eNetXplorer: generates family of elastic net models for different alphas

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eNetXplorerR Documentation

generates family of elastic net models for different alphas


Elastic net uses a mixing parameter alpha to tune the penalty term continuously from ridge (alpha=0) to lasso (alpha=1). eNetXplorer generates a family of elastic net models over different values of alpha for the quantitative exploration of the effects of shrinkage. For each alpha, the regularization parameter lambda is chosen by optimizing a quality (objective) function based on out-of-bag cross-validation predictions. Statistical significance of each model, as well as that of individual features within a model, is assigned by comparison to a set of null models generated by random permutations of the response. eNetXplorer fits linear (gaussian), logistic (binomial), multinomial, and Cox regression models.


eNetXplorer(x, y, family=c("gaussian","binomial","multinomial","cox"),
alpha=seq(0,1,by=0.2), nlambda=100, nlambda.ext=NULL, seed=NULL, scaled=TRUE, 
n_fold=5, n_run=100, n_perm_null=25, save_obj=FALSE, dest_dir=getwd(), 
dest_dir_create=TRUE, dest_dir_create_recur=FALSE, dest_obj="eNet.Robj",
save_lambda_QF_full=FALSE, QF.FUN=NULL, QF_label=NULL, 
multinom_method=c("avg accuracy","avg precision","avg recall","avg Fscore"), 
binom_pos=NULL, fscore_beta=NULL, fold_distrib_fail.max=100, 
cox_index=c("concordance","D-index"), logrank=FALSE, survAUC=FALSE, 
survAUC_time=NULL, ...)



Input numerical matrix with instances as rows and features as columns. Instance and feature labels should be provided as row and column names, respectively. Can be in sparse matrix format (inherit from class "sparseMatrix" as in package Matrix). Cannot handle missing values.


Response variable. For family="gaussian", numerical vector. For family= "binomial", factor with two levels. For family="multinomial", factor with two or more levels. For categorical families, if a vector is supplied, it will be coerced into a factor. For family="cox", matrix with columns named "time" and "status", where the latter is a binary indicator of event (1) or right-censoring (0).


Response type: "gaussian" (numerical), "binomial" (2-level factor), "multinomial" (factor with >=2 levels) or "cox" (survival time and censoring status).


Sequence of values for the mixing parameter penalty term in the elastic net family. Default is seq(0,1,by=0.2).


Number of values for the regularization parameter lambda. Default is 100. Irrespective of nlambda, the range of lambda values is assigned by glmnet.


If set to a value larger than nlambda, this will be the number of values for lambda obtained by extending the range assigned by glmnet symmetrically while keeping the lambda density uniform in log scale. Default is NULL, which will not extend the range of lambda assigned by glmnet.


Sets the pseudo-random number seed to enforce reproducibility. Default is NULL.


Z-score transformation of individual features across all instances. Default is TRUE.


Number of cross-validation folds per run. lambda is chosen based on the maximization of a quality function on out-of-bag-instances averaged over all runs. Default is 5.


Number of runs (i.e. cross-validated model iterations); for each run, instances are randomly assigned to cross-validation folds. Default is 100.


Number of random null-model permutations of the response per run. Default is 25.


Logical to save the eNetXplorer object. Default is FALSE.


Destination directory. Default is the working directory.


Creates destination directory if it does not exist already. Default is TRUE.


Creates destination directory recursively if it does not exist already. Default is FALSE.


Name for output eNetXplorer object.


Full lambda vs QF information is included in the eNetXplorer object. Default is FALSE.


User-defined quality (objective) function as maximization criterion to select lambda based on response vs out-of-bag predictions (see example below). If not set, family-specific default quality functions are used, as follows: for family="gaussian", default is correlation; for family="binomial", it is accuracy; for family="multinomial", it is average accuracy; for family="cox", it is the concordance index (default) or D-index (set by cox_index).


Label for user-defined quality function, if QF.FUN is provided.


For family="gaussian", this selects the default quality function as correlation (Pearson, Spearman and Kendall methods available) or mean squared error ("mse"). Default is "cor.pearson".


For family="binomial", method to be used in the quality function. Default is "accuracy".


For family="multinomial", method to be used in the quality function. Default is "avg accuracy".


For family="binomial" and quality function methods other than the default ("accuracy"), this is the class to be considered positive. Default is the first level of the response factor.


For family="binomial" and quality function method "Fscore", or for family= "multinomial" and quality function method "avg Fscore", this is the beta factor to balance precision and recall. Default is 1.


