
Defines functions sampleMeans_histogram updateSampleMeans randomSample_histogram randomSample

Documented in randomSample randomSample_histogram sampleMeans_histogram updateSampleMeans

#' @name randomSample
#' @export
#' @author Joe Zemmels
#' @title Generate an arbitrary number of random samples from a normal distribution
#' @description Returns a data frame whose columns are random samples from a normal distribution
#' @param mu mean of normal distribution
#' @param sigma standard deviation of normal distribution
#' @param sampleSize size of each sample
#' @param numSamples number of random samples to be generated
#' @return A data frame whose columns are random samples from a normal distribution
#' @examples
#' head(randomSample(mu=1,sigma=4,sampleSize=100,numSamples=5))
#' @import magrittr
#' @import checkmate
#' @importFrom stats rnorm

randomSample <- function(mu=0,sigma=1,sampleSize=25,numSamples=1){
  assertNumeric(c(mu,sigma,sampleSize,numSamples),any.missing = FALSE,finite = TRUE)

  dat <- rnorm(n=sampleSize*numSamples,mean=mu,sd=sigma) %>%
    matrix(ncol=numSamples) %>%

  assertDataFrame(dat,any.missing = FALSE)

#' @name randomSample_histogram
#' @export
#' @author Joe Zemmels
#' @title Generate a histogram of a random sample
#' @description Returns a ggplot or plotly object of a histogram generated from a random sample
#' @param sampleData data frame of random samples from a normal distribution
#' @param binwidth width of bins in histogram
#' @param variableName name of variable to be labeled on the x-axis of histogram
#' @param plotly specifies whether a plotly object is desired
#' @return A ggplot or plotly object, depending on whether the plotly argument was specified TRUE or FALSE.
#' @examples
#' dat <- randomSample(mu=1,sigma=4,sampleSize=100,numSamples=5)
#' randomSample_histogram(dat)
#' @importFrom plotly ggplotly
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import checkmate
#' @importFrom rlang .data

randomSample_histogram <- function(sampleData,binwidth=1,variableName="Height",plotly=FALSE){
  assertDataFrame(sampleData,any.missing = FALSE)
  assertNumber(binwidth,na.ok = FALSE,finite = TRUE)
  assertCharacter(variableName,any.missing = FALSE)

  dat <- data.frame(x=sampleData[,ncol(sampleData)]) #grabs last sample in sampleData

  #sampleBinwidth <- as.numeric(2*(quantile(dat$x,.75) - quantile(dat$x,.25))*(length(dat$x))^(-1/3)) ##https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedman%E2%80%93Diaconis_rule

  plt <- dat %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=.data$x)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth=binwidth,fill="lightblue",colour="black",size=1) +
    xlab(variableName) +

    plt <- ggplotly(plt)


#' @name updateSampleMeans
#' @export
#' @author Joe Zemmels
#' @title Create/update a data frame of sample means
#' @description Creates or updates a data frame of sample means from a randomSample object passed to it
#' @param sampleData data frame of random samples from a normal distribution
#' @param sampleMeans data frame of sample means (empty data frame is initialized if this is argument is blank)
#' @return A data frame of sample means from each sample in randomSample
#' @examples
#' dat <- randomSample(numSamples=100)
#' head(updateSampleMeans(sampleData=dat))
#' @import checkmate

updateSampleMeans <- function(sampleData,sampleMeans=NULL){
  assertDataFrame(sampleMeans,null.ok = TRUE)
  assertDataFrame(sampleData,null.ok = TRUE,any.missing = FALSE)

    sampleMeans <- data.frame() #initialize an empty data frame if sampleMeans hasn't been passed

  sampleMeans <- data.frame(means = c(sampleMeans$means,colMeans(sampleData)))


#' @name sampleMeans_histogram
#' @export
#' @author Joe Zemmels
#' @title Generate a histogram of sample means
#' @description Returns a ggplot or plotly object of a histogram generated from a set of sample means
#' @param sampleMeans data frame of sample means
#' @param binwidth width of bins in histogram
#' @param variableName name of variable to be labeled on the x-axis of histogram
#' @param plotly specifies whether a plotly object is desired
#' @return A ggplot or plotly object, depending on whether the plotly argument was specified TRUE or FALSE.
#' @examples
#' data("sampleData_means")
#' sampleMeans_histogram(sampleData_means,binwidth=.1)
#' @importFrom plotly ggplotly
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import magrittr
#' @import checkmate
#' @importFrom rlang .data

sampleMeans_histogram <- function(sampleMeans,binwidth=1,variableName="Height",plotly=FALSE){
  assertDataFrame(sampleMeans,any.missing = FALSE)
  assertNumber(binwidth,na.ok = FALSE,finite = TRUE)

  #meansBinwidth <- as.numeric(2*(quantile(sampleMeans$means,.75) - quantile(sampleMeans$means,.25))*(length(sampleMeans$means))^(-1/3)) #https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedman%E2%80%93Diaconis_rule

  plt <- sampleMeans %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=.data$means)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth=binwidth,fill="lightblue",colour="black",size=1,na.rm=TRUE) +
    xlab(paste("Mean",variableName)) +

    plt <- ggplotly(plt)

jzemmels/statsfoRdummies documentation built on Oct. 31, 2020, 6:58 a.m.