirmed=TRUE) {
    # sanity input param checking
    whichType = match.arg(whichType)
    replicate.type = match.arg(replicate.type)
    min.c <- ifelse(replicate.type=="Biological",
    # flatten out input peak list
    allPeaks <- unlist(peakset, use.names = FALSE)
    hitIdx <- findOverlaps(allPeaks)
    new_mcols <- DataFrame(
        query = factor(queryHits(hitIdx), levels=seq_along(allPeaks)),
        subject = factor(subjectHits(hitIdx), levels=seq_along(allPeaks)),
        score = allPeaks$score[subjectHits(hitIdx)],
        p.value = allPeaks$p.value[subjectHits(hitIdx)]
    new_mcols <- new_mcols[order(new_mcols$score),]
    len_vect <- rep(seq_along(peakset), lengths(peakset))
    bindHit <- cbind(new_mcols$query, len_vect[new_mcols$subject])
    if(whichType == "max") {
        message("use most stringent peaks")
        multiOv <- !duplicated(bindHit, fromLast=TRUE)
    multiOv <- !duplicated(bindHit, fromLast=FALSE)
    res <- new_mcols[multiOv,]
    # check cardinality for minimum overlapping peak requirement
    K <- tabulate(res$query) >= min.c
    keepIdx <- K[res$query]
    res <- res[keepIdx,]
    pvlist <- splitAsList(res$p.value, res$query)
    allPeaks$comb.pv <- pchisq(-2 * sum(log(pvlist)), df=lengths(pvlist), lower.tail=FALSE)
    Keep <- allPeaks$comb.pv <= cmbStrgThreshold
        Keep <- !(Keep)
    gr <- relist(allPeaks, peakset)[relist(Keep, peakset)]
julaiti/MSPC documentation built on Oct. 17, 2019, 9:44 p.m.