For categorical models, maximum number of failed attempts per run to have all classes represented in each in-bag fold. If this number is exceeded, the execution is halted; try again with larger n_fold, by removing/reasigning classes of small size, and/or with larger fold_distrib_fail.max. Default is 100.


For family="cox", index method to be used in the default quality function. Default is "concordance", alternative choice is "D-index".


For family="cox", logical to generate cross-validated log-rank test p-values of low- vs high-risk groups, defined by the median of out-of-bag predicted risk. Default is FALSE.


For family="cox", logical to calculate area-under-curve (AUC) from cross-validated time-dependent ROC curves based on out-of-bag predicted risk. Default is FALSE.


For family="cox" (if survAUC=T), numerical vector with timepoints of interest; time must be in the same units as the response variable y.


Accepts parameters from glmnet.control(...) to allow changes of factory default parameters in glmnet. If not explicitly set, it will use factory defaults.


For each alpha, a set of nlambda values is obtained using the full data; if provided, nlambda.ext allows to extend the range of lambda values symmetrically while keeping its density uniform in log scale. Using these values of lambda, elastic net cross-validation models are generated for n_run random assignments of instances among n_fold folds; the best lambda is determined by the maximization of a quality (objective) function that compares out-of-bag predictions against the response. A variety of quality functions are implemented for each response type, namely: for gaussian models, correlation (Pearson, Spearman and Kendall methods available) and mean squared error; for binomial models, accuracy, precision, recall, F-score, specificity, and area-under-curve; for multinomial models, average accuracy, precision, recall, and F-score; for Cox regression models, concordance and D-index (Schroeder et al). Some of these choices require additional parameters: binomial measures that are not invariant under class permutation (see Sokolova & Lapalme) require to specify which class is to be considered positive; F-score requires to specify the value of the beta factor to balance precision and recall (F-score equals precision for beta=0 and tends to recall in the large beta limit). Besides these built-in options, user-defined quality functions can be provided via QF.FUN. For each run, using the same assignment of instances into folds, n_perm_null null models are generated by shuffling the response. By using the quality function to compare the out-of-bag performance of the model to that of the null models, an empirical significance p-value is assigned to the model. Similar procedures allow to obtain p-values for individual features based on absolute coefficient magnitude and on the frequency of non-zero coefficients. A family of elastic net models is thus generated for multiple values of alpha spanning the range from ridge (alpha=0) to lasso (alpha=1). This function returns an eNetXplorer object on which summary, plotting and export functions in this package can be applied for further analysis. For details about the underlying elastic net models (Friedman et al; Zhou & Hastie), refer to the glmnet package and references therein. For more details about eNetXplorer, see Candia & Tsang and the package vignette.

For Cox regression models, setting logrank=T generates cross-validated log-rank test p-values of low- vs high-risk groups, which are defined by the median of out-of-bag predicted risk (Simon et al). Moreover, setting survAUC=T and providing a numerical vector survAUC_time with timepoints of interest generates the AUC from cross-validated time-dependent ROC curves based on out-of-bag predicted risk (Simon et al) using the timeROC package (Blanche et al).


An object with S3 class "eNetXplorer".


Predictor matrix used for regression (in sparse matrix format).


Response variable used for regression.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Input parameter.


Instance labels.


Feature labels.


glmnet parameters used for regression.


lambda values chosen by cross-validation.


Quality function values obtained by cross-validation.


P-value from model vs null comparison to assess statistical significance.


List of lambda values used for each alpha.


List of quality function values obtained for each alpha.


List of out-of-bag predicted values for each alpha; rows are instances and columns are median/mad predictions (for linear and Cox regression) or class predictions (for binomial and multinomial regression).


Mean of feature coefficients (over runs) weighted by non-zero frequency (over folds) in sparse matrix format, with features as rows and alpha values as columns. For multinomial regression, it is a list of matrices (one matrix for each class).


Standard deviation of feature coefficients (over runs) weighted by non-zero frequency (over folds) in sparse matrix format, with features as rows and alpha values as columns. For multinomial regression, it is a list of matrices (one matrix for each class).


Mean of non-zero frequency in sparse matrix format, with features as rows and alpha values as columns. For multinomial regression, it is a list of matrices (one matrix for each class).


Standard deviation of non-zero frequency in sparse matrix format, with features as rows and alpha values as columns. For multinomial regression, it is a list of matrices (one matrix for each class).


Analogous to feature_coef_wmean for null model permutations.


Analogous to feature_coef_wsd for null model permutations.


Analogous to feature_freq_mean for null model permutations.


Analogous to feature_freq_sd for null model permutations.


P-value from model vs null comparison to assess statistical significance of mean non-zero feature coefficients in sparse matrix format, with features as rows and alpha values as columns. For multinomial regression, it is a list of matrices (one matrix for each class).


