
#' @name vegtable-class
#' @aliases vegtable
#' @title Class vegtable.
#' @description
#' Class holding vegetation-plot data sets.
#' Designed to content all information stored in **Turboveg** databases in
#' just one object.
#' This class was designed to include information of relevés, header data and
#' species in just one object. Objects can be created by calls of the form
#' `new("vegtable", ...)`.
#' @slot description A named character vector containing metadata.
#' @slot samples A data frame with samples list.
#' @slot header A data frame with plots data.
#' @slot species Species list as a [taxlist-class] object.
#' @slot layers A list including strata within samples as data frames.
#' @slot relations A list including popup lists as data frames.
#' @slot coverconvert A scale conversion object of class [coverconvert-class].
#' @slot syntax A list including syntaxonomic lists either as data frames or as
#'   [taxlist-class] objects.
#' @seealso [tv2vegtable()]
#' @examples
#' showClass("vegtable")
#' @exportClass vegtable
  slots = c(
    description = "character",
    samples = "data.frame",
    layers = "list",
    header = "data.frame",
    species = "taxlist",
    relations = "list",
    coverconvert = "coverconvert",
    syntax = "list"
  prototype = list(
    description = character(),
    samples = data.frame(ReleveID = integer(), TaxonUsageID = integer()),
    layers = list(),
    header = data.frame(ReleveID = integer()),
    species = new("taxlist"),
    relations = list(),
    coverconvert = new("coverconvert"),
    syntax = list()
  validity = function(object) {
    # Mandatory names in samples (only for objects with records) -------------
    if (nrow(object@samples) > 0 & any(!c("ReleveID", "TaxonUsageID") %in%
      colnames(object@samples))) {
        "Columns 'ReleveID' and 'TaxonUsageID' are",
        "mandatory in slot 'samples'"
    # TODO: Use a better message (showing missmatching names)
    for (i in names(object@layers)) {
      if (!i %in% colnames(object@samples)) {
          "Layers of '", i,
          "' not included in slot 'samples'"
      if (!i %in% colnames(object@layers[[i]])) {
          "Column '", i,
          "' is mandatory in layer table '", i, "'"
    if (!"ReleveID" %in% colnames(object@header)) {
      return("Column 'ReleveID' is mandatory in slot 'header'")
    for (i in names(object@relations)) {
      if (!i %in% colnames(object@header)) {
          "Relation '", i,
          "' not included in slot 'header'"
      if (!i %in% colnames(as.data.frame(object@relations[[i]]))) {
        return(paste0("Column '", i, "' is mandatory in relation '", i, "'"))
      if (any(!object@header[[i]] %in% object@relations[[i]][[i]] &
        !is.na(object@header[[i]]))) {
          "Some values of '", i,
          "' in header do not macht the values in slot relations."
    # Mandatory links --------------------------------------------------------
    if (!all(object@samples$ReleveID %in% object@header$ReleveID)) {
        "Some releve IDs from slot 'samples' are missing",
        "in slot 'header'"
    if (any(is.na(object@samples$TaxonUsageID))) {
      return("NAs are not allowed in 'TaxonUsageID' at slot 'samples'.")
    if (any(!object@samples$TaxonUsageID %in%
      object@species@taxonNames$TaxonUsageID)) {
      return("Some taxon names are missing in slot 'species'")
    # Other consistency tests ------------------------------------------------
    if (any(duplicated(object@header$ReleveID))) {
      return("Duplicated releve IDs are not allowed in slot 'header'")
    # Validation for layers --------------------------------------------------
    for (i in names(object@layers)) {
      if (any(!object@samples[!is.na(object@samples[, i]), i] %in%
        object@layers[[i]][, i])) {
          "Some values of'", i,
          "' in slot 'samples' are missing in slot 'layers'"
    # Validation for syntaxonomy ---------------------------------------------
    if (length(object@syntax) > 0) {
      if (!all(sapply(object@syntax, class) == "taxlist")) {
        return("Only 'taxlist' objects are allowed in slot 'syntax'.")
      for (i in names(object@syntax)) {
        noNA <- object@header[[paste("syntax", i, sep = "_")]]
        noNA <- noNA[!is.na(noNA)]
        if (!all(noNA %in% object@syntax[[i]]@taxonNames$TaxonUsageID)) {
            "Not all values of 'syntax_", i,
            "' contained in the respective syntaxonomy."
kamapu/vegtable documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 8:25 a.m.