# File: cclasso.R
# Aim : Correlation inference for compositional data through lasso
# Author : Fang Huaying (Peking University)
# Email : hyfang@pku.edu.cn
# Date : 2016-01-08
# Version: 2.0
# Main function: cclasso(x, counts = FALSE, pseudo = 0.5, k_cv = 3,
# lam_int = c(1e-4, 1), k_max = 20, n_boot = 20)
# Input:
# x ------ n x p data matrix (row/column is sample/variable)
# n samples & p compositional variables
# counts ------ Is the compositional data matrix a count matrix?
# Default: FALSE
# pseudo ------ pseudo count if counts = TRUE
# Default: 0.5
# k_cv ------ folds of cross validation
# Default: 3
# lam_int ------ tuning parameter interval
# Default: [1e-4, 1]
# k_max ------ maximum iterations for golden section method
# Default: 20
# n_boot ------ Bootstrap times
# Default: 20
# Output:
# A list structure contains:
# var_w ------ variance estimation
# cor_w ------ correlation estimation
# p_vals ------ p-values for elements of cor_w equal 0 or not
# lambda ------ final tuning parameter
# info_cv ------ information for cross validation
cclasso <- function(x, counts = FALSE, pseudo = 0.5, k_cv = 3,
lam_int = c(1e-4, 1), k_max = 20, n_boot = 20) {
n <- nrow(x);
p <- ncol(x);
if(counts) {
x <- x + pseudo;
x <- x / rowSums(x);
x <- log(x);
vx2 <- stats::var(x);
# Diagonal weight for loss function
rmean_vx2 <- rowMeans(vx2);
wd <- 1/diag(vx2 - rmean_vx2 - rep(rmean_vx2, each = p) + mean(rmean_vx2));
wd2 <- sqrt(wd);
# Some global parameters for optimization with single lambda
rho <- 1;
u_f <- eigen(diag(p) - 1/p)$vectors;
wd_u <- (t(u_f) %*% (wd * u_f))[-p, -p];
wd_u_eig <- eigen(wd_u);
d0_wd <- 1 / ( (rep(wd_u_eig$values, each = p-1) + wd_u_eig$values) /
(2 * rho) + 1 );
u0_wd <- wd_u_eig$vectors;
# Golden section method for the selection of lambda (log10 scale)
sigma <- vx2;
lam_int2 <- log10(range(lam_int));
a1 <- lam_int2[1];
b1 <- lam_int2[2];
# Store lambda and corresponding cross validation's loss
lams <- NULL;
fvals <- NULL;
# Two trial points in first
a2 <- a1 + 0.382 * (b1 - a1);
b2 <- a1 + 0.618 * (b1 - a1);
fb2 <- cv_loss_cclasso(lambda2 = 10^b2 / rho, x = x, k_cv = k_cv,
sigma = sigma, wd = wd, u_f = u_f, u0_wd = u0_wd, d0_wd = d0_wd,
wd2 = wd2);
lams <- c(lams, b2);
fvals <- c(fvals, fb2$cv_loss);
fa2 <- cv_loss_cclasso(lambda2 = 10^a2 / rho, x = x, k_cv = k_cv,
sigma = fb2$sigma, wd = wd, u_f = u_f, u0_wd = u0_wd, d0_wd = d0_wd,
wd2 = wd2);
lams <- c(lams, a2);
fvals <- c(fvals, fa2$cv_loss);
# Error tolerance for convergence
err_lam2 <- 1e-1 * max(1, lam_int2);
err_fval <- 1e-4;
err <- b1 - a1;
k <- 0;
while(err > err_lam2 && k < k_max) {
fval_max <- max(fa2$cv_loss, fb2$cv_loss);
if(fa2$cv_loss > fb2$cv_loss) {
a1 <- a2;
