
w <- gwindow("Example of the gpanel widget", visible=FALSE)
gstatusbar("Powered by Rook and gWidgetsWWW2", cont=w)

g <- ggroup(cont=w, horizontal=FALSE, use.scrollwindow=TRUE)

The gpanel widget lets one incorporate other JavaScript libraries<br/>
into gWidgetsWWW2. Well hopefully. In the following, we use the d3<br/>
library (<a href=''>d3.js</a>) where this<br/>
example is from.
", cont=g)

pan <- gpanel(cont=g, width=1000, height=500)

## The d3_cmds are defined below. This will be called asychronously
## after load_external is done downloading the libraries
pan$add_handler_onload(function(h,...) {

## load_external can download a series of scripts, this
## worked before d3 went monolithic
#d3_url <- ""
#d3_geo_url = ""
#pan$load_external(c(d3_url, d3_geo_url))

d3_url <- ""

## template for d3_cmds. The only feature here is the use of #{{div_id}} for the
## method. This is filled in by whisker using pan$div_id().
tpl <- '
var us_states_json = {{json_data}};

var path = d3.geo.path();

var svg ="#{{div_id}}")

var states = svg.append("g")
    .attr("id", "states");

    .attr("d", path);

## states data comes from d3 example page. Processed with:
## x <- readLines("")
## x <- gsub('"', "'",x)
## cat(paste(x, collapse="\n"), file="states.json")
states_json <- readLines(system.file("ex_data","states.json", package="gWidgetsWWW2"))

## make the commands
d3_cmds <- whisker.render(tpl, list(div_id=pan$div_id(),
                                    json_data=paste(states_json, collapse="")))
jverzani/gWidgetsWWW2 documentation built on Feb. 9, 2020, 5:18 p.m.