eNetXplorer-internal: Internal eNetXplorer functions

eNetXplorer-internalR Documentation

Internal eNetXplorer functions


Internal eNetXplorer functions


eNetXplorerGaussian(x, y, family, alpha, nlambda, nlambda.ext, seed, scaled, n_fold, 
n_run, n_perm_null, save_lambda_QF_full, QF.FUN, QF_label, QF_gaussian, ...)

eNetXplorerBinomial(x, y, family, alpha, nlambda, nlambda.ext, seed, scaled,
n_fold, n_run, n_perm_null, save_lambda_QF_full, QF.FUN, QF_label, binom_method,
binom_pos, fscore_beta, fold_distrib_fail.max, ...)

eNetXplorerMultinomial(x, y, family, alpha, nlambda, nlambda.ext, seed, scaled,
n_fold, n_run, n_perm_null, save_lambda_QF_full, QF.FUN, QF_label, multinom_method,
fscore_beta, fold_distrib_fail.max, ...)

eNetXplorerCox <- function(x, y, family, alpha, nlambda, nlambda.ext, seed, scaled,
n_fold, n_run, n_perm_null, save_lambda_QF_full, QF.FUN, QF_label, cox_index, ...)

plotMeasuredVsOOBNumer <- function (x, alpha.index, xlab, ylab, cex.lab, main, 
col.main, cex.main, instance.label, instance.label.cex, instance.label.offset,
instance.label.added.margin, col, ...)

plotMeasuredVsOOBCateg <- function (x, alpha.index, xlab, ylab, cex.lab, main, 
col.main, cex.main, instance.label, instance.label.cex, instance.label.offset,
box.wex, box.range, box.col,
transparency, jitter, cex.pt, class.color, ...)

plotFeatureCaterpillarMultinom(x, alpha.index, stat, feature.all, 
feature.pval.thres, feature.set, feature.top.n, signif.code, xlab, ylab, main, 
col.main, cex.main, line, subtitle, col.subtitle, line.subtitle, cex.subtitle, 
cexRow, cex.lab, legend, ...)

plotFeatureHeatmapMultinom(x, alpha.index, stat, feature.all, feature.pval.thres,
feature.set, feature.top.n, signif.code, xlab, ylab, main, col.main, cex.main, 
line, col, breaks, scale, Rowv, Colv, na.color, cexRow, srtRow, cexCol, srtCol,
margins, key, key.title, dendogram, trace, notecol.freq, notecol.coef, notecex,
subtitle1, col.subtitle1, line.subtitle1, cex.subtitle1, subtitle2, 
col.subtitle2, line.subtitle2, cex.subtitle2, ...)


These functions are not part of the package application programming interface (API) and are not intended for use by end users. Functions eNetXplorerGaussian, eNetXplorerBinomial, eNetXplorerMultinomial and eNetXplorerCox are called by function eNetXplorer to run models of type linear, binomial, multinomial and Cox, respectively. Functions plotMeasuredVsOOBNumer and plotMeasuredVsOOBCateg are called by function plotMeasuredVsOOB to generate plots for linear and categorical models, respectively. For multinomial models, functions plotFeatureCaterpillarMultinom and plotFeatureHeatmapMultinom are called by functions plotFeatureCaterpillar and plotFeatureHeatmap, respectively.


Julian Candia and John S. Tsang
Maintainer: Julian Candia julian.candia@nih.gov

juliancandia/eNetXplorer documentation built on May 11, 2023, 1:59 a.m.