a2 <- b2;
fa2 <- fb2;
b2 <- a1 + 0.618 * (b1 - a1);
fb2 <- cv_loss_cclasso(lambda2 = 10^b2 / rho, x = x, k_cv = k_cv,
sigma = fa2$sigma, wd = wd, u_f = u_f, u0_wd = u0_wd, d0_wd = d0_wd,
wd2 = wd2);
lams <- c(lams, b2);
fvals <- c(fvals, fb2$cv_loss);
} else {
b1 <- b2;
b2 <- a2;
fb2 <- fa2;
a2 <- a1 + 0.382 * (b1 - a1);
fa2 <- cv_loss_cclasso(lambda2 = 10^a2 / rho, x = x, k_cv = k_cv,
sigma = fb2$sigma, wd = wd, u_f = u_f, u0_wd = u0_wd, d0_wd = d0_wd,
wd2 = wd2);
lams <- c(lams, a2);
fvals <- c(fvals, fa2$cv_loss);
fval_min <- min(fa2$cv_loss, fb2$cv_loss);
k <- k + 1;
err <- b1 - a1;
if(abs(fval_max - fval_min) / (1 + fval_min) <= err_fval) {
info_cv <- list(lams = lams, fvals = fvals, k = k + 2,
lam_int = 10^c(a1, b1));
if(a1 == lam_int2[1] || b1 == lam_int2[2]) {
cat("WARNING:\n", "\tOptimal lambda is near boundary! ([", 10^a1, ",",
10^b1, "])\n", sep = "");
lambda <- 10^((a2 + b2)/2);
# Bootstrap for cclasso
lambda2 <- lambda / rho;
info_boot <- boot_cclasso(x = x, sigma = fb2$sigma, lambda2 = lambda2,
n_boot = n_boot, wd = wd, u_f = u_f, u0_wd = u0_wd, d0_wd = d0_wd);
return(list(var_w = info_boot$var_w, cor_w = info_boot$cor_w,
p_vals = info_boot$p_vals, lambda = lambda, info_cv = info_cv));
# Bootstrap for cclasso
boot_cclasso <- function(x, sigma, lambda2, n_boot = 20,
wd, u_f, u0_wd, d0_wd) {
n <- nrow(x);
p <- ncol(x);
# Store the result of bootstrap
cors_boot <- matrix(0, nrow = p * (p - 1)/2, ncol = n_boot + 1);
vars_boot <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = n_boot + 1);
cors_mat <- matrix(0, p, p);
ind_low <- lower.tri(cors_mat);
# Bootstrap procedure
sam_boot <- matrix(sample(1:n, size = n * n_boot, replace = T),
ncol = n_boot);
for(k in 1:n_boot) {
ind_samp <- sam_boot[, k];
sigma2 <- cclasso_sub(sigma = sigma, vx = var(x[ind_samp, ]),
lambda2 = lambda2, wd = wd, u_f = u_f, u0_wd = u0_wd, d0_wd = d0_wd);
vars_boot[, k] <- diag(sigma2);
Is <- 1 / sqrt(vars_boot[, k]);
cors_mat <- Is * sigma2 * rep(Is, each = p);
cors_boot[, k] <- cors_mat[ind_low];
Is <- 1 / sqrt(diag(sigma));
cors_mat <- sigma * Is * rep(Is, each = p);
cors_boot[, n_boot + 1] <- cors_mat[ind_low];
vars_boot[, n_boot + 1] <- diag(sigma);
# Variance estimation via bootstrap
vars2 <- rowMeans(vars_boot);
# Correlations' relationship for artificial null sample
tol_cor <- 1e-3;
sam_art0 <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n) * rep(sqrt(vars2), each = n);
cors_art0 <- cor(sam_art0)[ind_low];
sam_art <- sam_art0 - log(rowSums(exp(sam_art0)));
sigma_art <- cclasso_sub(sigma = sigma, vx = var(sam_art),
lambda2 = lambda2, wd = wd, u_f = u_f, u0_wd = u0_wd, d0_wd = d0_wd);
Is <- 1 / sqrt(diag(sigma_art));
cors_mat <- Is * sigma_art * rep(Is, each = p);
