Man pages for juliendelile/Antler
ANother Transcriptome Lineage ExploreR

add_color_mapAdd a new color map.
Antler-classInterface of the Antler package (reference class).
brew_more_colorsBuild and name color palette vectors
build_pseudotime_treeReconstruct pseudotime tree
carveReconstruct cell state lineage trajectories
cell_clusters_identifyCluster cells from a selected gene module list.
cell_namesReturns the current cell names.
cell_state_graph_plotPlot cell state graph
convert_ensembl_id_to_nameReplace ensembl gene ids with gene names
define_cell_samplesDefine the cells sample names and map the cell colors to some...
dispersed_genesPrint highly-dispersed genes.
exclude_exotic_genesExclude genes from their name pattern.
exclude_unexpressed_genesExclude genes with low expression.
export_expressionsetExport internal expression set.
gene_modules_exportSave gene module to file.
gene_modules_identifyIdentify gene modules.
gene_modules_report_genesReport whether genes belong to modules
gene_modules_select_from_gene_namesSelect gene modules from gene names
gene_modules_select_from_idsSelect gene modules from indices
gene_namesReturns the current gene names.
genes_from_GOtermsConvert GO terms to gene names.
load_datasetImport a RNA-seq dataset into Antler.
normalizeNormalize gene expression levels.
num_cellsReturns the current number of cells.
num_genesReturns the current number of genes.
plot_pseudotime_dynamicsVisualize the smoothed gene expression dynamics along...
plot_QCRender various plots indicating the tallied gene and cell...
plot_transcriptome_summaryHeatmap of the transcriptomic profile.
read_countsReturns a gene expression matrix.
remove_cellsExclude cells from the current dataset
remove_clustersExclude cells belonging to one or more clusters
remove_genesExclude genes from the current dataset.
remove_outliersRemove outlier genes and cells.
reportPrint the current analysis log in the console.
sample_sizeReturns a contingency table with the counts per type of cell...
save_datasetSave dataset to file.
select_dispersed_genesSelect highly-dispersed genes.
set_favorite_genesStore a list of favorite gene names.
smoothSmooth gene expression using the cell state graph
test_kernel_widthsPlot cell state graph over different gaussian kernel widths
juliendelile/Antler documentation built on June 19, 2021, 9 a.m.