
#' Get available locations.
#' Look at data files to determine available lat/lng combinations.
#' @export
#' @param dir a directory location, default 'data/locations'.
#' @param from.files boolean to get locations from files present or 
#'   from previously compiled list.
#' @param write boolean to write a list of all locations, default FALSE
#' @param list.file string filename to read/write, default "data/locations.csv"
#' @return data frame of latitude/longitude pairs
availableLocations <- function(dir="data/historical",
                               list.file = "data/locations.csv") {
  if (!from.files) {
  else {
    files = list.files(dir)
    m = matrix(nrow=length(files),ncol=2)
    for (i in 1:length(files)) {
      f = strsplit(files[i],"_")[[1]]
      m[i,1] = f[2]
      m[i,2] = f[3]
    locs = data.frame(latitude=m[,1], longitude=m[,2])
  if (write) write.csv(locs, file=list.file, row.names=FALSE)

#' Get crop names available for a given location.
#' Given a lat/lng pair, gets a list of cropids and then
#' fetches crop names based on those ids.
#' @param lat the latitude.
#' @param lng the longitude.
#' @return vector of crop names.
#' @export
availableCrops <- function(lat,lng, loc.data=locationCrops, crop.data=crops) {
  cropids = filter(loc.data, 
                         latitude==lat & 
  filter(crops, id %in% cropids)$name

#' Tests if year is a leap year.
#' Check to see that year is a leap year
#' @export
#' @param year an integer
#' @return boolean
#' @examples 
#' is.leapYear(2000) #TRUE
#' is.leapYear(2003) #FALSE
is.leapYear <- function(yr) {
  as.logical(!(yr %% 400) || !((yr %% 4) && (yr %% 100)))

#' Create a vector of dates.
#' Creates a vector of dates from a start and end year, inclusive.
#' @export
#' @param year.start the year to start with, default 1915
#' @param year.end the last year, default 2006
#' @return vector of date-formatted values
dateVector <- function(year.start=1915, year.end=2006) {
  day0 = as.Date(paste0(year.start,"-01-01"))
  till.leapyear = abs(2000-year.start) %% 4
  num.years = year.end - year.start - till.leapyear
  # 365*number of years until the next leap year +
  # 366 for the first leap year + 
  # floor(365.25*number of years left)
  # - 1
  num.days = 365 * till.leapyear + 366 + floor(365.25*num.years) - 1
  #return formatted as dates
  as.Date(day0 + 0:num.days)

#' Run R shiny app.
#' Launch the data visualization decision tool
#' web app.
#' @export
runApp <- function() {
  appDir <- system.file("app", package = "cbccy")
  if (appDir == "") {
    stop("Could not find app directory. Try re-installing `cbccy`.", call. = FALSE)
  shiny::runApp(appDir, display.mode = "normal")
karawoo/cbccy documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:21 a.m.