
# code for preparing the Berkeley growth study dataset with simulated incompleteness

library(mgcv)  # for smoothing the raw curves

# basic data preparation --------------------------------------------------
dat_raw = fda::growth

# transform to long dataset (and ensure appropriate sorting)
dat = data.frame(id    = factor(rep(c(colnames(dat_raw$hgtm), colnames(dat_raw$hgtf)),
																		each = length(dat_raw$age))),
								 index = rep(dat_raw$age, times = ncol(dat_raw$hgtm) + ncol(dat_raw$hgtf)),
								 value = c(as.vector(dat_raw$hgtm), as.vector(dat_raw$hgtf))) %>%
	arrange(id, index)

# slightly smooth the raw curves
smooth_list = lapply(unique(dat$id), function(curve_id) {
	d = dat %>% filter(id == curve_id)
	m = mgcv::gam(value ~ s(index, bs = "cr", k = 15), data = d)
	d$value = unname(mgcv::predict.gam(m))
dat_smooth = dplyr::bind_rows(smooth_list)

# take the first derivative -----------------------------------------------
deriv_list = lapply(levels(dat$id), function(curve_id) {
	d = dat_smooth %>% filter(id == curve_id)
	data.frame(id               = curve_id,
						 index            = d$index[2:nrow(d)],
						 value            = diff(d$value) / diff(d$index),
						 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dat_deriv = dplyr::bind_rows(deriv_list) %>%
	mutate(id = factor(id))

# simulate leading incompleteness -----------------------------------------
index_raw = unique(dat_deriv$index)
ids       = unique(dat_deriv$id)

# for each curve, draw a random starting time point in the first third of the domain
index_start = index_raw[index_raw < max(index_raw) / 3]
startpoints = sample(index_start,
										 size    = length(ids),
										 replace = TRUE)
# do not shorten id "girl12" to keep one complete curve as template
startpoints[match("girl12", ids)] <- min(index_raw)

growth_incomplete = dat_deriv
for (i in 1:length(ids)) {
	cut_rows = which(growth_incomplete$id == ids[i] & growth_incomplete$index < startpoints[i])
	if (length(cut_rows) > 0)
		growth_incomplete = growth_incomplete %>% slice(-cut_rows)

# simulate trailing incompleteness ----------------------------------------
# for each curve, draw a random end time point in the second half of the domain
index_end = index_raw[index_raw > max(index_raw) / 2]
endpoints = sample(index_end,
									 size    = length(ids),
									 replace = TRUE)
# do not shorten id "girl12" to keep one complete curve as template
endpoints[match("girl12", ids)] <- max(index_raw)

for (i in 1:length(ids)) {
	cut_rows = which(growth_incomplete$id == ids[i] & growth_incomplete$index > endpoints[i])
	if (length(cut_rows) > 0)
		growth_incomplete = growth_incomplete %>% slice(-cut_rows)

# save the prepared dataset -----------------------------------------------
usethis::use_data(growth_incomplete, overwrite = TRUE)
julia-wrobel/registr documentation built on Jan. 16, 2022, 2:51 a.m.