cors_art2 <- cors_mat[ind_low];
# Bias of estimation between absolute data and cclasso of compositional data
cors0m2 <- log( ((1 + cors_art0) * (1 - cors_art2)) / ((1 + cors_art2) *
(1 - cors_art0)) );
tmp <- abs(cors_art2) >= tol_cor;
bias02 <- ifelse(sum(tmp), median(abs(cors0m2)[tmp]), 0);
# Modification of estimation for cclasso
cors2 <- log( (1 + cors_boot) / (1 - cors_boot) );
cors2mod <- (cors_boot >= tol_cor) * (cors2 + bias02) +
(cors_boot <= -tol_cor) * (cors2 - bias02);
cors2mod <- 1 - rowMeans(2 / (exp(cors2mod) + 1));
cors2_mat <- diag(p);
cors2_mat[ind_low] <- cors2mod;
cors2_mat <- t(cors2_mat);
cors2_mat[ind_low] <- cors2mod;
# P-values with null distribution of correlation estimations of absolute data
p_vals <- pt(cors2mod * sqrt((n - 2) / (1 - cors2mod^2)), df = n - 2);
p_vals <- ifelse(p_vals <= 0.5, p_vals, 1 - p_vals);
pval_mat <- diag(p);
pval_mat[ind_low] <- p_vals;
pval_mat <- t(pval_mat);
pval_mat[ind_low] <- p_vals;
return(list(var_w = vars2, cor_w = cors2_mat, p_vals = pval_mat));
# cross validation's loss of cclasso for single lambda
cv_loss_cclasso <- function(lambda2, x, k_cv, sigma,
wd, u_f, u0_wd, d0_wd, wd2) {
n <- nrow(x);
p <- ncol(x);
n_b <- floor(n / k_cv);
cv_loss <- 0;
for(k in 1:k_cv) {
itest <- (n_b * (k - 1) + 1):(n_b * k);
vxk <- stats::var(x[itest, ]);
vx2k <- stats::var(x[-itest, ]);
sigma <- cclasso_sub(sigma = sigma, vx = vx2k, lambda2 = lambda2,
wd = wd, u_f = u_f, u0_wd = u0_wd, d0_wd = d0_wd);
dsig <- sigma - vxk;
tmp <- rowMeans(dsig);
dsig <- dsig - tmp - rep(tmp, each = p) + mean(tmp);
cv_loss <- cv_loss + base::norm(wd2 * dsig, "F")^2;
return(list(cv_loss = cv_loss, sigma = sigma));
# cclasso for single lambda
cclasso_sub <- function(sigma, vx, lambda2,
wd, u_f, u0_wd, d0_wd,
k_max = 200, x_tol = 1e-4) {
p <- ncol(sigma);
sigma2 <- sigma;
LAMBDA <- matrix(0, p, p);
lambda2 <- matrix(lambda2, p, p);
diag(lambda2) <- 0;
k <- 0;
err <- 1;
while(err > x_tol && k < k_max) {
# Update sigma
x_sigma <- t(u_f) %*% ((sigma2 - vx) - LAMBDA) %*% u_f;
x_sigma[-p,-p] <- u0_wd %*% ((t(u0_wd) %*% x_sigma[-p, -p] %*% u0_wd) *
d0_wd) %*% t(u0_wd);
sigma_new <- vx + u_f %*% x_sigma %*% t(u_f);
# Update sigma2
A <- LAMBDA + sigma_new;
sigma2_new <- (A > lambda2) * (A - lambda2) + (A < -lambda2) *
(A + lambda2);
# Update Lambda
LAMBDA <- LAMBDA + (sigma_new - sigma2_new);
err <- max( abs(sigma_new - sigma)/(abs(sigma) + 1),
abs(sigma2_new - sigma2)/(abs(sigma2) + 1) );
k <- k + 1;
sigma <- sigma_new;
sigma2 <- sigma2_new;
if(k >= k_max) {
cat("WARNING of cclasso_sub:\n", "\tMaximum Iteration:", k_max,
"&& Relative error:", err, "!\n");
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