#' Function producing the overview of whole object.
#' @keywords internal
view_specimens <- function(object) {
Msg <- paste0(
"## object of class 'specimens'\n",
" collections: ", nrow(object@collections), "\n",
" specimens: ", nrow(object@specimens), "\n",
" determinations: ", nrow(object@history), "\n"
#' Function producing the overview per collection.
#' @keywords internal
view_collection <- function(object, format = "%d.%m.%Y") {
n1 <- nrow(object@collections)
t1 <- with(
rep("------------------------------\n", n1),
paste0("collection: ", paste(coll_nr), "\n"),
paste0("collector: ", paste(leg), "\n"),
paste0("date: ", format(coll_date, format = format), "\n")
rownames(t1) <- paste(object@collections$coll_nr)
# Number of specimens per collection
nr_spec <- aggregate(spec_id ~ coll_nr, data = object@specimens, FUN = length)
nr_spec <- with(nr_spec, paste(spec_id)[match(rownames(t1), paste(coll_nr))])
nr_spec[is.na(nr_spec)] <- "0"
t1 <- cbind(t1, paste0("specimens: ", nr_spec, "\n"))
# Updated determination
Det <- object@history[order(object@history$det_date, decreasing = TRUE), ]
Det <- Det[!duplicated(Det$spec_id), ]
Det$coll_nr <- with(object@specimens, coll_nr[match(Det$spec_id, spec_id)])
# Adding indetermined specimens
indet <- object@specimens[
!object@specimens$spec_id %in% Det$spec_id,
c("spec_id", "coll_nr")
if (nrow(indet) > 0) {
indet$det_date <- as.Date(NA)
indet$taxon_name <- "indet."
Det <- insert_rows(Det, indet)
Det <- split(Det, Det$coll_nr)
show_det <- function(x) {
x <- with(x, paste(spec_id, taxon_name, paste0(
"(det: ", det, ", ",
format(det_date, format = format), ")\n"
x <- paste(x, collapse = "")
return(paste0("\n", x))
Det <- unlist(lapply(Det, show_det))
Det <- Det[match(rownames(t1), names(Det))]
Det[is.na(Det)] <- ""
t1 <- cbind(t1, Det)
cat(paste0(paste0(t(t1), collapse = ""), "------------------------------\n"))
#' @name summary
#' @rdname summary
#' @title Print overviews for 'specimens'
#' @description
#' A method to display either an overview of the content of
#' [specimens-class] objects or an overview of selected taxa.
#' @param object,x A [specimens-class] object.
#' @param coll_nr Vector with collections IDs to be displayed in the summary.
#' The keyword "all" is set as default indicating that all collections will
#' be included in the summary.
#' @param spec_id Vector with IDs of specimens that will result in a display of
#' the determination history of the specimens but will be ignored if values
#' for 'coll_nr' are provided.
#' @param format Character value indicating the format applied to dates in the
#' displays. See [strptime()] for alternative formats.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from another methods.
#' @author Miguel Alvarez \email{kamapu@@posteo.de}
#' @aliases summary,specimens-method
#' @exportMethod summary
"summary", signature(object = "specimens"),
function(object, coll_nr = "all", spec_id, format = "%d.%m.%Y", ...) {
if (coll_nr != "all") {
object@collections <- object@collections[object@collections$coll_nr %in%
coll_nr, ]
object@specimens <- object@specimens[object@specimens$coll_nr %in%
object@collections$coll_nr, ]
view_collection(object, format = format)
} else {
if (!missing(spec_id)) {
return(object@history[object@history$spec_id %in% spec_id, ])
} else {
view_collection(object, format = format)
#' @rdname summary
#' @aliases show,specimens-method
#' @exportMethod show
"show", signature(object = "specimens"),
function(object) {
#' @exportMethod print
if (!isGeneric("print")) {
function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname summary
#' @aliases print print,specimens-method
"print", signature(x = "specimens"),
function(x, ...) {
view_specimens(x, ...)
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