P-value from model vs null comparison to assess statistical significance of mean non-zero feature frequencies in sparse matrix format, with features as rows and alpha values as columns. For multinomial regression, it is a list of matrices (one matrix for each class).


For Cox regression (if logrank=T), cross-validated log-rank test p-value of low- vs high-risk groups, defined by the median of out-of-bag predicted risk.


For Cox regression (if survAUC=T), mean AUC from cross-validated time-dependent ROC curves based on out-of-bag predicted risk, with timepoints (given by survAUC_time) as rows and alpha values as columns.


For Cox regression (if survAUC=T), standard deviation of AUC.


For Cox regression (if survAUC=T), 2.5th percentile of AUC.


For Cox regression (if survAUC=T), 50th percentile (median) of AUC.


For Cox regression (if survAUC=T), 97.5th percentile of AUC.


For Cox regression (if survAUC=T), p-value of AUC from model vs null comparison to assess statistical significance.


Julian Candia and John S. Tsang
Maintainer: Julian Candia julian.candia@nih.gov


Blanche P, Dartigues J-F and Jacqmin-Gadda H. Estimating and comparing time-dependent areas under receiver operating characteristic curves for censored event times with competing risks, Statistics in Medicine (2013) 32:5381-5397.

Candia J and Tsang JS. eNetXplorer: an R package for the quantitative exploration of elastic net families for generalized linear models, BMC Bioinformatics (2019) 20:189.

Friedman J, Hastie T and Tibshirani R. Regularization paths for generalized linear models via coordinate descent, Journal of Statistical Software (2010) 33:1-22.

Schroeder MS, Culhane AC, Quackenbush J, Haibe-Kains B. survcomp: an R/Bioconductor package for performance assessment and comparison of survival models, Bioinformatics (2011) 27:3206-8.

Simon RM, Subramanian J, Li M-C and Menezes S. Using cross-validation to evaluate predictive accuracy of survival risk classifiers based on high-dimensional data, Briefings in Bioinformatics (2011) 12:203-14.

Sokolova M and Lapalme G. A systematic analysis of performance measures for classification tasks, Information Processing and Management (2009) 45, 427-437.

Zou H and Hastie T. Regularization and variable selection via the elastic net, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (2005) 67:301-20.

See Also

summary, plot, summaryPDF, export, mergeObj


# Linear models (synthetic dataset comprised of 20 features and 75 instances):
fit = eNetXplorer(x=QuickStartEx$predictor, y=QuickStartEx$response,
family="gaussian", n_run=20, n_perm_null=10, seed=111)

# Example showing an explicit (i.e. custom) implementation of mean squared error as QF
# Note: mean squared error as QF is a built-in option using \code{QF_gaussian="mse"}
customQF = function(predicted,response){
fit = eNetXplorer(x=QuickStartEx$predictor, y=QuickStartEx$response,
family="gaussian", n_run=20, n_perm_null=10, seed=111, QF.FUN=customQF, QF_label="MSE")

# Linear models to predict numerical day-70 H1N1 serum titers based on 
# day-7 cell population frequencies:
fit = eNetXplorer(x=H1N1_Flow$predictor_day7, y=H1N1_Flow$response_numer[rownames(
H1N1_Flow$predictor_day7)], family="gaussian", n_run=25, n_perm_null=15, seed=111)

# Binomial models to predict acute myeloid (AML) vs acute lymphoblastic (ALL) 
# leukemias: 
fit = eNetXplorer(x=Leuk_miR_filt$predictor, y=Leuk_miR_filt$response_binomial, 
family="binomial", n_run=25, n_perm_null=15, seed=111)

# Multinomial models to predict acute myeloid (AML), acute B-cell lymphoblastic 
# (B-ALL) and acute T-cell lymphoblastic (T-ALL) leukemias:
fit = eNetXplorer(x=Leuk_miR_filt$predictor, y=Leuk_miR_filt$response_multinomial,
family="multinomial", n_run=25, n_perm_null=15, seed=111)

# Binomial models to predict B-ALL vs T-ALL:
fit = eNetXplorer(x=Leuk_miR_filt$predictor[Leuk_miR_filt$response_multinomial!="AML",],
family="binomial", n_run=25, n_perm_null=15, seed=111)

# Cox regression models to predict survival based on 7-gene signature:
fit = eNetXplorer(x=breastCancerSurv$predictor, y=breastCancerSurv$response, family="cox", 
n_run=25, n_perm_null=15, seed=111)

juliancandia/eNetXplorer documentation built on May 11, 2023, 1:59 a.m.