Man pages for julianstanley/SensorOverlord
A Tyrant of Absolute Quantitative Ratiometric Microscopy

adjustSpectraAdjusts a spectra, assuming that the actual spectra is not...
create_error_df_generalCreates a dataframe of errors at given inaccuracies
create_error_df_pHCreates a dataframe of errors in pH potential at given...
create_error_df_pH_multipleCreates an error df at multiple inaccuracies, with multiple...
create_error_df_pLigandCreates a dataframe of errors in pLigand potential at given...
create_error_df_pLigand_multipleCreates an error df at multiple inaccuracies, with multiple...
create_error_df_redoxCreates a dataframe of errors in redox potential at given...
create_error_df_redox_multipleCreates an error df at multiple inaccuracies, with multiple...
create_ranges_multipleTakes in the input of create_error_df_redox_multiple and...
EWhat is the redox potential (mV), given...
error_df-ligandSensor-methodFinds the error df of this ligand sensor at given...
error_df-pHSensor-methodFinds the error df of this pH sensor at given inaccuracies
error_df-redoxSensor-methodFinds the error df of this redox sensor at given inaccuracies
Error_EWhat is the error in redox potential at a given redox...
Error_generalA general function for calculating the error in some...
Error_pHWhat is the error in pH at a given pH, given some parameters...
Error_pLigandWhat is the error in pLigand at a given pLigand, given some...
formatSpectraDataFormats sensor information into a dataframe suitable for...
fraction_deprotWhat is the fraction deprotenated of a certain pH, given the...
getAbsError-R-redoxSensor-methodGet the error for a given sensor object at a given R
getAbsError-Sensor-methodGet the error for a given sensor object
getDbReturns the sensor database
getE_deriv-redoxSensor-methodGet the derivative of the redox potential (dE/dR) for a redox...
getE-redoxSensor-methodGet the redox potential (E) for a redox sensor
getErrorTable-Sensor-methodGet the error table for a given sensor object
getFractionMax-Sensor-methodGet the fraction of sensors in the state corresponding to...
getpH-pHSensor-methodGet the pH of a pH sensor
getProperty-pHSensor-methodGet the pH of a pH sensor (wrapper)
getProperty-redoxSensor-methodGet the redox potential (E) for a redox sensor (wrapper)
getProperty-Sensor-methodGet the fraction of sensors in the state corresponding to...
getR-Sensor-methodMethod to get an array of R values from a sensor
launchAppA wrapper function to run the included Shiny App
ligandSensor-classAn S4 class to represent a 2-state ligand sensor
newSensorFromSpectra-functionA function to convert a sensorSpectra to a Sensor
pHFinds pH, given R, Rmin, and Rmax
pHSensor-classAn S4 class to represent a 2-state pH sensor
pLigandFinds pLigand, given R, Rmin, and Rmax
plotFractionMax-pHSensor-methodPlot the fraction of pH sensors in the max state
plotFractionMax-redoxSensor-methodPlot the fraction of redox sensors in the max state
plotFractionMax-Sensor-methodPlot the fraction of sensors in the max state
plotProperty-pHSensor-methodPlot the fraction of pH of a pHSensor
plotProperty-redoxSensor-methodPlot the E of a redoxSensor
plotProperty-Sensor-methodPlot the fraction max of a generic
plot_ranges_generalTakes in a ranges_df dataframe and makes a plot!
plot_ranges_pHTakes in a ranges_df dataframe and makes a plot (for pH).
plot_ranges_pLigandTakes in a ranges_df dataframe and makes a plot (for...
plot_ranges_redoxTakes in a ranges_df dataframe and makes a plot (for redox).
plotSpectra-sensorSpectra-methodCreate a plot (ggplot object) for a sensorSpetra object
rangePlot-ligandSensor-methodMake a plot of the suited ranges for this ligandSensor
rangePlot-pHSensor-methodMake a plot of the suited ranges for this pHSensor
rangePlot-redoxSensor-methodMake a plot of the suited ranges for this sensor
ranges_dfFind the ranges df of an object
ranges_df-ligandSensor-methodFinds the ranges df of this ligand sensor at given...
ranges_df-pHSensor-methodFinds the ranges df of this pH sensor at given inaccuracies
ranges_df-redoxSensor-methodFinds the ranges df of this redox sensor at given...
redoxSensor-classAn S4 class to represent a 2-state redox sensor
reScaleToRange-functionA function to rescale a certain (x,y) matrix pair into a new...
R_of_EWhat was the recorded fluorescence ratio at a certain redox...
R_of_pHFinds R, given a pH
R_of_pLigandFinds R, given a pLigand
Sensor-classAn S4 class to represent a 2-state sensor
sensorSpectra-classAn S4 class to represent the emission spectrum of a 2-state...
spectraMatrixFromValues-functionA function to make a sensorSpectra from a set of 4 vectors
julianstanley/SensorOverlord documentation built on Oct. 19, 2020, 2:29 p.m.