find.pdbs: Find PDB structures for a Uniprot accession

View source: R/orthologs.R

find.pdbsR Documentation

Find PDB structures for a Uniprot accession


Finds PDB structures that contain the protein indicated by the given Uniprot accession. Checks for a local cache file of previous results. If such a cache exists, the pre-calculated results will be returned, otherwise queries to Uniprot and PDB will be made.


find.pdbs(acc, filterRange = NA)



the Uniprot accession


a data.frame with the following columns:

  • pdb: the PDB accession of the structure

  • method: the experimental method for this structure, e.g NMR, X-ray or Model

  • resolution: the resolution of this structure, in Angstrom.

  • mainChains: a /-separated list of chain IDs that correspond to the protein with the given Uniprot accession.

  • start: the first amino acid of the protein represented in the structure

  • end: the last amino acid of the protein represented in the structure

  • partners: a comma-separated list of interaction partners if the structure is of a complex. Each item follows the syntax chainID=UniprotID/ProteinName

jweile/mavevis documentation built on Oct. 30, 2023, 7:16 a.m.